Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1090 Goodbye Nanay

Before Lelouch's idea was fully developed, he was stopped by C.C.

"Don't make trouble. Giving GEASS to Kallen and Cornelia is the limit of my compromise."

"Besides them, who else do you want to give GEASS to?"

"Don't forget the side effects of GEASS."

"Once the holder of GEASS goes wild, it will be very dangerous."

"Besides Cornelia and Kallen, are you sure there is anyone you can trust?"

C.C's words immediately silenced Lelouch.

With Lelouch's intelligence and a little deduction, he can understand that C.C's concerns are not unwarranted.

GEASS is indeed a very dangerous force. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is walking on a tightrope on the tip of a knife.

Especially for the violent state, he still hasn't figured out how to successfully overcome it and survive it.

So Lelouch quickly gave up on this unrealistic idea.

"Pretend I didn't say that."

Seeing Lelouch give up, C.C nodded with satisfaction.

"That's pretty much it."

Cornelia did not interfere in the conversation between Lelouch and C.C.

I don't know if it was influenced by Lelouch GEASS, but Cornelia, who originally didn't have much feelings for C.C., now looks more and more pleased with C.C.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not Cornelia who has any thoughts about C.C.

But the more Cornelia looked at C.C, the more she felt like she was looking at her younger sibling.

Cornelia didn't feel this way before, but after being geassed by Lelouch, this feeling became stronger.

‘Why didn’t you realize before that the relationship between Lelouch and C.C is so subtle? ’

'When Lelouch called her Xizi at first, he just regarded her as a simple one-time female companion. ’

‘Now it seems that their relationship is unusual. ’

'I suddenly discovered this, is it because Lelouch's GEASS influence of "double caring for my younger brothers and sisters" worked on me? ’

'But, if that's the case, then why doesn't my love for Karen change at all? ’

Kallen didn't know what Cornelia was thinking. After noticing Cornelia looking at her, she said to herself.

"My GEASS is not a special type, but a pure amplification type."

Cornelia, who didn't want to ask at first, saw that Kallen had misunderstood her, so she asked along the way.

"Amplification system? Which aspect?"

Karen: "The driving aspects of mobile weapons."

"After talking about everything with Lelouch, I gradually became clear about my position, and understood that I also have some talent in driving mobile weapons."

"If I want to make a difference in the future, I can only work hard in this area."

"So my GEASS is the ability to increase this aspect."

"After activation, my reaction ability, concentration, and judgment in driving mobile weapons will be significantly improved."

"Currently, I have just obtained the one-eyed state of GEASS. I don't know what the berserk state of this ability will be like, and what the two-eyed state will be like."

Cornelia shook her eyebrows: "Even if this ability goes berserk, it won't have much impact on you, right?"

Kallen shook her head: "You can't say that. Turning on GEASS for a long time will cause a certain degree of mental fatigue."

"After all, after my GEASS is activated, it can improve my reaction ability to a certain extent, thereby reducing my sense of the passage of time."

"In the words of C.C., this is called bullet time."

“Being in bullet time for an extended period of time slows down everything and everyone around you.”

"It's okay when fighting, but if it's like this in life, it would be very troublesome."

C.C interrupted at this time: "But compared with the mind-reading type that can cause people to collapse, you can still overcome it with a little adaptation."

Kallen shrugged: "Probably, anyway, I haven't reached the rampage stage yet. The specific situation will only be known at that time."

"Cornelia, this kind of GEASS will only be activated at critical moments. Even if it goes berserk, as long as the conditions are not triggered, it won't have any impact, right?"

Cornelia: "Maybe. I don't understand the triggering conditions for this ability myself. I'll study it further."

"But to be on the safe side, Lelouch, you'd better not leave me too far during this period."

"Although I don't think the three major powers would take action against foreign guests in a place like this."

"But there are not only three major countries in this world. So..."

Lelouch's eyes narrowed and he responded: "Understood, we will act together with you, Princess, during this time."

Cornelia: "Well, that's good..."

"Phew, it's finally over."

"Finally have time?"

Sitting in a pavilion near the dormitory area, Lin Youde turned around with a wry smile, raised his hand and said hello.

"Should I say long time no see? Nanay."

Nanayi, who was dressed in a Harman military uniform, stared at Lin Youde with resentment in her eyes.

Lin Youde was not completely ignorant of why Nanayi was so resentful.

This can be gleaned from the number of messages Nanai sent to Lin Youde in "Machine War".

In the entire machine battle, Nanayi was the one who sent the most messages to Lin Youde, and Sakura only ranked second.

That guy Kasbal rarely sent messages to Lin Youde, so he couldn't be ranked at all.

"I heard you've been having a good time lately?"

Nanayi had a tone of resentment, which made Lin Youde quickly pretend to be innocent.

"Do you see where I feel moisturized?"

"You must have heard about me, right?"

"I have been targeted a lot recently. People, both human and not, come to mess with me."

"If it weren't for my good luck and destiny, I would have burst into tears and not be able to see you."

Hearing Lin Youde's words, Nanayi's expression froze slightly, she hummed softly, sat down opposite Lin Youde, and said quietly.

"But I see that you seem to be enjoying it a bit. Also, are there too many women around you?"

"Hey, Nana'i, have you seen Sakura recently? I haven't seen her for a long time, and I'm a little worried about her situation."

Lin Youde didn't answer and asked instead, changing the topic so obviously that the corners of Nanayi's mouth twitched slightly, wanting to ask the question directly.

But when she thought about Sakura, Nanay also sighed.

"Sakura's situation is not good."

When Lin Youde heard this, his heart tightened, and he quickly asked: "What should I say? Did something happen to her? How much do you know? Tell me quickly."

Nanayi stared at Lin Youde with some resentment and muttered: "You are so nervous about Sakura's affairs, but why can't you be nervous about my affairs?"

Lin Youde explained with a little embarrassment: "Isn't this because I know that your family has a strong background and you are very capable, so I feel reassured about you?"

"Compared to you, Sakura has no one to rely on except Hamtaro."

"Hamtaro is also a fighting maniac. In terms of combat, it's okay. But in terms of non-combat, it's hard to count on him."

"And she is an enhanced person, so..."

Nanayi smacked her lips and said, "Okay, I think you're right."

Lin Youde quickly asked: "So, what happened to Sakura?"


PS: Today there are only daily double updates, no supplementary updates. A little little Calvin, Lan Shou...

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