Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1103 UC Gundam VS SEED Gundam (1)

Aslan was a little surprised by Casbar's sudden retreat, but his goal was clear. Even though he felt that there was something wrong with the situation, he still pursued him with the Infinite Justice Gundam.

The Infinite Justice Gundam was very fast, and Sazabi was not slow either. He was chased by the Infinite Justice Gundam for a while, but was not caught up.

While piloting the Infinite Justice Gundam to dodge attacks from the beam rifle in Sazabi's hand and the many floating cannons around him, Aslan's face looked a little gloomy.

‘Is he trying to avoid fighting to the end? He neither lets me catch up nor lets me leave. What on earth is he planning? ’

'Furthermore, Sazabi's speed is obviously inconsistent with what is shown in the data...'

Aslan cursed secretly, his eyes doubtful and a little firm.

In the cockpit of Sazabi opposite the Infinite Justice Gundam, Casbar was snickering.

"Haha, how about it, I can't catch up."

"Your Infinite Justice Gundam is a close-range, high-speed assault type fighter. I've seen the animation, so I know this information clearly."

"Although my Sazabi's various armaments are enough to deal with close combat aircraft, there is absolutely no need to risk a close combat with you."

"As long as you make good use of the speed advantage of the large Tesla thrusters, even if you are a high-speed machine, you will not be able to catch up with me."

While Casbal was talking to himself, Aslan quickly figured out Casbal's intention.

"Could it be that he is dragging me here on purpose, expecting the other two teammates to come to my rescue after defeating Zhen and Luo?"

"Red Comet is actually so timid... No, it should be cautious."

"Although I don't know why he is so cautious, that Sazabi should be equipped with Tesla thrusters, a special thruster technology that is unique to the Silla Alliance as mentioned in the data."

Aslan stared at the part of the propeller behind the 30-meter-tall Sazabi in front of him.

‘Sure enough, the propeller model is different from the original Sazabi in the data. ’

‘To actually install this kind of super-type thruster on a real-type aircraft, the Silla Alliance is really a luxury. ’

‘I remember it was mentioned in the information that only two large Tesla thrusters are needed to break through the atmosphere alone. ’ (Note 1)

‘Such a terrifying thrust is installed on a real-type machine body. The Silla Alliance is really rich. ’

‘But that’s fine, I originally planned to delay it. ’

‘Since Red Comet has the same idea, it just so happens that I can delay time openly. ’

‘After all, when it comes to teammates, let’s not talk about Luo for now, he really won’t lose. ’

Just when Aslan was thinking this, Casbar made a new move.

Sazabi, who had been retreating, suddenly stopped retreating.

The previous diversionary attack method of the floating cannon suddenly changed, the attack rhythm suddenly became faster, and the attack style suddenly became sharper.

This sudden change in style made Aslan a little confused, but it was just a little confused.

Under Aslan's flexible operation, the Infinite Justice Gundam missed a single hit and dodged them all.

Such a situation made Casbar twitch his eyebrows.

"Oh~! Did you actually react?"

"The original intention of retreating was to distance myself from the Banshee, and to induce the other party to mistakenly think that I was delaying the attack so that I could take them off guard."

"Now it seems that this plan has failed."

"In this case, there is no other way. We can only attack head-on."

"It's unclear how long Second Lieutenant Liddy can last. I have to move faster."

Sazabi stopped retreating, started to keep his distance, and launched a fierce attack on the Infinite Justice Gundam.

The beams of light erupted in the dark space of the universe, causing the Human Innovation and Integration audience who saw this scene to exclaim and feel heartbroken.

Without it, the firepower of the Infinite Justice Gundam is limited at mid-range.

In addition, Aslan insisted on delaying time, so to outsiders, it seemed that the Infinite Justice Gundam was dodging left and right under Sazabi's fierce attack, and was completely unable to launch an effective counterattack.

This scene also all fell into Lin Youde's eyes.

As for the strategy adopted by Aslan, Lin Youde could not say that Aslan's decision was wrong.

After all, in Aslan's opinion, the Red Comet is very famous and must have high technology.

That was a super ace pilot who had long been famous in this world and could even compete with him, the strongest new human being.

As someone who has fought against Lin Youde and been abused. Aslan knew all about Lin Youde's strength.

Therefore, I was also psychologically wary of the Red Comet who was rumored to be able to fight Lin Youde.


‘Casbal was able to draw with me, that was two years ago. ’

‘Now this guy even skipped Xia Ya’s special training, and Nightingale didn’t even get it. ’

'Based on the current Kaspar, Aslan can be completely destroyed as long as he explodes with SEED. ’

Knowing the strength of both sides, Lin Youde has the most say in this matter.

But just because Lin Youde knew it didn't mean that the two warring parties knew about it.

And judging from Aslan's mental state, it seems that he has no intention of breaking out SEED.

Aslan, who didn't explode SEED, couldn't really say that he was a sure shot against the current Kasbal.

In the case of deliberately delaying time, Aslan will never attack with all his strength.

Without a full-scale fight, Aslan probably wouldn't realize that Kaspar was just a paper tiger to him.

'I was intimidated by Casbar's reputation. It's my fault. It was me who created his reputation. It's all my fault that I'm too strong. ’

Taking a peek at Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng, who obviously didn't see any clues, Lin Youde muttered to himself.

‘Forget it, since no one knows, let’s just pretend for a while. ’

‘When the others are really taken care of and there is a righteous three-on-one fight, sooner or later he will be exposed as a paper tiger. ’

As Lin Youde watched, Zhen drove the Destiny Gundam R and rushed in front of the F91 Gundam.

Unlike Aslan who deliberately restrained and stalled for time, Shin Asuka's strategy was to win quickly.

Therefore, after launching a wave of preemptive attacks using the Destiny Gundam R's two shoulder cannons, the Destiny Gundam R went at full speed and moved forward bravely.


‘I don’t know how long Aslan can last, I have to defeat them as soon as possible. ’

‘Mr. Youde and Sister Setsuko are both watching, I have to live up to my expectations! ’

Thinking of this, Zhen Feiniao's fighting spirit was high, and a seed exploded in his mind on the spot.

With his eyes dim and lifeless, Destiny Gundam R easily avoided all attacks from the F91 Gundam and the Banshee, and came to the F91 Gundam unimpeded.

Raising the anti-ship sword in his right hand, Destiny Gundam R slashed towards the waist of F91 Gundam.

"Got it!!!"


Note 1·PS: The machine that is equipped with two large Tesla thrusters to break through the atmosphere alone is Gurunghast Zero.

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