Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1099 Yajima Consortium’s new work (supplementary update)

Through Vol Anik's previous conflict with Ni Xingxing, Gu Lincai also understood to some extent that the SRX team to which the three of them belonged might not have a good reputation outside.

In the Western Theater Zone, although the SRX team performed well, the real success depends on Lin Youde's Freedom Gundam Kai and the EVA team's dominant AT stance.

In the super department, there are also Lamia's Archangel and Zenga's Grungast Zero.

The combined SRX is currently unknown to the public, so the reputation of the SRX team is almost unknown outside.

Although Gu Lincai doesn't care too much about reputation.

But after experiencing that two of his teammates were looked down upon, Lin Youde's reputation was also slightly affected. She felt that she still needed to show the strength of the SRX team before SRX was united.

Ever since, Gu Lincai also stood up.

"Our SRX team has only entered the first round."

Zhou Benkai heard this and muttered: "The three teams have gathered together so quickly?"

Vol Annick turned his head and glanced at Gu Lincai, but said nothing.

Serena gave Gu Lincai a thumbs up: "Then let's work hard together."

Gu Lincai smiled in response.

Kawaii Rao looked at Zeng Jia beside him, and Zeng Jia whispered: "With the SRX team here, nothing will go wrong."

Upon hearing this, Kawei Rao nodded slightly towards Zhou Benkai.

Seeing the signal from his captain, Zhou Benzai asked everyone.

"Are there any other teams going to compete?"

After everyone waved their hands to express no objection, Zhou Benkai decided.

"Since everyone has no objections, in the first round of our human innovation integration, representatives from the SRX team, Gundam team, and joint industrial research and development team will participate."

"The first round will be held in 3 days. Please make preparations before the game as soon as possible."

"After the first round is over and the second round format comes out, I will inform everyone to discuss the participating teams in the second round format and other issues."

"That's it, let's break up the meeting!"

Everyone dispersed one after another and began to prepare for the start of the competition.

On the first day, everyone rested, and on the second day, everyone began to prepare. On the third day, after the various performances of the opening ceremony, everyone took their places.

Lin Youde led a group of people to sit in the viewing seats specially prepared for the contestants of their respective camps, while Gu Lincai led a man to drive the machine to a special teleportation room.

After all the contestants were teleported into the special competition space prepared for the first round, a huge screen lit up in front of the auditorium.

At the same time, a projection of an aqua star and the moon appeared above the lawn in the center of a circular stadium.

Between the aqua star and the moon, light spots of three colors, red, yellow, and blue, appeared.

Through the indicators and text display above the light spots, Lin Youde and other viewers can understand that each light spot represents the position of a contestant and the machine.

Lei Mengmeng stood next to Lin Youde, holding a tablet computer and said: "The color we randomly got is the blue side, the Free Federation is the red side, and the Silla Alliance is the yellow side."

"Obviously we are more suitable for red, and the Free Federation is more suitable for blue. Why is the color allocation wrong?"

"Aren't these colors assigned according to their respective flags?"

In this regard, Lin Youde complained: "Perhaps this is planned according to certain game rules, maybe."

A big question mark popped up on Lei Mengmeng's head: "Some kind of game rules? What are they?"

Lin Youde secretly complained: 'Of course it is the game rules of "Super Robot Wars". ’

‘Follow the game rules of Super Robot Wars. Your own controllable camp is blue. The enemy camp is red. ’

‘Sometimes a third-party camp will appear. At this time, the third-party camp will be indicated in yellow. ’

'Of course, this is not absolute. After all, sometimes on the battlefield, in addition to three-party melees, there will also be four-party melees. ’

‘At that time, the color of the fourth camp will become green. ’

Lin Youde couldn't explain things like this to Lei Mengmeng that involved game mechanics, so he could only talk nonsense.

"Of course it's the color allocation rules for the offensive and defensive sides in "Machine War"."

"In the 100-man fleet battle dungeon of "Machine War", not all attackers are red, but all defenders are blue."

"According to the past situation, it is obviously the Liberty Alliance that attacks more, so they are the red side."

"We are basically in a passive defensive situation, so we are on the blue side."

Lei Mengmeng nodded slightly: "That makes sense, but why is the Silla Alliance yellow? Is it because their national flag is yellow?"

Lin Youde spread his hands: "I don't know about that. After all, I'm not omnipotent."

"Okay, stop talking about this. Look, the images of our three teams appear on the screen."

I don't know if it's because of the camp he's in, but the screen on Lin Youde's side was divided into four.

Three of them are the three teams sent by the human innovation alliance, and the fourth is the closest image of the team from other camps.

On the screen, the SRX team, the Gundam team, and the joint industrial research and development team were all in different locations.

Looking at the situation on the screen, Lei Mengmeng looked embarrassed.

"It's not good. Although everyone will be randomly placed in various places on the battlefield according to the size of the team."

"But the location we randomly arrived at was too bad."

"Gundam Team is in the universe, or near the moon."

"The SRX team is in the urban area on the ground."

"Although the joint industrial research and development team is also on the ground, looking at its location, it is completely on the other side of this miniature aqua star."

"With such distance, there is no way we can support each other."

Lei Meng stood on the other side of Lin Youde, frowning slightly.

"The geographical location is indeed not very good, but on the bright side, the teams in the other two countries are in similar situations."

“The participating teams from all countries were split up and were only adjacent to teams from the other two countries.”

"From this perspective, the randomness of "Machine War" is considered fair."

Alufemi sat in Lin Youde's arms, curiously looking at the screen where the joint industrial R\u0026D team was.

"What kind of machine is that? Why does it look like Lamia's Archangel?"

Lamia, who was beside Raymond, looked up and suddenly discovered a red machine with obvious female features, wearing the same green goggles as the Arch Angel, but without wings.

Looking at this machine, Lamia was also surprised: "What kind of machine is this? Does Raymond recognize it?"

Raymond shook his head: "No, I have never seen this machine. There is no such machine in our world."

"Youde, do you know the origin of this machine?"

Lin Youde's expression was a little subtle: "I think I probably know."

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Youde explained with a somewhat troubled expression.

"This machine is a machine developed by Caroline Yajima of the Yajima Consortium based on Archangel, a major forger."

"Since the appearance of Bow Angel, she switched from Valcione to the embrace of Bow Angel's fan base."

"This machine code-named Valkyrie is her proud work."

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