Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1110 The Past of the Fierce Bird

Such a sudden scene on the field stunned the audience on the Human Innovation Unity side.

The audience on the Silla Alliance side also whispered to each other and talked a lot.

Without it, just because everyone recognized what the machine that fired the sneak attack just now was.

"Akatsuki Ba? The Free Federation team is actually nearby?"

Lei Mengmeng looked at the black machine on the screen in surprise, her eyes widening.

Raymond narrowed his eyes slightly and corrected: "No, that's not Akatsuki Ba."

"That's a real black box body, the Fierce Bird MKII."

"And that painting looks like it should be Rachel Feinshoemaker's special machine, the Fierce Bird MKII Tornado."

Lei Mengmeng was shocked: "Eh? Fierce Bird MKII Tornado? What's this name?"

"Also, didn't the Ferocious Bird of the Free Federation explode?"

"Due to an unknown reason when the Black Box Bird was started, the black hole engine ran wild, causing the body to explode."

"Because of this incident, the Free Federation's lunar base was completely destroyed. The name of the "lost ominous bird" is also widely known. "

"Why is there still a black box of evil birds in the Free Federation now?"

Raymond explained slowly: "You only know one but not the other."

"The Free Federation has not just one or two Black Box Birds, but several."

"The one that exploded at the lunar base was Fierce Bird 008L,"

"That machine indeed went berserk due to the black hole engine, causing the machine and the Free Federation's lunar base to explode into the sky."

"After this incident, the other original Bird 009 of the Free Federation was completely hidden by the Free Federation. The name of the "lost Bird" was also widely circulated. "

"However, except for these two machines, the other Ferocious Birds are not affected and are all put into use."

Having said this, Raymond paused. Lei Mengmeng asked cooperatively: "Why?"

Raymond took out a small mini-projector the size of a makeup mirror, put it in front of him and turned it on. Another standard dark black ominous bird projected out.

"This is the Fierce Bird 008L, equipped with a black hole engine. There is even a terrifying weapon called a black hole cannon in the "Machine War" information."

Then he pressed it, turning the dark blue ominous bird in the projection into a pure green ominous bird.

"This is the Fierce Bird 009. Unlike other subsequent Fierce Bird models, this Fierce Bird is also equipped with a black hole engine."

Lei Mengmeng understood now: "I didn't expect that the Free Federation actually has a murderous bird equipped with a black hole engine."

"Doesn't this mean that if there hadn't been the "disappearing ominous bird" incident? The Free Federation has two ferocious birds equipped with black hole engines that can fire black hole cannons? "

As Lei Meng nodded slightly, Lei Mengmeng said with a sigh: "I'm sorry, the Free Federation must have too many trump cards. One after another."

"Originally, I thought they only relied on the Demon God series and Geta series. Now it seems that the Bird series is not weak, or even very strong."

Nan Ye looked at Li Te with confusion and asked in a low voice: "Could it be that Miss Lemon pried these information from the Free Federation in another world?"

Li Te whispered in agreement: "It should be so. After all, in another world, due to the problem of native species, the three major countries were forced to unite together in a sense."

"After the establishment of a special response force, these intelligence, which were regarded as secrets in the past, can also be granted permission to explore."

"The eldest lady probably took this opportunity to learn about some of the secrets of the Free Federation's past."

After answering Nanye, Li Te asked Raymond: "Miss, is this Bird MKII Tornado very troublesome?"

Raymond looked up at the black ominous bird MKII Tornado in the picture, with a somewhat complicated look on his face.

"That's right. Although this Fierce Bird MKII Tornado is the same as other Fierce Bird models, it is equipped with conventional engines. The most powerful weapon is not the black hole cannon, but the gravity cannon."

"Otherwise, Aslan's Infinite Justice Gundam would not have been able to withstand the blow just now."

"But even so, we can't underestimate him."

"In my side of the world, Rachel Feinshoemaker piloted this machine into the battlefield very late."

"Even though he had the right to pilot this machine a long time ago, he has never sat on it. Unexpectedly, in this world, he would actually get on it at this time."

"Is it Windrew's fault?"

Lin Youde twitched his eyebrows: "Tell me more, why Rachel has the driving qualification but is still reluctant to drive? Is there any inside story?"

Lei Mengmeng suddenly tilted her head slightly as if something had occurred to her: "Wait a minute, Finn Shoemaker? Why do I feel like I've heard this last name somewhere?"

Lamia, who was silent on the side, reminded: "Dear Mengmeng, there is a person with the surname Finn Shoemaker in our research laboratory."

After being reminded by Lamia, Lei Mengmeng finally remembered: "By the way, Ladis seems to have the same surname. I remember Ladis also has the surname Feinshoemaker."

Nanye also reacted, with a little surprise on his face: "Yes, Mr. Ladis also has this surname."

"Could it be that Mr. Ladis and Mr. Rachel have something to do with each other?"

The corner of Lei Mengmeng's mouth twitched: "It should just be a coincidence, right? After all, the last names are the same. But it's too common..."

Before Lei Mengmeng finished speaking, Lei Meng interrupted: "No, they are indeed related. And they are brothers."

"Ledis is Rachel's biological brother."

Lei Mengmeng and Nan Ye exclaimed in unison: "Hey!!!???"

Ignoring the startled two people, Lei Meng explained Lin Youde's doubts.

"According to my investigation, Leidis and Rachel's original surname was not Feinshoemaker, but Blancheitten."

"However, the two seem to be illegitimate children, so their biological father, Maia Brownshuttan, is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Space Force of the Silla Alliance, which can be said to be of high authority."

"But for this reason, even Maia Blancheitin could not withstand the pressure from the family and give them the title of biological mother."

"So the two of them were brought by their mother to settle in the Free Commonwealth."

"Because the two biological mothers have strong personalities and want to prove themselves so that they can give their two children a real identity and other reasons."

"Working together with Maia Brownshutan, their biological mother became the test pilot of the Black Box 008L, which the Free Federation had high hopes for. It was said to be able to change the new world structure and save all mankind."

"In Maia's view, once the biological mother of the two masters the Black Hole Engine and Black Hole Cannon 008L, her status in the Free Federation will be very important."

"The situation of Rachel and Ladis will also be improved."

Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched: "But he didn't expect that something happened to the vicious bird."

Raymond nodded slightly and replied: "Yes, as we know, the ominous bird completely exploded due to the black hole engine running wild.

"As the test pilot of Fierce Bird 008L, Rachel and Ladis's mother also died on the spot."

Li Te's face showed surprise: "No wonder Rachel resisted boarding this black Bird MKII Tornado."

"So that's what happened..."

Nan Ye also showed sympathy: "Boarding on the machine that killed your mother is something that most people cannot accept..."

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