Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1098 Candidates

Yongxi's words made Serena and Vol Anik fall into deep thought.

Serena thought for a moment and responded: "Well, Yongxi is right. Among our machines, except for my Valkyrie, which can be considered half a super type, your machines are basically pure real type. .”

"And because it is a self-developed machine body, we can still use the general BGM field brought from "Mech War", but the intensity is very limited."

"Once we face a super-type machine, even if the opponent is in the general BGM field, we will still be at a slight disadvantage in terms of performance."

"And I don't think the pilots who can participate in this kind of competition will be crooked. So it's best not to try to crush the opponent technically."

"In this case, it's just a matter of not encountering a black box body with a dedicated BGM field. Once we encounter it, our general BGM field will be suppressed by levels, and the performance of the body will be directly reduced."

"In such a big environment, the sooner we can compete and show off the performance of the aircraft, the better."

"When it comes to fighting for rankings, just leave this kind of thing to Youde. They have a lot of black box machines, so it's more secure to do these things."

"We'd better prioritize fulfilling the needs of Party A's mothers and not worry about things we are destined to not get."

When Serena said this, Vol Anik frowned slightly, but still nodded.

"You're right. Although I'm very reluctant to do so, the gap in machine performance is so big that we have no chance of staying in the final round."

Yongxi glanced at Vol Annick and asked tentatively: "Then we will participate in the first round and this is settled?"

Serena and Vol Anik nodded at the same time, and Yugi spoke.

"Major Zhou Benkai, our joint industrial research and development team decided to participate in the first round of the competition."

Zhou Benzai glanced at Yong Xi unexpectedly and nodded slightly.

"Yes, but whether to send you here depends on whether other people agree. Please wait a moment."

After Yongxi understood, he sat down and waited.

Others are also discussing individually.

Nanye looked at Li Te and Wang Kai on the right and asked, "Do we want to compete?"

Li Te shook his head: "No, our Dragon and Tiger King is our trump card. Once we don't use the Dragon and Tiger King, Kai will have to face tough situations alone, and we can only use support at most."

"This situation is not conducive to team battles. We should wait for the next competition system to see if there is a nail that is conducive to our King Zhanya's attack, or Demon God Caesar's, which requires the power of the Dragon and Tiger King."

Wang Kai responded: "Well, I think so too. Although my Wang Zhanya has been modified, it has eliminated the disadvantages of being unable to fly and having no long-range attack methods."

"But when it comes to fighting, I'm still better at single-on-one battles and many-on-many group battles. It's better to leave it to others."

Sitting in the back row of the Dragon Tiger King team were five people from the Revival team.

Du Jianlong looked at Kang Dingbang and Liu Longma.

"Shall we go? There will be a big fight. We might encounter the Demon God and Geta of the Free Federation."

Liu Longma grinned and said: "I have no objection. If you want to go up, we will accompany you."

Kang Dingbang thought for a moment and shook his head slightly: "I think it's better to give it to someone else in the first round."

Tomoe Musashi asked curiously: "What should I say? Our body is also suitable for group battles, right?"

God Hayato said calmly: "What Dingbang means is that in the first round of the brawl, there is a high probability that each country will send real-type aircraft to demonstrate their performance, so that many aircraft that are not sure of competing for the final ranking will have a round trip."

"In this case, our targets, Demon Caesar, Demon Caesar SKL, and Zhen Geta will probably not play."

Kang Dingbang nodded and responded: "Yes, and we also have some teams here that need to demonstrate the performance of the machine and do advertising."

"So in the first round, let others take a look first. If no one comes up, we will go up and fill the spot. If someone is willing to come up, let others go first."

"After all, our goal is very clear, which is the Demon God and Geta of the Free Federation. Later, there may be situations where we need to let other teams give us a chance."

"At this time, it's better to sell some favors first."

Du Jianlong heard this and responded: "Well, it makes sense, then let's wait first."

The Revival team chose to wait and see for the time being, while the Gundam team in the back row looked at each other, Zhen and Luo finally looked at Aslan.

Seeing this, Aslan sighed: "Let's go ahead. After all, we also have the task of promoting Gundam for Wang Liumei's Wang Heavy Industries."

Liu Longma, who was in the front row, turned around, lay down on the chair, and said teasingly to Zhen: "Then you have to work hard. If your performance is too bad, be careful when you go back and be pulled by Setsuko for special training."

His face darkened: "Brother Ryoma, don't worry. I won't embarrass Sister Setsuko. Just wait and see how heroic I am in killing everyone else."

Liu Longma grinned: "As expected of my little brother, he has courage. I'm waiting for your good news."

Luo looked confused: "When did you become his little brother?"

Zhen shrugged: "I don't know, but according to Shinji, don't care about this kind of thing, otherwise you will be in bad luck, so I chose to listen to the advice."

Du Jianlong looked at Kang Dingbang in confusion: "When did this guy Long Ma go to Lin's Research Institute?"

Kang Dingbang muttered in a low voice: "It was when I sent materials to Luo to make a new Gundam Heretic Red Dragon Kai."

"This guy Ryoma felt a little envious when he saw that Setsuko had adopted a younger brother, so he forced Shinji to be his younger brother."

"Shinji didn't agree at first, but after being dragged and educated by him in unknown ways, he obediently admitted his identity as his eldest brother."

Du Jianlong's face was full of black lines: "Longma, you..."

Liu Longma's old face turned red: "Ahem, don't talk nonsense. I'm not envious or anything."

God Hayato had a look on his face that said I believe you, and Tomoe Musashi was also snickering.

Aslan stood up and said: "In the first round, our Gundam team will be counted as one."

Zhou Benzai nodded slightly and looked at the others.

Alufemi raised her head and looked at Lin Youde. Lin Youde pinched Alufemi's face and said calmly.

"It's a small scene, we don't need it."

Alufemi said obediently: "Oh."

Ni Xingxing, who was in the front row of Lin Youde, looked at Gu Lincai and Ladis.

"Cai, shall we come? The Dragon and Tiger King is not suitable for the time being, and Youde also said that he would hide something."

"Although we have no obligation to advertise, this battle is related to team points."

"What if the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance also want points and bring in a few super-type mechas, then our entire army might be wiped out."

"At this time, do we have to go to the bottom of it?"

Ladis nodded slightly: "I think it's okay. After all, even if our SRX team doesn't fit together, we still have joint attacks and a dedicated BGM field. We won't suffer any loss against ordinary super-types."

When Gu Lincai heard this, he also took an extra look at Wall Annick of the United Industrial Research and Development Team in front of him on the right, and responded.

"Well, it's time for us to clear our names."

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