Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1089 Cornelia’s GEASS

Facing the questions from Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng, Lin Youde shook his head and returned.

"I don't know, but something must have happened over there."

"That level of mental power is definitely not ordinary."

"Lita, did you see anything?"

Knowing that Lin Youde was asking whether she had seen the future, Lita shook her head slightly.

"No, my ability is not activated, I just feel the mental power fluctuations there."

"Dad, could it be someone from the Free Federation or the Silla Alliance?"

Lin Youde groaned: "It's hard to say. Although this competition is broadcast live all over the world, the site is not open to the general public."

"The people who are able to come here are all related people from various countries. The spiritual power does not seem to be someone I know. They are people from the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance. The possibility is very high."

"Although I don't know what the situation is this time, we can't be too careless in this competition."

"The Silla Alliance and the Free Federation should have their own trump cards, so everyone should be careful."

Everyone nodded in unison to express their understanding.

Since they didn't quite know what happened, everyone didn't get too entangled in the matter. It didn't take long for me to move into the dormitory area according to the previous regulations.

The technical team moved the participating aircraft to special parking areas.

Throughout the whole process, Aslan, Zhen Feiniao and Luo followed Lin Youde and others to carry out activities.

Because the three of them are all new faces to some people in the Lin Institute.

Therefore, some forces that were specifically focused on Lin Youde and conducted investigations were very curious about the appearance of these three people.

After a little research, some people became even more curious after learning that the three of them were members of the Gundam group.

His origin cannot be found, but he is still able to fly a Gundam in the competition, and he is still the person next to Lin Youde.

It's so connected that it's hard not to attract people's attention.

The three of them seemed to know that they would attract attention, so after following Lin Youde to the dormitory area, they hid to reduce contact with other people.

Lux took Lin Liuli, Lita, Jonah, Michelle, Fleet, Yulin, Emily and other little ones to the non-participants' accommodation area to wait for the start of the competition.

It can be said that on the first day after arriving, it was because of the appearance of Feilong Kai. Lin Youde and others became the most beautiful cubs in the audience and received the most attention.

Because of this, people who have some relationship with Lin Youde will come to chat. Let’s find out the details about Feilong Kai.

Everyone is paying attention to a super-large battleship like Feilong Kai.

However, no one could learn the truth from Lin Youde.

Lin Youde would not let out the secret of Feilong Kai casually.

In the face of casual acquaintances, Lin Youde was willing to deal with a few sentences, let alone a real answer.

As for people who have a good relationship with Lin Youde, they don't need Lin Youde to tell them, so they just don't ask.

After all, anyone with any brains would understand that this kind of thing must be confidential, and how could it be possible to inquire about it casually.

While Lin Youde was busy with these trivial matters, Lelouch's Cornelia on the other side had obtained her GEASS ability from C.C.

"Is this GEASS? A very special power..."

Picking up the mirror handed over by Karen, Cornelia looked at the V-shaped shadow in her right eye and sighed.

Lelouch sat on the sofa and asked Cornelia.

"How's it going, Sister Huang, what type of GEASS did you get?"

"Same as my King's Power, is it a control type?"

"Or is it the same as the mind reading that C.C said, a special type?"

"Or is it the simplest type of increase that directly increases itself?"

Cornelia put down the mirror, looked at Lelouch, and returned.

"My GEASS seems to be of a special type."

As soon as these words came out, the three people present were shocked.

Lelouch said in surprise: "Special type? What kind of ability?"

Cornelia said calmly: "Foreknowledge."

"It's actually precognition?" Lelouch looked shocked and suddenly looked at C.C.

C.C seemed to know what he was thinking, and replied angrily: "Don't make trouble, the types and abilities of GEASS are generated according to the wish of the holder."

"For you, the power of the king to force others to obey orders is the reflection of your inner desires."

"At least that's how you were when you obtained GEASS."

"So even for you now, GEASS, which predicts the future, is more suitable for you than King's Power, but it is no longer useful."

"Once you obtain GEASS, you cannot change it again."

Lelouch looked back noncommittally and asked Cornelia.

"Sister Huang, can you tell me more about your precognition ability?"

Cornelia shook her head slightly: "I don't know the specific situation."

"I only know that my GEASS will only be triggered when my younger brothers and sisters are in danger."

"This seems to be an ability that can only be activated when it foresees when you are in danger."

"And now..."

Cornelia looked at Lelouch: "You are the only one here now, and it seems that you will not be in danger in a short time. There is no sign of my GEASS being activated at all."

"I tried to actively activate GEASS, but as you can see, GEASS was activated, but there was no response."

"In the short term, this GEASS seems to be of little use."

This explanation made Lelouch, who was originally surprised and excited, calm down a little.

"You can't say that. If used well, this ability can turn the tide of the battle."

"The reason why it's useless now is because we are very safe."

"But we all know that this peace today will be broken at any time."

"Following the events of the Second Dimensional Beast War, the delicate balance between the three major countries has shown signs of being broken at any time."

"The holding of this "True Super Robot Competition" is a mutual test between the three major countries. "

"In the not-too-distant future, the war between the three major powers will soon break out again."

"Until then, I will be fine, but the safety of people like Nunnally and Euphemia may need to be taken care of by you, Princess Royal."

"For us, their safety is more important than anything else. This capability is of strategic significance to us."

Cornelia nodded slightly in agreement.

"Indeed, it is useless in the short term. But in the long term, this ability is indeed very important."

"But my ability to obtain this GEASS is related to the GEASS order you gave me before, Lelouch?"

"GEASS is so accurately positioned and only related to younger brothers and sisters. It is really strange."

Lelouch held his chin and thought, "Maybe. The direction-limited prediction type GEASS has many restrictions, but it is directional and targeted, and it will definitely be very powerful."

"If my GEASS really has an impact on your GEASS, Princess."

"Perhaps my GEASS does not have only a few uses as I originally imagined."

"If used well, we might be able to develop some targeted GEASS..."

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