Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1083 Flying Dragon Reform

Neon Islands·True·Super Robot Competition dedicated port.

The huge flying dragon has docked.

Lin Youde stood on the deck of Feilong Kai, looking at the other two warships near the port that were only about 300 meters away, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"It seems like we have become the center of attention now."

Lei Mengmeng stood next to Lin Youde, holding Lin Youde's arm, pursed her lips and chuckled: "Isn't this exactly the result you want?"

Lin Youde shook his finger: "NONONO, this is not what I want, but what Zhao Zheng wants."

"Now that the integration has finally gained the capital to challenge the other two countries, and as a host in a certain sense, it is very necessary to give the guests a little bit of power."

"After all, this guest is not a friendly person, let alone a friendly country."

"What kind of guests should be treated, there must be corresponding hospitality methods."

"I just don't know if I will meet Axel and the others here."

Noticing that Lin Youde was looking at her, Lei Meng, who was standing on the other side of Lin Youde, shrugged and said calmly.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, that guy Windru has defected to the Free Federation, and he might even fight on behalf of the Free Federation."

"After all, his Power Seizer and Axel's Soul Reaver are both rare super fighting machines."

"If you want to climb higher, getting a good ranking in this competition is a good opportunity."

"This is an opportunity to show off your strength without any risk."

Lux asked Raymond: "Does that mean that there is a high probability that the Shadow Mirror Troops will appear in the Free Federation camp's team?"

Raymond nodded slightly: "Probably, but I don't know much about the Free Federation, so I can't guarantee it."

"But now I don't have much to do with it. You can do whatever you want without giving me face."

"And it's more difficult to kill people in a place like this."

"It's up to you to decide how far you should go."

After Lei Meng's words, the eyes of Lei Mengmeng and Lux ​​softened a lot.

Although Lin Youde gave up his plan to kill Axel because of Lamia's survival.

But this doesn't mean that Lin Youde won't take into account Axel's actions against him.

Even if he knew the cause and effect of everything, Lin Youde couldn't let it all go.

This is true for Lin Youde, the client, and even more so for the more emotional Lei Mengmeng and Lux.

So Lei Mengmeng and Lux ​​had already ordered them to go down and kill the people who really met the Shadow Mirror Troops.

Anyway, there is no way anyone will be killed on the battlefield after the competition starts. With the protection of "Machine War", there is no need to worry at all.

Everyone in the Lin Institute knew about Axel's involvement in the native species incident.

Most people in the Lin Institute have received more or less favor and care from the Lin Youde family.

No one would refuse the requests of Lin Youde's two girlfriends.

Raymond knew this very well, so he deliberately said this to reassure the two of them.

Lamia, who was standing behind Raymond, looked at Lin Youde with slight hesitation. Lin Youde shook his head slightly, making Lamia sigh helplessly.

‘Captain Axel, W16, just wish yourself well. ’

After two months of training, Lamia fully recovered. As a spectator and a precautionary guard, I took the Bow Angel that had been restored by "Machine War" to the Feilong Kai and came to Neon.

Lamia himself has no grudge against Axel at all, and Lin Youde knows this.

She was almost killed by Axel, but she didn't have any resentment. Such a mentality shocked Lin Youde and couldn't help but sigh at the purity of Lamia's soul.

At least Lin Youde couldn't bear any grudge against Axel who almost killed him.

Even if the opponent blows up the tents of Lamia and Gong Angel, Lin Youde will not give up completely.

Even if Lamia himself doesn't mind, Lin Youde still has to take care of it.

Because this is not only Lamia's own matter, but also Lin Youde's matter.

Lamia seemed to know Lin Youde's thoughts, so after Lin Youde shook his head, he didn't say much.

Lin Liuli and Alufimi stood on the deck, pointing to the people on the observation deck near the port below, and said.

"Alfemi-chan, look, those people are so small, they're just like trash."

Alfemi nodded and responded innocently: "Yes, humans are just like garbage..."

Behind the two of them, Jonah looked at Lita and Michelle next to him with a horrified expression.

Michelle shook her head quickly to express her ignorance.

Rita slapped her face and sighed: "If I had known better, I wouldn't have taken them to watch animation."

Not far away, Yulin, Fleet and Emily lay on the guardrail and looked down, curiously.

"Fleet, can you feel it?"

Fleet looked up at Yulin in confusion: "What do you feel?"

Youlin looked down intently: "There are many powerful people and machines down there. Once he fights those people, Fleet will die."

Fleet opened his mouth and said helplessly: "Isn't this natural?"

"This is Aquablue Star's top competition, and those who can come here are the top pilots and aircraft."

"My level is only average, and my machine is not very strong. It may be fine on a normal battlefield, but I definitely won't be able to participate in a battlefield of this level."

"So Yulin, don't worry. I won't be participating. I will watch the game with you and Emily in the audience."

Yulin held Fleet's hand and nodded: "Well, that's good."

Emily was a little annoyed and held Fleet's other hand: "Fleet can't run around."

Fleet was helpless: "Yes, yes..."

Behind the little guys, Du Jianlong, Kang Dingbang, Liu Longma, Shen Hayato, Tomoe Musashi, Wang Kai and others gathered together and couldn't help but complain.

"These brats really don't know the danger at all. If they stand so high, the wind will blow them down." Liu Longma muttered.

"Ryoma, I think you are just envious of someone who has a chosen wife at a young age, or two, right?" God Falcon teased.

"There's nothing I can do about it. With Ryoma's appearance, he probably won't be able to find a wife in this life." Tomoe Musashi said in support.

"Are you much better than me?" Liu Longma shot back on the spot: "And do you two dare to say that you are not envious at all? Jianlong, Dingbang, Kai, tell me."

When Du Jianlong, Kang Dingbang, and Wang Kai heard this, they instantly noticed sharp eyes coming from behind.

The three people on the spot replied in unison: "No, we are not envious at all."

Yusayaga, Yanjun, and Uato Mumei nodded in unison, showing smiles of satisfaction.

Liu Longma was left shouting angrily: "You guys have no sense of loyalty!!!"

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