Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1087 GEASS

"I see, if what you said is true, then this power can indeed be called the power of the devil..."

Cornelia crossed her arms, her face full of shock and disbelief.

But soon, she regained her composure.

Although what Lelouch said was incredible, she had never experienced it personally.

Everything is based on her trust in her brother.

Therefore, although this outrageous thing sounds shocking, it is not that big of an impact.

"But, Lelouch, where did you learn about this kind of thing?"

"Also, are you going to tell me that Nunnally's inability to open her eyes is because of her father, right?"

Lelouch responded quite calmly.

"Yes, the reason why Nunnally can't open her eyes is because that curly-haired bastard modified her memory and gave her some kind of psychological suggestion, which makes her unable to open her eyes."

"I asked Jeremiah before. He was originally my mother's bodyguard. When my mother was attacked, he was actually transferred out on your order, Princess Royal."

"Sister, you and your mother have always had a very good relationship, so I don't think you will harm your mother."

"But when my mother was attacked in the palace, it was unreasonable no matter how you thought about it, and it revealed all kinds of weirdness."

"Combined with Curly Bastard's GEASS ability, I suspect that he gave you some hint and modified your memory, which led you to do that very coincidental and unreasonable thing."

"As for the origin of GEASS, I learned about it from C.C. She and another person named V.V have the ability to give GEASS to others."

"I gained the ability of GEASS from her, so I know how terrifying this power is."

Lelouch's words surprised Cornelia, who also frowned slightly and shook her head slightly.

"I see, have you gained the same power as my father?"

"No wonder you dare to confront father. Is GEASS one of your bases?"

"But there is one thing, Lelouch, you are wrong."

"The person who asked me to take people away from Lady Mariana's guard was none other than Lady Mariana."

Lelouch was surprised: "What? Mother?"

Kallen on the side couldn't understand: "Isn't it right? Wasn't Lelouch's mother killed in an attack?"

"He transferred his bodyguards away before being attacked, and then allowed himself to die. His daughter's spine was also damaged and she was seriously injured."

"Why would she do such a thing? Isn't this unreasonable?"

Cornelia had a stern face and nodded slightly: "Indeed, this is unreasonable."

"It was also because of this that I felt something fishy afterwards and conducted an investigation."

"It's a pity that I didn't investigate for long when I was distracted by the transfer of Lelouch and Nunnally to District 11."

"After that, my father arranged for me to go to the front line to command the battle, so I couldn't find any useful information."

Lelouch was stunned for a while, then quickly recovered. After thinking for a moment, he frowned.

"That's so strange. I still generally remember Mother's original state. She didn't have any intention of seeking death."

"And after those assassins killed Mother, they did not kill Nunnally who was also on the scene, but spared Nunnally's life."

"Combined with the fact that Nunnally was given GEASS, she was unable to open her eyes."

"I have reason to think that Curly Bastard is involved here."

"Sister Huang, the things in your memory may be the result of the curly-haired bastard modifying his memory."

"Perhaps the person who asked you to be separated from the other guards was not your mother, but someone else."

"It's just that the curly-haired bastard modified your memory afterwards, which led to such irrational things."

"Otherwise, this matter cannot be justified."

This speculation is reasonable and well-founded, combined with what Lelouch said about Emperor Charles' memory-modifying GEASS ability.

Even Cornelia had some doubts about her biological father.

"This...can't be right?"

"My father wants to murder Mariana?"

"But, if Father really means this, there can be other methods, right?"

“Why use this loophole-ridden approach?”

Facing Cornelia's confusion, Lelouch said calmly.

"Only by confronting that curly-haired bastard about this kind of thing can we know the truth."

"But it's absolutely true that that curly-haired bastard has a memory-modifying GEASS."

"I tell you this specifically because I want C.C to give you the power of GEASS."

"As long as you have GEASS, you should understand the magic and terror of this power."

Hearing what Lelouch said, Cornelia looked at the expressionless C.C suspiciously.

"Can you give me GEASS?"

C.C nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I can do this kind of thing."

"However, although this power is powerful, it also has certain side effects."

Cornelia frowned slightly: "Side effects? What side effects?"

C.C said frankly: "With each use of GEASS, the intensity of GEASS gradually increases."

"After using it a certain number of times, GEASS will go berserk."

"In normal times, GEASS can be used according to your will, and you can use it or not use it if you want."

"But after it goes into a rage state, it will continue to be on."

"Depending on each person's situation, the GEASS obtained will also be different."

"GEASSes like Lelouch, Kallen, and Charles are fine."

"But if it is the kind of passive activation, similar to the ability to read minds. Then turning on GEASS all the time and hearing other people's voices will cause people to go crazy."

"So, are you sure you want to hold GEASS? Cornelia."

C.C's words made Cornelia hesitate for a moment and then asked.

"Then this violent state cannot be lifted?"

C.C replied: "No, it can be lifted."

Cornelia asked with interest: "How to remove it?"

C.C: "There are two methods. One is to rely on other people's GEASS power to erase your knowledge of GEASS or modify part of your memory, which can cause you to temporarily lose the power of GEASS."

"This method is the simplest, but it is not safe."

"The power of GEASS is not omnipotent and absolute. Once the mental power of a person affected by GEASS reaches a certain level, or suffers some kind of strong stimulation, or is forcibly removed by some external force, it will become ineffective."

"Once GEASS fails, the GEASS you lost will be restored again and you will fall into the same rampage state as before."

"The second method is to further strengthen the power of GEASS, from a single-eyed state to a binocular state."

"After reaching the binocular state, GEASS will be controlled by the holder again, retractable and retractable, and the rampage state will be released automatically."

"However, few people can achieve this situation. Because most GEASS holders will be killed or commit suicide during the rampage stage."

"After all, GEASS is the embodiment of the holder's deepest desire."

"Once the wishes or desires in their hearts go wild, most people will kill themselves."

"There are very few people who can transcend their own desires..."

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