Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1104 UC VS SEED (2)

The rapid charge of Destiny Gundam R really scared Jin Kaidu.

This was not just because the speed of Destiny Gundam R after deploying the light wheel propulsion wings was beyond his imagination.

It's even more because of Zhen·Asuka's desperate maneuvers as he rushes all the way.

Yes, just don't want your life.

In the eyes of Jin Kaidu, Destiny Gundam maintained a straight-line charge throughout. All attacks are blocked with the light wave defense shield of the left hand, or the body is tilted to a minimum to dodge.

All attacks directed at Destiny Gundam R did not affect its attack speed.

This pure straight-line charge, with a slight mistake, can allow Kinkaid's attack to hit the cockpit of the Destiny Gundam R, causing it to crash on the spot.

However, this scene did not happen.

The fully exploded Zhen Fei Niao fully demonstrated the professionalism of a super ace pilot.

Without any unnecessary movement, he rushed all the way to the side of the F91 Gundam and the Banshee.

Faced with the blow from Destiny Gundam R that was about to cut him in half, Jin Kaidu also reacted quickly.

"Don't even think about it!"

F91 flicked his left hand, and the anti-beam shield fixing device on his wrist fell off on the spot, throwing the entire anti-beam shield towards Destiny Gundam R.

At the same time, the F91 Gundam's chest MEGA machine cannon and right-hand beam launcher opened fire on the spot.

After the Destiny Gundam R's anti-ship sword easily shattered the anti-beam shield, it was hit one after another by the live ammunition of the MEGA machine cannon on the chest of the F91 Gundam and the beam of the beam launcher.

The live ammunition hit the anti-ship sword's blade and splashed sparks. The F91 Gundam's chest MEGA machine cannon was not able to penetrate the Destiny Gundam R's anti-ship sword.

The beam emitted by the beam generator hit the beam blade at the front of the anti-ship sword and was split on the spot.

"It's no use!"

Shin Asuka roared and pushed the joystick hard, causing Destiny Gundam R's right hand to push forward fiercely.

Under the attack of F91 Gundam's live ammunition and beam, Destiny Gundam R's anti-ship sword received some impact. After a stalemate for a while, it slashed at F91 Gundam again.

Amid the exclamations of countless spectators outside the venue, the anti-ship sword successfully cut through the waist of the F91 Gundam and cut it off...

In the cockpit of Destiny Gundam R, Shin Asuka did not show any happy expression.

Because he clearly felt that the blow of Destiny Gundam R did not hit.

After the anti-ship knife cut open the F91 Gundam, there were no sparks.

Instead, a beam of light suddenly appeared from the upper right and shot toward the right side of Destiny Gundam R.

At the same time, a BGM sounded from the battlefield.

[BGM: 君を见つめて‐The time I’m seeing you‐Moriguchi Hiroko]

As the BGM sounded, the previous beam hit successfully. Destiny Gundam R's anti-ship sword was hit by the beam from the back of the sword, breaking it into two pieces on the spot.

The Destiny Gundam R's anti-ship sword was interrupted without stopping. It made a big spin and quickly threw the anti-ship sword with only the hilt in its hand towards the direction where the beam had just been shot.

There, standing impressively was an F91 Gundam.

Facing this scene, Zhen Asuka did not panic at all, but instead whispered in a very calm voice.

"Is this a high-quality afterimage clone? Sure enough, locking it is useless..."

The head Vulcan cannon fired, tongues of fire spurted out, and a barrage of red bullets flew towards the F91 Gundam.

The bullet passed through his body and still hit the afterimage clone.

The afterimage has not disappeared yet. With the blessing of the BGM field, the real F91 Gundam appears from another direction again as if teleporting, pulling out the VSBR behind it to launch an attack.

With the blessing of BGM, the speed of the F91 Gundam's beam is so fast that the Destiny Gundam R in the true Asuka posture has no time to dodge and can only use the left hand light wave defense shield to offset it.

But even the light wave defense shield was shattered on the spot under the high-power VSBR attack of the F91 Gundam.

Fortunately, Zhen·Niao reacted quickly and relied on the light wave defense shield to adjust the angle before the light wave defense shield collapsed, so that the remaining VSBR beam passed past him.

Such a scene made Zhen Asuka understand that the F91 Gundam, which opened the field of BGM, was already superior to his Destiny Gundam R in terms of performance.

The performance gap is so big that no matter how good the technology is, it will be difficult to recover.

Regarding this situation, Zhen Asuka did not hesitate and took countermeasures.

"Is this the BGM field? I have this kind of thing too!"

Shin Asuka roared, and an exciting BGM with a completely different style erupted from Destiny Gundam R, as if the BOSS was coming.

【BGM: Zips-V.A.】

With the blessing of the BGM field, the Destiny Gundam R unfolded the light wheel propulsion wings behind it and once again launched a charge towards the F91 Gundam.

This time, blessed by the BGM field, the Destiny Gundam charged with pink light wings. Almost instantly, it rushed to the side of the F91 Gundam, pulled out its beam saber and slashed at it.

The F91 Gundam once again used its afterimage clone to get out of the way, but the distance between the real body and the Destiny Gundam R was already half as close as before.

Such a fast battle made the spectators outside the stadium scream in surprise and cheer loudly for their country's team.

The F91 Gundam dodged the attack again, raised its VSBR and aimed a shot at Destiny Gundam R's right hand.

Destiny Gundam R raised the beam sword in its right hand and slashed at it.

But Kazuma Asuka's expectation of recreating Lin Youde's magical beam sword slashing the beam did not happen.

The beam saber of Destiny Gundam R was actually suppressed and penetrated by the VSBR's beam during the beam confrontation.

Shin Asuka made an emergency operation, causing the VSBR's beam to fly out from the right side of the Destiny Gundam R.

"It's so powerful... If that's the case, then this is the only way to do it."

After sighing for a moment about the powerful attack strength of the F91 Gundam VSBR, Shin Asuka controlled the Destiny Gundam to turn off the beam saber, deployed the light wheel propulsion wings again, and launched another charge towards the F91 Gundam.

In response to this, the F91 Gundam naturally set up a two-door VSBR in response.

Destiny Gundam R dodged sideways while charging.

He crossed his hands, pulled out two beam boomerangs, aimed them at the left and right sides of the F91 Gundam and threw them.

At the same time, Destiny Gundam R's shoulder cannon mount and the beam boomerang it just threw launched an attack.

At that moment, attacks from three directions, left and right, hit two afterimages of the F91 Gundam, successfully penetrated and shot through the afterimage clones.

The real F91 Gundam appeared at the bottom at the same time as the two afterimage clones disappeared.

But Zhen Asuka had expected all of this.

Destiny Gundam R, with the support of the Nimbus Propulsion Wing, had already rushed to this position, and happened to hit Jin Kaidu who was maneuvering to avoid it.

Zhen Feiniao opened the public channel and roared: "This time, I finally caught you!!!"

The palm of Destiny Gundam R suddenly grabbed the part where the three blades protruded from the right shoulder of F91 Gundam.

"Watch the move, high-power palm cannon!!!"

A beam of light was shot out, and the right shoulder of the F91 Gundam was penetrated on the spot. The entire right arm flashed with arcs, and it was obvious that it was about to explode.

But at this time, Jin Kaidu's neither fast nor slow voice also sounded in the public channel.

"It's the same here..."

The mouth of the F91 Gundam's head display suddenly opened, the light gathered a little, and a beam of light was shot towards the cockpit of the Destiny Gundam, which was very close at hand...


PS: BGM has been added to the NetEase Cloud "Soul of Eternal Steel" playlist.

PS2: In Super Robot Wars K, the intro of Destiny Gundam's exclusive BGM "Zips" is truly touching. In the first few seconds, it felt like a BOSS appeared.

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