Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1402 It’s rare to be confused

Alexis' words made Ye Ling raise her hands.

"Could it be because they are still alive!?"

"What do you mean!?"*4

Under the gazes of Tieria, Regeni, Alexis, and Levonzi, Ye Ling pointed to her tablet.

"All the information and brief biographical records about Liphonz Almac are still present in this information."

"The only ones we haven't found so far are the Leonard and Embrio you mentioned."

"So I'm wondering if they are still alive and not dead like Livonz. So their information is blocked!?"

Regeni Rejeta retrieved the information again, with a surprised look on his face: "It's true... Livonz's information is pretty good."

Tielia frowned and thought for a moment, then waved her hand and retrieved the information. After watching it for a while, she suddenly looked at Lin Youde.

"Have you ever met Setsuna, Lockon, Allelujah, and Miss Imperial in the real world?"

Before Lin Youde could answer, Lamia said in surprise: "Are you talking about Lockon Stratos, Allelujah Harptisson, and Emperor Lee Noriga who work in Mithril? "

"But who is Setsuna?"

Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng both looked at Lin Youde with strange eyes.

Lin Youde calmly ignored the weird looks in Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng's eyes, and replied: "Lok'ang, Allelujah, and Miss Huang are all working in Mithril at the moment. I don't know for a moment, I didn't find him."

Hearing this, Tielia showed a joyful smile: "That's seems that they have really reincarnated and were born in this era."

Regeni Rejeta was also surprised: "You can actually be reincarnated. I thought it was just a lie."

Livonz frowned: "What on earth are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Alexis explained: "It's nothing, it's just that after the end of the last era and before the world was restarted, our partners got some opportunities to leave some things from our era to this world and hand them over to this era. people. Give them help.”

"At the same time, people who have died also get a chance to live again."

"They can be reborn in this era and live the life they want again."

"As for whether to fight with the people of this era or give up the fight and return to the field, it is unknown."

Livonz's pupils shrank: "Is this kind of thing really possible?"

Alexis spread his hands: "It's possible to restart the world, but why can't it be done by rearranging people's reincarnations?"

"Hasn't New Humanity proven that souls will exist after death? Since souls exist, why doesn't reincarnation exist?"

Alexis' words left Levonzi speechless.

Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng have already reacted.

Lemon frowned: "In other words, Lockon, Allelujah, and Miss Huang who are currently in Mithril are all people who chose to be reincarnated in the last era?"

Tieria nodded: "Yes, they are comrades-in-arms just like us, and together with me, they once belonged to the organization "Celestial Being" and fought for the unification of the world. "

Lei Mengmeng squinted at Lin Youde: "According to this statement, the man named Setsuna is also your comrade, right?"

Regeni Regeta responded: "Yes, Setsuna is the first person among the gods to evolve from a pure human to a pure changer. It can be said to be a pioneer in human evolution. It is the most outstanding transformation. That’s right, Livonz.”

Livonz's expression was as gloomy as ink: "Suna F. Qingying, I have to admit that he is the only changer who can surpass me. If you are a pure changer, if you don't have enough time, I can definitely..."

Tieria denied: "Don't think about it. I, who have obtained all the authority of VEDA, have known it for a long time. We artificial changers, that is, change facilitators, cannot evolve into pure changers."

"This is something that Aeolia Shohanbeck had foreseen when he first created us."

"These are the limits that Aeolia Shohanbeck has placed on us."

Livonz's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and growled: "Aeolia Shohanbeck..."

Lei Mengmeng didn't pay attention to the conversation between the three of them. She just said "oh" meaningfully and stared at Lin Youde faintly.

Lin Youde noticed Lei Mengmeng's gaze, but he couldn't explain it and could only come up with a universal excuse.

"Amuro has told me many things."

Lei Mengmeng said oh and didn't ask any more questions.

Lei Meng seemed to know what Lei Mengmeng was thinking and pushed her quietly.

Lei Mengmeng's little mouth curled up slightly, and she whispered: "I know, I just..."

Raymond interrupted: "Okay, sometimes, knowing too much can be more painful. Sometimes ignorance is a blessing. As the ancients said, it is rare to be confused."

Lei Mengmeng pursed her lips and finally hummed without saying anything.

Alufimi and Ye Ling looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, their eyes were full of doubts, and they didn't understand what they were talking about at all.

However, the two reached a consensus.

"The Riddler, so annoying!"*2

Lamia didn't care about this, she just quickly searched for various information on the tablet and raised her head with a frown.

"Guys, in your database, it seems that the information of personnel other than your heavenly beings has completely disappeared."

"Although the name of the person can be searched, the information other than the name and gender is basically gone. Is this also a restriction?"

Regeni Rejeta browsed through it quickly, with a look of surprise on his face: "It's true, almost all the personnel information stored in VEDA has been cleared. When did I not find out what happened?"

Tieria was calm: "It is probably caused by the restrictions of the rule. We didn't find it because we were probably restricted by some kind of thinking and didn't think about it."

Regeni Rejeta frowned: "If that's the case, then I'm afraid the only way is to re-create the body, intervene as a living person in this era, and be recognized. Otherwise, I'm afraid there is no way to lift this kind of mental imprisonment."

"No, it is possible that even if you intervene in this era as a living person, restrictions will still exist. This can be..."

Tieria interrupted: "It doesn't matter, the people of this era are the ones who really make the choice. That is, Lin Youde and the others."

"We just have to do a good job of providing support and that's it."

"Lin Youde, what are your plans next?"

Lin Youde heard this and replied: "I plan to return to the real world first, meet Tieria outside, and then go to Jupiter."

"As for the rest, we'll talk about it later."


PS: I'm stuck, let me sort out some details of the plot later.

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