Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1111 Let’s unite! ?

After hearing Nan Ye's words, Li Te echoed.

"Yes, although they are different models. But the Fierce Bird is the machine that killed Rachel and Leidis' mother."

"As sons of men, it's probably impossible for the two of them not to mind."

After Li Te finished speaking, Liu Longma, Shen Hayato, Tomoe Musashi, Wang Kai and others looked at Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang.

Du Jianlong saw this and waved his hand: "We are different. For us, the enemy is the Free Federation, not the Demon God."

Kang Dingbang agreed: "Yes, it was the Free Federation who wanted to rob the Demon God, and that's why our grandfather was killed. The real murderer was the Free Federation, not the Demon God robot. We know this very clearly."

Looking back at Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang, Lei Mengmeng continued to ask with curiosity.

"Then how did Letis and Rachel separate!? Is it also because of this?"

Raymond nodded slightly and continued to explain.

"Yes, because I am worried that the "disappearing ominous bird" will affect the reputation of the Blancheit family. "

"The two's grandfather, Maia's father, made a decision at that time."

"Completely separate the Blancheit family at that time from the "disappearing ominous bird" incident. "

"Because the Free Federation at that time needed someone to take responsibility for the "disappearing ominous bird." "

"And Ladis and Rachel's dead mother happened to be a very good scapegoat."

"After all, she was the pilot of Fierce Bird 008L at that time. If this blame is thrown to her, no one will have any objection except Rachel and the Ladis brothers."

"Under the interference of the two grandfathers, Rachel and Ladis, who were originally illegitimate children and had some potential to join the Blancheitin family, were completely deprived of this opportunity."

"And after my mother died, she still had to be smeared, and both my grandfather and father were indifferent and deliberately distanced themselves from each other. This should have deeply irritated the two of them."

"After this incident, the two completely changed their surname to Feinshoemaker."

"It's just different from Ladis, who was sent to live with my grandpa and grandma in the Human Revolution Union because of his young age."

"Rachel seems to want to investigate the truth behind the "disappearing ominous bird" and continue to stay in the Free Federation. Even joined the special intelligence unit. "

"With outstanding personal abilities and a strong mind."

"The young Rachel endured all kinds of abuse, accusations, and bullying, and reached a high position in the special intelligence department. She was well-known in various universities in the Free Federation at that time and was recognized as a genius."

"But because of this, some people who were unhappy with him, in order to deliberately disgust him, gave him the black ominous bird MKII Tornado, which was known as an ominous machine at the time."

"Although Rachel has lived up to expectations and activated this black box machine, he himself is quite resistant. The reason has just been stated and everyone is clear."

Lei Mengmeng nodded, and Alufemi asked curiously: "Then has he found out the truth?"

Raymond shrugged and spread his hands: "How is it possible? The entire lunar base of the Free Federation was blown up to the sky. How can there be any information to check!?"

"In our side of the world, Rachel didn't find any results, so her work was in vain."

"That kind of thing is destined to be an unsolved case and cannot be investigated."

Hearing this, everyone sighed for Rachel, who was destined to work in vain.

Only Lin Youde thought silently after listening.

"In the world view of "Super Robot Wars OG", the evil bird 008L was caused by alien troubles and a special program was added to the black hole engine. ’

‘Let the black hole engine explode as soon as it is started, to test whether the people on earth at that time could detect this small trick. See if it can be considered a threat and needs to be cleared out in advance. ’

‘Although Bai Hechou saw the problem at that time, he also guessed the alien’s plan. ’

‘So I deliberately didn’t say anything, and just used magic to protect Leidis as a test pilot. ’

'But the test pilot in this world is not Ladis, but his and Rachel's mother. ’

‘And the Fierce Bird 008L here is also a black box body, not a body made with technology given by aliens. ’

‘In this case, why did the Fierce Bird 008L explode? ’

‘Isn’t the black box body of this world put in by Kyousuke and the others in the last era and left to us as the last gift of this era? ’

‘Under such circumstances, the Fierce Bird 008L should theoretically not explode again. ’

Lin Youde, who couldn't figure out what was going on here, secretly sent Kiliam a message and asked if he knew.

Originally, Lin Youde didn't plan to have any expectations. After finishing the game, he planned to raise his head and continue watching the game.

But who would have expected that less than 10 seconds after he sent it, Kiliam sent back four big words.

Message: "Dragon warfare"

This information made Lin Youde's eyes widen.

'WTF? "Machine War" did it? ’

It’s not that I doubt the authenticity of this news.

After all, the only human beings in this world are Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng and a very small number of people.

Most people who want to drive a black box body need the activation bracelet provided by "Mech War" as a key. They couldn't start the machine without the key.

With this relationship in mind, as long as it is due to "Machine War", deliberately causing the black hole engine to run wild will not be a problem.

Lin Youde does not doubt that "Machine War" can easily do this kind of thing.

He just couldn't understand why "Machine War" did this.

Hasn't "Machine War" always taken good care of the humans in this world?

Why did "Machine War" deliberately let the evil bird 008L go berserk, causing the black hole engine to run out of control! ?

this is the key of the problem.

Just as Lin Youde was about to continue questioning, he heard Zhou Benkai's voice.

"We are finally meeting. Will there be a three-party melee next? Or will we temporarily unite to fight against the enemy!?"

As Zhou Benkai's voice came, Lin Youde also raised his head and looked at the screen.

On the screen, Rachel drove the Black Bird MKII Tornado to the frontal battlefield, officially entering the regular MS combat range.

However, after the six machines met, there was no direct battle.

Everyone's BGM field has stopped, and the body quietly stops in the universe.

Infinite Justice Gundam and Destiny Gundam R merged together, and Sazabi, who had lost one of his left arms, stopped on the other side of them.

Rachel's side maintains a very subtle right triangle position with both parties.

Opening the public channel, Rachel said: "Red Comet of the Silla Alliance, do you want to join forces with us!?"

"Based on the relationship between our Free Federation and the Silla Alliance, we should first eliminate the Human Innovation Integration as usual and then compete, right?"

"How about it, do you want to think about it and let us follow the usual routine first?"

"After all, for us, the biggest enemy is the innovation and unity of mankind, isn't it?"

"So, let us unite and deal with the human innovation and unity team first!"

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