Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1101 Two Teams of Gundam

Lin Youde never had much time to understand the Silla Alliance.

The only thing that knew about the movements of the DC army was what Casbar told Lin Youde.

So Lin Youde didn't know what the current situation of Banagher Best was in the Silla Alliance.

But according to what Amuro said before, Lin Youde could imagine that the child must have suffered.

Lin Youde didn't have much concern for Banagher Best.

In the original work, Lin Youde didn't like this coward and lack of opinion very much. A guy who only chases girls.

The Banagher in this world is even more childish to the extreme.

Lin Youde would not have any mercy towards such naughty children.

It's just a relationship, it's not a close relationship, Lin Youde is too lazy to be compassionate.

Compared to Banagher's matters, Lin Youde was more concerned about the Unicorn Gundam Unit 2, the Banshee, currently piloted by Riddy Marsenas.

‘According to the configuration of this machine, this is the configuration of the Banshee and the Goddess of Destiny. ’

‘The performance of this machine is hard to say. In the original work, it is considered the most powerful among the three Unicorn siblings. ’

‘But this shouldn’t have anything to do with the body. After all, the three Unicorn brothers and sisters should be fundamentally the same. ’

‘What really affects the performance of the aircraft is the driver. ’

'Compared to Banagher, who is nicknamed "Ba God" by fans, and Lita who directly merges with Phoenix and becomes Gundam Musume. Liddy Mathenas is indeed a bit lacking in ability, and his performance is quite average. ’

‘But that’s also compared to Tomoe God and Rita, and compared to ordinary new humans, the level of Riddy Mathenas should be above the elite level and below the ace level. ’

'Of course, that was in the original work, when he had been in the army for a while. In this world, it's hard to say how good he is. ’

While Lin Youde was thinking, Raymond raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why is this machine so similar to the Unicorn Gundam? Could this be another model of that thing? Or is it a technology verification machine?"

Knowing that Lemeng was asking him, Lin Youde replied: "Unicorn Gundam, Unit 2, Banshee, and Goddess of Destiny."

"I don't know how the Silla Alliance came up with this machine."

"But according to some of the warnings Amuro gave me before, I am more inclined to think that this is a technology verification machine they built based on the Unicorn Gundam's body data."

Lei Mengmeng touched her lips with her hand: "If it is a technology verification machine, does that mean that he also has the technologies of Unicorn Gundam Unit 1? For example, the front-end system of the NT-B system, NT -D system."

Lin Youde took a closer look at the armor on the Banshee, nodded slightly and said, "It should be there. The layout of the armor on the Banshee clearly leaves room for explosive armor after the NT-D system is activated."

Upon hearing this, Lei Mengmeng suddenly joked: "But none of the three teams we attacked this time have new humans."

"The NT-D system, as a new human destruction system, is a system specifically targeted at new humans."

"Then the system won't be able to start without new humans as a medium, right?"

While Lei Mengmeng was talking, the Gundam Team of the Human Innovation and Integration in the universe on the screen seemed to have discovered the Gundam Team of the Silla Alliance.

The three Gundams combined together and began to move towards each other's position.

At this time, Lin Youde replied: "It's hard to say, although the NT-D system is a destruction system for new humans."

"But it's essentially a system to assist the driver."

"It's just that it's most effective when facing new humans."

"In theory, it can be activated without new humans, but the effect is not as good as with new humans."

"Aslan and the others found Casbal's group, and Casbal also found them."

"The two sides are getting closer now, and a fight is likely to begin."

Raymond's expression was a little playful: "Tell me something interesting, have you noticed that our Gundam team here is all C.E-series mechas."

"The Gundam team across from them is all UC-type mechas."

"Even the team names have completely different styles. We are the SEED Gundam Team, and the opposite team is the UC Gundam Team."

"If the Free Federation also has a Gundam Team, then each of the three major countries has a Gundam Team. We can have a Gundam Team for mutual privacy."

Lei Mengmeng complained: "Why bother, the copyright of Gundam is with us."

"Aren't you sending so many Gundams out to promote us?"

Raymond rolled his eyes and said, "What are you thinking about? They are not kind-hearted people who want to promote us."

"Their purpose is to combat our influence, use Gundam to defeat Gundam, and let others understand that even if our side is Gundam orthodoxy."

"But they still build a stronger Gundam than us, thus affecting our monopoly on the Gundam IP."

"Those two groups, the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation, are full of bad intentions."

Lei Mengmeng pouted: "Of course I know what you said. Isn't it because your reaction is a little slower?"

Faced with the argument between the two people beside him, Lin Youde did not complain. Instead, he looked at the screen intently, looking forward to whether the SEED Gundam team led by Aslan could defeat the UC Gundam team led by Kasbal.

After all, reality is not a game. Without the blessing of title effects, Lin Youde is also curious about how much strength he can have.

As Lin Youde watched, the two teams soon met near an abandoned colonial satellite in space.

The Infinite Justice Gundam stopped at the front of the team holding a shield. Aslan looked at the group of people on the opposite side and was also shocked.

"Is that the Sazabi mentioned in the information? Is it the Red Comet of the Silla Alliance?"

Zhen Asuka in the cockpit of Destiny Gundam R was startled: "Is he the one who can fight evenly with Mr. Youde?"

Aslan: "Well, it should be."

Luo complained: "Hey, are we just too unlucky? We encountered a lot of trouble right from the start?"

Aslan looked at the opposite side, which had not moved yet, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe, but compared to other opponents who don't know the information. At least we still have the body information of this group of people."

"Our institute has first-hand research information on the Red Comet Sazabi."

"The black machine that looks very similar to the Unicorn Gundam may be another model of the Unicorn Gundam. We know the basics."

"The Gundam with F91 printed on its shoulder should be a small Gundam that the data mentioned can create afterimage clones."

"However, it seems that this F91 Gundam has a standard 21-meter Gundam size, and it should be newly built after re-optimizing the technology."

The corner of Luo's mouth twitched slightly: "That's true, but the other party should also be very powerful, right?"

"Aslan, how do we allocate this opponent? Let's talk about it first. I'm a weakling. Don't expect me to take the lead."

Aslan looked at the opposite side, thought for a moment, and then distributed: "Leave the Red Comet to me, leave the F91 Gundam to Zhen, and leave the Unicorn Gundam to you. Is that okay?"

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