Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1085 Father and son reunited

"Dad?" Kabuto Shirou looked at the man who looked very similar to Ziyun Tongye with doubts in his heart.

‘You can actually meet Tongye’s father in a place like this? ’

‘Who is his father? Can you actually appear here? ’

‘I remember my brother said that although this competition is broadcast live globally, the competition venue is not open to the general public. ’

‘To be able to come here, most of them are people related to government agencies or military factories. ’

“It’s impossible to buy a ticket and enter like the Olympics. ’

‘I’ve never asked about Tongye’s father before, but it seems I’ll have to find an opportunity to ask him now. ’

Ziyun Tongye didn't know that many questions flashed through Kabutoshirou's mind next to him.

He was looking at his father, Ziyun Ai, in surprise.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Ziyun Ai also looked at Ziyun Tongye in surprise: "You are the one, Tongye. This is not a place where ordinary students can come. How did you get here?"

When asked by his father, Ziyun Tongyecai quickly explained: "That's it, Dad. This is Kabutoshiro, a classmate from the Photon Force Research Institute."

"I came with you because of the light from the Photon Force Research Institute."

"The Photon Force Research Institute is the research institute in China that independently researches demon robots."

Saying that, Ziyun Tongye also introduced Kabutushiro: "Shirou, this is my father, Ziyun Ai. My dad has been working on the moon before and is often away from home. So I didn't know that my dad would be here. .”

Kabutoshiro nodded and responded very politely: "Hello, uncle, I am Kabutoshiro from the Photon Power Research Institute, and I am Tongye's classmate. This is the first time we meet, so please give me some advice."

Ziyun Ai also replied politely: "Hello, hello, we, Tongye, are under your care. I am not at home all year round, and Tongye lives alone. I am very happy that you can become friends with Tongye."

With that said, Ziyun Ai said to the blue-haired young man beside him: "Aofan, I'll leave the next thing to you."

The young man named Aofan also responded with understanding: "Okay teacher, leave the next work to me. It's rare for you and Tongye to meet here, please chat more, I will work with you."

With that said, Aofan left.

After Ziyun Ai watched Aofan leave happily, she came to Ziyun Tongye and patted him on the shoulder.

"I haven't seen you in a few years, and you've grown so big."

Ziyun Tongye was speechless: "To be precise, it's 2 years and 3 months."

"Dad, what on earth are you busy with? You haven't been home for so long."

"If you hadn't paid me living expenses, I would have doubted whether you were eaten by a dimensional beast."

Ziyun Ai laughed: "How could it be possible? Your father and I are not so easily eaten by dimensional beasts."

Saying that, Ziyun Ai glanced at Kaushiro, rubbed Ziyun Tongye's shoulders, and responded.

"Since you are here, I won't hide anything from you."

"Actually, I'm working for Miss Shidong Mitsuko from Shidong Heavy Industries."

"This time, I was also responsible for transporting the special machine body of Shidong Heavy Industry together with my student Aofan, and debugging it on the way, so I was able to come here."

"Because we are responsible for new models, there are some things I can't tell you. After all, we have signed a confidentiality agreement."

When Kabutoshiro heard this, his face showed surprise: "Ishito Heavy Industries? No wonder, as the largest manufacturer of mobile weapons in the country, they are responsible for many secret robot projects."

"No wonder Tong Ye is never short of money. It seems that the projects my uncle is involved in are quite high-level."

Ziyun Ai chuckled and said: "Nowhere, it can't compare to your Photon Force Research Institute."

"I also heard about you at the Moon Factory of Shidong Heavy Industries."

"The combat effectiveness of the independently developed demon robot is worth looking forward to."

"On the contrary, the new machines of our Shidong Heavy Industries are completely incomparable to yours."

Kabutoshiro said politely: "No, we are just a laboratory after all. Shidong Heavy Industry is a large arsenal well-known throughout the country, and it cannot be compared at all."

Seeing his father and his good classmates boasting and being polite to each other, Ziyun Tongye was speechless.

"Shirou, dad, please stop bragging about each other in business."

"Dad, where do you live? Can we meet during this time?"

Ziyun Ai said with a face: "Aofan and I will live in the dormitory over at Shidong Heavy Industry during this period. We are only responsible for the transportation of the aircraft, not the maintenance of the aircraft."

"After the initial debugging of the airframe is completed, a dedicated person will be responsible."

"So once the competition officially starts, there should be no problem."

"But before the competition officially starts, I will probably be a little busy here."

"Okay, I'll give you my contact information. You can contact me through the communicator at the competition venue."

Hearing Ziyun Ai's answer, Ziyun Tongye immediately smiled and said: "That's good, that's good."

Ziyunai rubbed her son's head and asked Kabutushirou.

"So are you living in the dormitory rented by the Photon Force Institute this time?"

Kabutoshiro waved his hand and said, "That's not true. Our Photon Force Research Institute cooperated with the Lin Research Institute this time and rented a large dormitory building for non-combatants to live in."

"Tongye and I will also stay there."

Ziyun Ai's eyes flashed: "Lin Research Institute? Is it the Lin Research Institute founded by Lin Youde, the most powerful new human being?"

Kabutoshiro and Youyong responded: "Yes, that's the research institute."

"My brother and Lin Youde are good buddies. I often go there to visit and we are very familiar with them."

Listening to Kabutoshiro's showoff, Ziyun Ai's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he just chuckled.

"It seems that Tong Ye has made a great friend."

"Well, I haven't seen Tong Ye for a long time. It's rare to see you here, so I will be the host today and treat you to a good meal."

"I am responsible for all expenses here."

Ziyun Tongye was a little frightened: "Dad, isn't this bad?"

However, Kabuto Shirou hooked Ziyun Tongye's neck with understanding: "Tongye, you don't know this. My uncle must have gone through the public account and asked Shidong Heavy Industries to reimburse us."

"I heard that the benefits at Shidong Heavy Industries are always good. They don't care about this small amount of money."

Ziyun Ai chuckled and said, "It seems you know a lot."

Kabutoshiro said proudly: "That's right, I know a lot of things. Since uncle is so enthusiastic, then we will be disrespectful."

Ziyun Ai nodded and said: "It should be."

As he spoke, Ziyunai put his hands in his pockets.

Not far away, Aofan put his hands on his ears and waved to some people around him.

After those people left, Aofan stared in Kabutoshirou's direction and whispered.

"I really didn't expect that the teacher's son could actually connect with the Photon Force Research Institute and the Lin Research Institute."

"Now the research on people on the ground can be speeded up a lot..."

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