Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1097 First round format

Zhou Benkai said some things in his heart. After all, it wasn't a big issue of principle, so he wasn't stupid enough to talk about it.

Zhou Benzai glanced at Lin Youde, who had no intention of coming up, and Kawaii Rao, who had made it clear that he was unwilling to come up.

Zhou Ben happily wondered whether this was because he was familiar with Lin Youde.

Otherwise, for this occasion, it would be more appropriate for Kawei Rao, the captain of the special combat skills training team, to come up, right?

And could Lin Youde think that he is older, so he deliberately humbles himself?

Reminiscent of Lin Youde's respect and enthusiasm for him when they first met. Zhou Benkai felt that it was not impossible based on Lin Youde's good character of being the oldest and loving the young.

‘Thinking about it this way, do I have a lot of face? ’

As a soldier who often contradicted his superiors and was unable to be promoted, Zhou Benkai couldn't help but make fun of himself.

But soon, Zhou Benkai calmed down, coughed lightly, and spoke.

"Now that everyone is here, let me briefly explain the purpose of calling everyone here this time."

"As I informed you before, the first round of the "True Super Robot Contest" has been decided. "

"The first round is a three-three system brawl. Each country sends three troops to a miniature Aquablue Star battlefield."

"This battlefield includes all environments such as the universe, sky, earth, and ocean."

"As time passes, the battlefield will shrink the surrounding air wall, forcing each team to fight."

"This competition is the same as the competition system that was not open to the public in previous years. It also adopts a camp points system."

"That is, the points obtained by all teams will be accumulated to the heads of their respective camps, that is, the heads of their respective countries."

"In the end, the country with the highest points will receive additional rewards. The country with the second highest points will also receive rewards, but only the third place, that is, the bottom will not receive rewards."

After saying that, Zhou Benkai paused and sighed with an unsightly expression.

"Although you may not know this, I still want to say it. In previous competitions, our Humanity Innovation and Integration has always been at the bottom."

"This matter is not a secret. It is even a common method used by contestants from the Free Federation and Silla Alliance to frequently attack and provoke our contestants."

"Therefore, in this competition, I hope everyone will not fall for each other's provocation. Only by truly gaining a ranking can the shame of the past be washed away."

Zhou Benkai's words caused the scene to fall into a brief low pressure.

Most of those who can come here are people with strong patriotic feelings.

Hearing this kind of thing, everyone felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Feeling the rising displeasure and anger among the people, Lin Youde immediately asked.

"Doesn't that mean that the only rewards for this competition are the first and second place?"

Zhou Benkai shook his head: "That's not true, it was indeed the case in previous competitions. But this time as a reward for the open competition, "Machine War" has specially added a team ranking reward."

"Since this competition adopts an elimination system, as long as the entire team loses once, it will completely lose the opportunity to participate in the competition again."

"Therefore, the team that remains at the end will be awarded team rewards similar to those in the Olympics based on their ranking."

"However, this reward must be given to the top three teams, and the higher the ranking, the greater the right to choose the reward. This is similar to the Olympic Games."

Lei Mengmeng seemed to understand something and frowned slightly: "That means that in the first round of the brawl, the three teams sent out must be cautious."

"There is a high possibility that others will target you if you send an ace card, but if it is too weak, there is also the possibility of being wiped out by others in one go, resulting in a zero-point pass?"

Zhou Benkai nodded solemnly: "Yes, this is the purpose of calling everyone here. The first round of the brawl requires three teams, and we have a total of 7 here. You must be careful about which three you send out."

"And because of the exact type of each round of this competition, "Machine War" will only be announced three days before the actual start, giving us time to prepare."

"So we have to prepare for different game mechanics that may appear later."

"It's different from previous years when the three major powers competed on their own, with "Machine War" assisting from the side. This competition is a competition submitted by the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation, and is completely dominated by "Machine War"."

"Based on the fact that "Machine War" prioritizes fun and topicality, there may be some non-direct confrontation competition systems in the future."

Wall Annick raised his hand. After Zhou Benkai saw it, he raised his hand to signal, and Wall Annick asked.

"Non-direct confrontation competition system? Are you talking about the entertainment copy types in "Machine War"?"

Zhou Benkai nodded slightly: "Yes, according to the speculation of our think tank, the possibility of this kind of thing happening in the competition dominated by "Machine War" is not zero."

"After all, through our contacts over the past few years, we can also confirm that "Machine War" is not a completely cold machine, but a special existence with self-awareness."

"Although "Machine War" will not actively interfere with us, it is not impossible that "Machine War" will make some changes if the initiative is handed over."

"Everyone has seen this in the final reward stage of the last Olympic Games exhibition competition."

"As long as it is a major event that is beneficial to the development of mankind on Aquablue Planet, "Machine War" will reward it."

"This time the competition is completely open to the public, and the special additional team rewards are probably also affected by this."

"For this reason, I hope everyone will discuss who will be in the first round."

"After all, under this competition system, if you lose a round, you will have no chance to participate in subsequent games and say goodbye to the final reward."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was talking about it.

After all, those who can come here are not fools, and they naturally understand the pros and cons.

If you win, your team will gain, if you lose, your small team will suffer.

This seems like a thankless job.

Therefore, Vol Anik looked at Serena and Yugi who were on the same team.

"What do you think? Once we lose the last round, we will say goodbye to the competition completely."

Serena licked her lips: "Indeed, we all experienced this thing last time about saying goodbye completely after losing the last round. It was really not a good feeling."

"But we also have Party A's father, no, I am Party A's mother who needs to show off her body. This is not a good choice."

Yongxi suggested: "I think we should participate in the first round."

"After all, our machines are all self-developed prototypes. They don't have the support from the exclusive BGM field at all, and their strength is very limited."

"In this environment, we are destined to be unable to obtain the final ranking reward."

"In this case, it is better to cooperate with other teams in such a big fight, perform well, demonstrate the performance of the machine, and satisfy the employer."

"Once we face those black-box super-series aircraft with exclusive BGM fields, our aircraft may not be able to compete at all, and it will be impossible to demonstrate performance."

"And this kind of thing is obviously what employers don't want to see. Isn't it?"

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