Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1403 Leaving

After completing some information handovers with Tieria and Regeni Rejetta, Lin Youde planned to leave.

After working in this world inside VEDA for so long, it’s time to go back.

In this regard, Tieria and Regeni did not hold back. After all, as long as Lin Youde releases VEDA from the black box, they can create bodies and appear in the real world at any time.

On the contrary, Li Fonz took a deep look at Lin Youde.

"Although I didn't survive to the end in the last era, I have seen some terrifying existences."

"You'd better develop as soon as possible. Otherwise, when those guys come back, humanity will have no future."

"In the last era, I don't know how many people died because of the stupid things Leonard and Embrio did and the fusion of the multiverses."

"If they are still alive, you'd better find them as soon as possible. It's best to catch these two idiots as soon as possible and bring them over to keep me company."

Lin Youde did not comment on this and just left with Lei Mengmeng and others.

Regeni Rejeta looked at Livonzi: "Livonzi, do you still want to cause trouble?"

"With restricted permissions within VEDA, you have no chance."

Livonz sneered and squinted at Reggie Reggie, his eyes full of contempt.

"Idiot, it's not like I can't see what Lin Youde is going to do."

"I just want to rule mankind, not destroy it."

"As long as a few of those guys from the last era survived, they would be a disaster for humanity today."

"I will not give Lin Youde a stumbling block in this kind of matter."

Tieria asked calmly: "So, did you remind Lin Youde to look for Leonard and Embrio?"

Livonz snorted lightly and did not answer.

Tielia glanced at Levonzi and replied: "You don't have to worry about this. Lin Youde is not as ignorant as you think. On the contrary, he may know the dangers of those two people better than you."

Livonz frowned: "Tieria Erd, do you know something!?"

Tielia Erd looked at the book in her hand again: "Sa, who knows..."

Livonz was still about to ask, but Regeni Rejetta said: "Okay, the break time is over, you go back and close up, Livonze. The trouble you caused this time is not small, and you must be punished properly. Just give it a try."

Levonzi looked sideways at Regeni, stood up, and said sarcastically: "The future of mankind is entrusted to one person, and I don't know if he can bear it."

In response to this, Tieria Erd didn't know what she was thinking of and remained silent.

Regeni Rejeta replied: "Don't worry, that Lin Youde will only do better than you. I have confidence in him."

Livonz sneered, turned and left, and Regeni Rejeta followed quickly.

Tielia was left sitting on the chair, murmuring in a low voice: "Snap..."

Mars·a certain ruins·in front of the gate.

In the space vortex, Lin Youde and others walked out one after another, and Gu Lincai, who was waiting aside, came over in surprise.

"Youde, are you back?"

Ni Xingxing, who was dozing on a chair nearby, quickly stood up after being pushed awake by Ladis.

"You're back now!? Less than a day has passed. Isn't this too fast?"

Ladis asked with a straight face: "What, did you fail?"

Lin Youde pointed to the black box in the hands of Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng and said, "No, it was successful. This time the operation went relatively smoothly, and we successfully got what we wanted."

The three of them looked at the black boxes in the hands of Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng, and they all let out a long sigh.

Gu Lincai: "As long as it goes well."

Ni Xingxing: "As expected of you, you are very virtuous. You took action personally and got it done in less than a day. It's so efficient."

Ladis: "If that's the case, then take the things back to Fei Long Kai and put them away as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble."

Lin Youde nodded slightly and led everyone to collect the team.

After Lin Youde and others finished cleaning up, the mechanical door slowly closed and gradually petrified, losing its technological texture.

Ni Xingxing touched it curiously, but the door weathered on the spot and turned into a pile of fly ash. Ni Xingxing was so frightened that she quickly apologized to Lin Youde and asked for help.

"Youde, I didn't mean it. This door was broken by itself."

"It's okay, this door is just a transmission channel. After getting the things, this door probably completed its historical mission, so it probably started the self-destruction program."

After getting the VEDA and GN power furnace (solar furnace), Lin Youde didn't care about the self-destruction of the gate.

After taking everyone back to Feilong Kai, and understanding that the current situation on Mars had not changed much from before departure, Lin Youde wondered whether it was time to release the VEDA and GN power furnaces.

Considering that we are still on Mars and these two things are crucial, VEDA is not small in size and will definitely be seen when released.

So Lin Youde thought about it and finally didn't do it.

Instead, log in to the machine battle again and report the current progress to Tieria first.

After Lin Youde entered the machine battle, the four people who had followed Lin Youde into the Gurlitt Universe, the internal virtual world of VEDA, all came to Raymond's bedroom for a meeting.

In front of Lei Mengmeng, Ye Ling, Alufimi, and Lamia, Lei Meng solemnly instructed.

"Please remember to keep the previous conversations with Tieria, Regeni, and Livonz confidential. In the last era, some people chose to reincarnate and came to this world. Originally, it was just me, Youde, and Meng. Meng knows.”

"Now that you know it, you have to keep it a secret. This matter is of great importance. If you don't do it right, it will cause a big commotion."

"Also, all the information that was previously searched through VEDA has been kept inside and is not allowed to be shared outside. Do you understand?"

Ye Ling, Alufemi, and Lamia nodded to express their understanding.

Lei Meng looked at Lei Mengmeng again and asked.

"Are you still worried about that matter?"

Lei Mengmeng's little mouth curled up slightly: "I told you I don't care, do you believe it?"

Raymond himself knows best what kind of character he is.

But it was precisely because of too much understanding that Raymond sighed helplessly.

"Let it go, who doesn't have a few secrets?"

"Youde almost died at the mouth of a dimensional beast for us back then. It's a miracle that he survived. It's incredible that his brain can return to normal."

"And who doesn't already have a few secrets?"

"There are some things he doesn't tell us, and he must have his own concerns."

"No matter how close you are to someone, if you push them too hard, it will only be counterproductive."

"Sometimes, we should not look at what others say, but what they do."

"Although Youde is unwilling to reveal some things to us, hasn't he done enough for us?"

"Or do you think he has changed?"

Looking at the silent Lei Mengmeng and the somewhat angry Lei Meng, Ye Ling's head was full of questions.

"What are you talking about?"

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