Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1084 A chance encounter! ?

Faced with Liu Longma's shouting, Du Jianlong, Kang Dingbang, and Wang Kai did not dare to reply a word.

Behind the three of them, Gong Shayaka, Yan Chun, and Maodu Muming gathered together and discussed.

"It's true that you are virtuous. What's wrong with teaching, you actually teach children to start a harem. This guardian is really incompetent." Gongsha Yaga was very angry.

"I can't help it. Lin Youde himself is a scumbag who likes to hug him. Only Mengmeng and Lux ​​can stand him." Yan Chun seemed to have a strong opinion of Lin Youde.

On the other hand, Maodumiming said a few good words for Lin Youde: "But this can't be entirely blamed on Youde, right? After all, Jonah, Lita, and Michelle depended on each other, and Fleet, Youlin, and Michelle also lost all their relatives. "

"As a team, having any one of them leave would be deeply hurtful to everyone."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, letting them maintain the status quo is the optimal solution."

Gong Sha also complained: "That's true, but those two children are half-virtuous people."

"The top beam is crooked and the bottom beam is crooked. You have Mengmeng and Lux ​​in your heart, and you hang out with other women all day long. What if you teach Jonah and Flit bad?"

Yan Chun helped: "Mengmeng and Lux ​​are too busy and probably don't have time. Jianlong, Dingbang, Kai and Youde are brothers, so we can also be considered sisters."

"As a good sister, I naturally help and look after you. After all, in terms of seniority, we are all elders."

As soon as Yan Chun said this, Gong Shayajia and Maodu Muming blushed.

Looking at the two people who were blushing so much that they were suddenly speechless, Yan Chun shook his head: "You two are too innocent, aren't you? How far have you progressed now?"

The two of them hesitated for a long time and were speechless. Yan Chun sighed helplessly: "You guys, really... forget it."

Gong Sha also pushed Yan Chun: "Stop talking about us, where are you and Dingbang now?"

Yan Chun replied quite openly: "Are you still in love? If the current situation hadn't been unclear, we would have planned to get engaged."

"What? Engagement!?" Both Yusayaga and Uotaki Ming stared wide-eyed.

Directly in front of the three of them, Du Jianlong and Wang Kai looked at Kang Dingbang from left to right with sharp eyes.

Kang Dingbang had no expression on his face and whispered calmly: "Although I have that idea, I personally think that even if it is an engagement, it must at least be moved back to Neon's ancestral home."

"After all, our roots are there, what do you think?"

Du Jianlong looked envious: "You can just decide for yourself on this kind of thing."

Wang Kai chuckled and said, "Then I'll be waiting for your wedding drink."

"By the way, Jianlong and Dingbang have decided what to do next. How is the progress on your side?"

Du Jianlong's expression froze: "I..."

Kang Dingbang sighed helplessly: "Forget it, they are still frozen. I don't know what they are struggling with. They have decided long ago, but they have delayed it until now and there is no progress at all."

"I even think that when Shirou gets married, they can still be dragged into each other's struggles."

Wang Kai was shocked: "Isn't it?"

Du Jianlong's face was a little confused and he looked around: "By the way, where are the people from Shirou?"

"He shamelessly asked me to take him to Feilong to watch the game instead, but where is that guy? Shirou!!!"

Near the viewing window in the aisle below Feilong's deck, Du Jianlong's younger brother, Du Shilang, or Kabuto Shilang, was standing beside the bed with purple-haired Ziyun Tongye, talking about it.

"Look, Tong Ye, that's the arena. It's big, right? Those two ships should be the ships of the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance."

"Compared with the Feilong Kai we have unified, it is as small as a small loach."

Faced with Kabutoshiro's proud comments, Ziyun Tongye also responded with honor.

"Yes, Feilong Kai is so impressive. It is indeed the ship we unified, it is big."

"But speaking of which, thank you very much, Shirou."

"If you hadn't invited me here, I would have gone on a trip to the academy like everyone else in the school."

Kabutoshiro scratched his head: "No, you should. Who makes you my good brother?"

"Besides, I finally had the opportunity to go to the Hawaiian Islands with the beautiful girls in my class, but you were delayed by me."

"I failed to look at the accounts of the beautiful girls in their swimsuits. Just put it on me."

"I'll find a chance to make it up to you later."

Ziyun Tongye waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, I don't care about these things."

Kabutoshirou raised his head slightly: "Really?"

Ziyun Tongye responded: "Really, really. Although there are many beautiful girls in the class, especially Chidori Kaname from the Disciplinary Committee and Louise Halevi from the deputy class president are both first-rate beauties."

"But they are all Zongsuke and Shaci's girlfriends."

"As the saying goes, a friend's wife should not be bullied. I went to the beach to look at their swimsuits. I didn't feel good at all."

"So, I really don't care."

The corner of Kabutoshiro's mouth twitched slightly: "That's true, but I always feel that you care about it."

"As the saying goes, the more you talk, the more you care. Isn't this the truth?"

Ziyun Tongye said helplessly: "I just said this to reassure you."

"Okay, now that we've arrived at the port, don't talk about this."

"We are all here, don't worry about the students' travel, just enjoy this competition."

"Speaking of which, this is my first time coming to Neon. I just want to see the customs and customs here. Let's go down quickly."

Ziyun Tongye walked toward the exit as he spoke, and Kabuto Shirou quickly followed: "I'm not worried that you'll mind."

"It's a pity that I finally got the spot here after begging my brother for a long time."

"If we can get one more, we can take Shinji with us."

Ziyun Tongye couldn't help but smile when he recalled Kazama Shinji's pitiful, tearful expression when he learned at school that only he and Kabutushiro had tickets for the ferry.

"There is nothing we can do about it. This is the latest battleship of the United Nations, and not everyone can get on it."

"I am able to come up here because I have benefited from you, Shirou."

"You've done your best, don't think too much."

Hearing this, Kabuto Shirou couldn't help but nod: "That's right..."

The two of them left the ship through the exit while chatting.

However, the two of them had just left the ship and not long after entering the port, a voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Tongye, why are you here?"

When the two heard this, they couldn't help but turn around and saw a middle-aged man with the same hair color as Ziyun Tongye standing with a blue-haired young man, looking at the two.

When Ziyun Tongye saw this, he also had a look of surprise on his face: "Dad!?"

Kabuto Shirou's face was filled with astonishment: "Dad? Tongye's father?"

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