Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1100 The match begins! (Update)

"The body imitated by Archangel, Valkyrie?"

Lamia was stunned, she never thought such a thing would happen.

However, Raymond was not too surprised by this, but had a very calm expression on his face.

"This is reasonable. After all, Valcione and Archangel are both angel-type robots. They are both beautiful in appearance. It is expected that they will be popular."

"Our country has an ancestral krypton gold dog eye, and we copy whatever we see. After the Archangel was brought to this world by us and displayed, it is not surprising that it was copied."

"But why does this Valkyrie have no wings?"

"Looking at the thrusters on her back, it seems to be the configuration of the C.E series Gundam. It can fly directly, right?"

Lin Youde responded: "Yes, although Valkyrie does not have wings, it can fly directly because of the C.E technology."

"As for the wing problem, I heard Niels Nielsen say that there seems to be something wrong with the materials."

Raymond was slightly surprised: "Is it a matter of materials?"

Lin Youde: "Yes, it's a matter of materials."

"If it's just white feather-shaped wings for decoration, the Yajima Foundation can certainly handle it."

"But in addition to the Yajima Foundation, this machine also has the participation of the Mao Electronics Corporation."

"Otherwise, relying on the technical capabilities of the Yajima Consortium, there are still some technical difficulties in building such a nearly 20-meter-long machine."

"After joining the Mao Style Electronics Club, these difficulties were solved. At the same time, Carolyn wanted to go even further and changed the originally purely decorative wings into wings with special effects."

Raymond's curiosity was aroused: "Special effects wings? What kind of special effects does that little girl want for the film?"

Lin Youde: "According to Carolyn's whimsical idea, she wants to open the wings in a way that can absorb light beams, and then disperse the feathers through scattering to offset the effect of the light beams and accelerate heat dissipation."

"To meet these two requirements, the material selection and production of this wing is very difficult."

"Currently, several finished products have been tried out, but none have satisfied her yet. Therefore, Valkyrie is currently in an incomplete form without wings."

After hearing this, Lei Mengmeng couldn't help complaining: "Isn't this too whimsical?"

"It has to be beautiful, but also maintain compatibility between the two special effects."

"Did Caroline get kicked in the head by a donkey? How dare you think about that? It's impossible no matter how you think about it, right?"

In response, Lin Youde smiled and did not complain.

But in his heart, Lin Youde secretly cursed: 'This is not completely whimsical. ’

'Because in the Gundam family tree, there really is such a machine that can meet her needs. ’

‘Zero Flying Wing Gundam·modified EW, commonly known as the shedding machine. ’

‘This aircraft from “Mobile Suit Gundam W” has wings that can absorb light beams and shed feathers to ensure heat dissipation. ’

‘It’s a pity that this setting doesn’t seem to be reflected in the theatrical version of the animation. ’

“There are no performance or additional effects set in this aspect in the games of the “Super Robot Wars” series. ’

‘I don’t know if this setting has been thrown into the ditch by the officials and the producers of “Super Robot Wars” and forgotten. ’

Because he knew many things, Lin Youde could only complain in secret.

There are many useful things in "Mobile Suit Gundam W", and if possible, Lin Youde would also want them.

It's a pity that in the original elf quiz, he could only choose three initial machines.

Under the temptation of UC series new humans, SEED series adjusters, and 00 series revolutionaries, Lin Youde could only give up many things in the W series.

The G-series Fighting Legend is in a similar situation, when a clear upgrade route can be established. The W series and G series are not suitable for the upgrade route Lin Youde originally planned for himself.

'That is to say, I didn't know about integrating martial artists and martial artists who have the ability to cultivate internal strength. Otherwise, I would have chosen a G-series Flash Gundam as the initial machine and created a special model for the martial artists. ’

In this case, Lin Youde would sigh with emotion at this time.

If he had to do it all over again, Lin Youde would still abandon the W series and G series according to his original choice.

After all, the W series is a pure machine with no good talents, so it is not suitable to choose.

Although the G series talents and machines are good, the G series pays more attention to the inheritance of martial arts. There is no BUG-level person like Dongfang Bubai as a teacher. Even if he was given a God Gundam, Lin Youde wouldn't be able to use the earth-shattering fist.

The difference between a God Gundam that cannot use the Earth-shaking Shocking Fist and a God Gundam that can use the Earth-shattering Shocking Fist can be described as the difference between clouds and mud. Both are light.

This is also the reason why Lin Youde gave up the G series.

In the world view of G-series Gundam, the body is important, but the pilot is even more important.

That is a world view that clearly can dismantle machines physically. A person's martial arts heritage is far from being comparable to the strength of a machine.

"Wow, isn't that Sazabi? Kasbar is playing?"

Suddenly, Lei Mengmeng shouted, interrupting Lin Youde's thoughts.

Lin Youde looked up and saw a red Sazabi appearing on the screen.

And beside him, there were two unexpected Gundams.

"That's... the F91 Gundam and... the Banshee!?"

While Lin Youde was surprised, in the general auditorium, Lita was also staring blankly at the fourth screen on the Human Innovation Unity screen. The whole body was pitch black, with only the head antenna and a few other scattered parts being golden unicorns. Gundam.

Although Jonah and Michelle were equally surprised, they quickly discovered something unusual about Rita.

Jonah: "Lita, what's wrong?"

Michelle: "Is something wrong?"

Fleet, Yulin, and Emily also looked over immediately.

Fleet was a little nervous: "Isn't Sister Rita's ability activated?"

Youlin shook her head: "It doesn't look like it."

Emily clasped her hands in a prayer gesture: "Don't let anything happen at a time like this."

Amidst the discussion among a group of little guys, Lita quickly reacted and waved her hands.

"I'm fine, it's just that I feel like I've seen this black Gundam somewhere."

Hearing this, Fleet, Yulin, and Emily breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Jonah and Michelle were stunned for a moment: "Have Lita seen it? Could it be that..." *2

Rita nodded and did not answer further. Instead, she used the new human's mental induction to ask Lin Youde.

(Dad, why is this black Gundam so similar to the Gundam I saw in my dream...)

Lin Youde: (This machine is the successor to the machine in your dream. It’s just that the machine in your dream should be the prototype Unicorn Gundam Unit 1.)

(And this one is a finished machine, Unicorn Gundam Unit 2: Banshee. The pilot should be Riddhe Mathenus, who was jealous of Banagher Best at the beginning.)

After answering Rita, Lin Youde thought to himself: 'It seems that Banagher has taken out the Unicorn Gundam Unit 1. Otherwise, where did the banshee of Unit 2 come from? ’

'Damn it, Amuro asked me not to get out the Unicorn Gundam and Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam). ’

‘It turned out that everything was fine on my side, but something happened on Banagher’s side. ’

‘I don’t know how that naughty kid Banagher is doing now. ’

'For Amuro to be warned so specifically, the price will probably not be small...'


PS: I’ll make up for the leave I asked for today. I’ll talk about other things next month.

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