Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1088: Elder sister is like mother

"There are only two known ways to release the berserk state."

"I've told you everything, Cornelia, are you sure you want GEASS?"

C.C’s question prevented Cornelia from making an immediate decision.

Instead, he looked at Lelouch and Kallen with interest.

"According to you, Lelouch and this Miss Kallen both have GEASS, right?"

"Then can I ask, what is Lelouch and Kallen's GEASS?"

C.C shrugged: "You have to ask them themselves."

Cornelia looked at Lelouch, who secretly gritted his teeth and explained.

"My GEASS is a powerful hypnotic ability called King's Power. Those who are given GEASS will faithfully execute my orders."

"Even if I wanted him to commit suicide, he would not hesitate at all."

Cornelia looked at Lelouch in shock: "What? How can you have such power? No wonder you dare to fight against my father. Do you want to use this power to make my father commit suicide?"

"No, Lelouch, are you sure you haven't used this kind of power on me?"

Under C.C's playful expression, Lelouch smiled bitterly.

"Sister Huang, this power is not as convenient as you think."

"First of all, my GEASS must be face to face with the subject, eye to eye, before I can issue an order."

Cornelia immediately looked away, while Lelouch smiled bitterly and continued to explain.

"In addition, my GEASS can only be used on one person once in a lifetime."

"Those who have been subjected to GEASS by me cannot be subjected to it a second time."

"Sister Huang, you are so good to me, how could I use GEASS on you?"

Hearing this, C.C sneered secretly: "As expected of Lelouch, he really doesn't even have a rough draft when it comes to telling lies." ’

‘You didn’t use GEASS on Cornelia, either because you didn’t find the opportunity at first, or because you were told about the limitations of GEASS later on, and you didn’t want to waste the precious opportunity that only came once. ’

'But forget it, if he couldn't lie to others, he wouldn't be Lelouch. ’

Lelouch's words failed to deceive C.C, who knew everything about him, but they deceived Cornelia.

Cornelia felt warm in her heart, raised her head again, and looked directly at Lelouch.

Looking at her brother's helpless face, Cornelia blushed a little.

"Ahem, aren't you scared?"

"I personally still want to believe you Lelouch."

"But you also know that your power is so outrageous. Anyone who hears it will be frightened."

Lelouch nodded and admitted, "It's true. Kallen had the same reaction as you after knowing my power."

Cornelia glanced at Kallen, who blushed and turned away.

"But because of the limitations of my power, it is very convenient to prove it myself."

Lelouch's words made Cornelia look at him again.


Lelouch nodded and explained: "Yes, because my power can only be used once on one person. And when my GEASS is released, a V-shaped orange-red shadow will appear in the eyes, and the effect is obvious."

"So just find someone to record the video with a camera, and then I will give you an order at will. After you execute it, I will no longer be able to issue GEASS to you."

"And through the video, you can also know what GEASS I used on you."

"Afterwards, you can look into my eyes again and see the effect on my eyes when I launch the second GEASS on you. Then you will understand that my GEASS is ineffective on you."

After hearing this, Cornelia looked at Kallen again: "Have you ever used this self-certification method on Kallen?"

Seeing the redness behind Karen's ears, Cornelia immediately understood that her suspicion had come true.

After thinking for a moment, Cornelia made a decision.

"Then, just prove it to yourself."

"Although I am willing to believe you Lelouch, your power is too dangerous. Once others know about it, there is a risk of using this power to sow discord."

"Only if your power is completely ineffective against me can this risk be eliminated."

Although Lelouch's power was terrifying, Cornelia still chose to believe in him.

Lelouch couldn't help but be moved by this determination.

After all, unlike Kallen who had no choice at all, Cornelia had no choice but still chose to believe in him and stand on the same front as him.

Through the previous dialogue, his intention has been very obvious, to overthrow the rule of Emperor Charles.

With Cornelia's intelligence, she would not be unable to figure this out.

But she still made her choice, which made Lelouch secretly ashamed.

‘Unexpectedly, I haven’t yet understood Cornelia’s trust in me and Nunnally. ’

While feeling secretly ashamed, Lelouch was also slightly thankful that he pulled Cornelia onto the warship.

Otherwise, even he would inevitably feel a little sad if he was against such a sister who trusted him.

People's hearts are made of flesh. Although he hated Charles extremely, he also hated the whole of Britannia.

But he could only hate Cornelia, who had taken good care of him since childhood, and Cornelia's sister Euphilia.

Cornelia is the sister he respects, and Euphilia is the sister he likes very much. It would be an exaggeration to call her his first love.

Shaking his head and putting aside his distracting thoughts, Lulu said with a straight face, "Sister Huang, just think of an order. In order to avoid doing something you don't want to do, it's better for you to decide this order yourself."

With that said, Lelouch called out to Kallen, who quickly took out her phone and started recording.

Cornelia heard this, thought for a moment, and then replied: "Then order me to work harder to protect my brothers and sisters than before."

"Eh?" Lelouch looked at Cornelia in astonishment. Cornelia smiled secretly and sadly: "At this time, even if I am willing to believe my father, I still understand that there are some things that I am afraid are really related to It’s related to Father.”

"I don't know if you can challenge Father, but I don't want to be your enemy, and I don't dare to be an enemy of Father."

"So, use your GEASS to give me a little strength. In order to protect you, I may be able to muster the courage to fight against my father."

Cornelia's words deeply shocked Lelouch. After once again realizing how much Cornelia loved him and his other brothers and sisters, Lelouch pursed his lower lip, opened his eyes, and ordered.

"In the name of Lelouch V. Brittania, I order, Cornelia, from now on you must love your brothers and sisters even more. Anyone who dares to harm your brothers and sisters will be your enemy."

The V-shaped light bird in Lelouch's eyes flew into Cornelia's eyes, successfully applying GEASS to Cornelia.

After a moment, Cornelia blinked and looked at Lelouch doubtfully.


Lelouch nodded and Kallen handed the phone to Cornelia.

Cornelia called up the video and after watching it once, smiled slightly: "This... is good..."

Lin Youde and Rita, who were on the Feilong Kai, suddenly looked in the direction of Lelouch.

Lin Youde frowned slightly: "Is it an illusion? I always feel like a particularly powerful spiritual power just broke out."

Rita looked back at Lin Youde: "Dad, I feel it too."

Lin Youde thought thoughtfully: "In other words, it's not an illusion, but what really happened over there?"

Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng looked curiously at the direction Lin Youde was looking at, and asked in unison: "What's over there?"*2

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