Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1423 Hope and Despair

With these words from the Time and Space Dragon God, Lin Youde felt relieved.

But after Orathion saw Lin Youde's reassuring expression, he reminded him.

"Don't be too careless. Although the other Dragon Gods are not as powerful as the Time and Space Dragon God, those who can survive are not good deeds."

"With your current strength alone, you cannot compete with them."

"So if you encounter other Dragon God's apostles in a short period of time, you should be polite and try not to become enemies with them."

"As long as you are polite to them and tell them that you are working for us, they will not be embarrassed if they are a little sensible."

Lin Youde responded repeatedly to Orathion's heart-warming suggestions.

"Thank you for reminding me, I will remain polite. Reduce the number of enemies to a few and friends to many. Only in this way can we unite more forces to fight against the ultimate enemies. I will work hard to implement this strategic policy. "

Orathion nodded with a smile, and Thoriende turned his face and curled his lips.

"Just don't die."

Lin Youde's eyes wandered back and forth between Orathion and Soderian, and asked a question that he had wanted to ask for a long time.

"Well, what is the relationship between the original me and you?"

No wonder Lin Youde was confused, it was really the attitude of these two girls that was too strange.

Oratheon was very polite and caring to her, while Soderian felt like he owed her millions.

Such a contrast made Lin Youde have to wonder if his other self had something happened with them.

After Lin Youde asked the question, the two people had different reactions.

Orathion smiled slightly and replied: "We are just ordinary friends. After the original you reached a deal with Lord Dragon God, I was responsible for guiding the original you on how to use the power of the space-time crystal."

"I am also the one who witnessed how you started your journey in the first place. I also have some understanding of your wishes."

"Although I can't do anything for you as a friend, as a friend, I will give you my blessings and prayers for your journey."

Soderian replied with a look of displeasure: "It's nothing, just a wooden stake for sparring. That guy ran away after winning the fight and has never been found again. It's really..."

After saying that, Soderian looked at Lin Youde, smacked his lips and said: "Hurry up and become stronger. There is no point in defeating you now."

"When you become strong enough, I will challenge you again."

Lin Youde's expression was a little subtle: "Huh? Oh, okay."

As he spoke, Lin Youde complained in his heart: 'Just ordinary friends? Liar...too. The other me is like that. I guess apart from the native Wang Liumei, I really have no intention of provoking anyone else. So, the other me and Orathion are really just friends? ’

‘Forget it, I don’t want to anymore. Solander is still relatively simple and easy to understand, but it can't beat the old me, and because the old me disappeared. So it makes me unhappy. Well, this is easier to understand. ’

The Space-Time Dragon God looked at Lin Youde and asked, "Do you have any more questions?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "It's gone for the time being..."

The Time and Space Dragon God swept his tail: "It's okay, just go back. Your time is precious, there is no need to waste it here."


Before he finished speaking, Lin Youde disappeared.

When Lin Youde disappeared, Oratheon and Soliande looked at the Space-Time Dragon God at the same time.

Orathion asked hesitantly: "Lord Dragon God, is it really okay to lie to him like this?"

The Time and Space Dragon God said lightly: "He is under enough pressure now, and this level of answer is just right. If I tell him all the truth, I am worried that he will lose his fighting spirit and become desperate."

"After all, that is an opponent that all the Dragon Gods cannot defeat together..."

Soliande gritted his teeth and asked: "Lord Dragon God, can't we ask that Lord to take action?"

"It can even restart the universe easily. Shouldn't it be possible to defeat that...?"

The Time and Space Dragon God just shook his head and did not answer.

Orathion sighed: "Lin it really possible?"

The Time and Space Dragon God looked into the distance with a deep gaze: "We... have no choice. Being able to get that adult's help and restart the universe is already a sign of mercy from that adult."

"The rest depends on fate..."

"Back then, I used my original power to give those little human girls insight into the future and found that glimmer of life."

"Although this glimmer of hope is very slim, we can only place our hope on him."

Orathion asked melancholy: "Then... what if Youde fails?"

The Time and Space Dragon God slowly closed his eyes: "Then... destruction is also our fate."

Thoriende glared at Orathion and replied with a straight face: "What are you afraid of? To be great is to die. What's the big deal? It's not like I haven't died before."

"Furthermore, Lin Youde is a descendant from another dimension. Maybe he is also a creature from a high-dimensional world."

"As a being who descended from a high-dimensional world, there must be something special about him. Although we haven't discovered it yet, he must have his abilities."

"Anyway, I have confidence in him. He will definitely be able to save the world."

Orathion looked at Soliande and remained silent for a while, just sighing silently.

The Time and Space Dragon God slowly lay down on the high platform of the temple and whispered: "Wait and believe. Only by holding on to hope will you avoid complete despair. When it finally comes, it will be rebirth or destruction, it all depends on..."

Near Jupiter·Feilong Kai·Bridge

"Youde, you're back!?"

As Lei Mengmeng's voice reached his ears, Lin Youde realized that he was back.

Although he was dissatisfied with the Space-Time Dragon God's decision to directly kick him out of the temple, Lin Youde thought about it and realized that he really didn't have any other questions to ask.

Although the Time and Space Dragon God has a good attitude toward him, it is impossible to say that it has no objections at all because of the things caused by Leonard and Embrio.

And many other dragon gods also died in the final battle of the last era. Not even Lin Youde is so shameless when it comes to letting the Dragon God of Time and Space treat people wrongly.

Asking the Dragon God of Time and Space for more details about the previous era is almost rubbing salt into someone's wound.

At present, the Time and Space Dragon God is the boss of his own camp. There is no need to offend such a boss for some unnecessary details.

Anyway, I have a general understanding of what happened in the last era, even if I don't know the details, it doesn't matter. Because even if you know it, you can't change anything now.

As for asking the Time and Space Dragon God where the black box left by mankind from the previous era was, Lin Youde felt that even if he asked it, others might not answer him.

Therefore, Lin Youde quickly thought about it.

‘Come back as soon as you come back. Anyway, the important questions have been answered and things have been obtained. Next, let’s go to Pluto! ’

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