Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1424 Arrival! Pluto!

Regarding what happened to Lin Youde in the temple of the Dragon God of Time and Space, Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng originally did not intend to ask more questions.

But Lin Youde felt that this matter was not a secret that needed to be strictly guarded, so he didn't keep it a secret and told his own people.

Of course, the people I refer to here are those who could follow Lin Youde to dig up the ruins of Jupiter before.

People like D-BOY, Elnora Samaya's family, and others can be considered friendly forces, but they cannot be completely trusted.

Because it didn't take long for Lin Youde to go to the temple of the Dragon God of Time and Space, and in addition, everyone now didn't know who the enemies mentioned by the Dragon God of Time and Space were.

Although I understand that they must be some very powerful opponents, everyone today is not that kind of opponent. It's useless to think too much, so I can only temporarily follow what Lin Youde said, put down the worries in my heart, study and train hard, and improve myself as much as possible.

Lin Youde will arrange the rest.

The long-term trust in Lin Youde made everyone quickly accept this arrangement.

Only Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng were a little worried about this, but they also understood that it was still early to face those unknown existences.

Coupled with the fact that the two of them were destroyed in the last era and then restarted the world, they had already understood that Lin Youde would definitely face those existences of the destroyed world left over from the previous era in the future.

Therefore, the two of them were not too surprised, and quickly returned to their original daily routine.

That's the end of the matter for Jupiter.

When this happened, the flying dragon changed its direction and started heading towards Pluto.

However, just after Feilong Kai flew out of Jupiter and had not yet reached Saturn, Feilong Kai stopped because of this.

It wasn't that the enemy was discovered or an accident occurred, but something happened that forced everyone to stop.

Ye Ling: "What... is this!?"

On the bridge of Feilong Kai, everyone gathered together and looked at the huge circular steel building outside the bridge that was several times larger than Feilong Kai. They were all stunned.

After listening to Ye Ling's words, Lei Mengmeng, Lei Meng, and Lefina immediately looked at Lin Youde.

Lin Youde lived up to his expectations and named this strange building.

"This is... a star gate!?"

Looking at the huge ring-shaped building directly in front of him, Lin Youde immediately thought of the portal Stargate that appeared in the "Super Robot Wars α" series and the "Super Robot Wars OG" series and was used to travel between the stars.

The concept of a star gate is not uncommon in science fiction works.

But in the "Super Robot Wars" series, this ring-shaped building is still used, so there are only star gates that have appeared in these two series.

Of course, Lin Youde has never played all the works in the mecha war series, so it can only be said that in Lin Youde's impression, only these two series have appeared.

Considering that in both series, there are Voidbringers (Baruma Empire) and Monitors (Zorlian). And Stargate seems to be related to these two organizations. So Lin Youde actually had some expectations for the appearance of the Star Gate.

The only thing that surprised Lin Youde was that the star gate actually appeared at the distance between Jupiter and Saturn.

‘Shouldn’t this thing appear between the Earth and Mars, or at the edge of the solar system like Pluto? ’

‘Why does this thing appear here? ’

While confused, Lin Youde was also explaining the function of this star gate to everyone.

After a brief explanation, everyone finally understood the function of the Star Gate.

Lei Mengmeng's eyes flickered: "In other words, this thing is a transmission device for those aliens to quickly come to our solar system, right?"

Raymond sighed with emotion: "Although I didn't expect such a thing, such a large teleportation device is indeed beyond my expectation."

Lefina looked at Lin Liuli and asked, "What are the results of the data analysis?"

Lin Liuli replied: "After the analysis, the star gate is made of materials not known in the solar system, and its strength may be far greater than expected."

"However, the stargate has a diameter of 10 kilometers and does not have any defense units. It is suspected that it cannot be destroyed by currently known attacks."

"In addition, there is no energy reflection in the middle of the star gate, and it is suspected that the transmission system is shut down."

Hearing this, Sanye poked the palm of his hand: "Could this Star Gate be closed by the supervisor on his own initiative when he retreated?"

"This thing comes from outside the solar system. I guess it was made by the Monitor or the Void Messenger, right?"

Sanye's statement was quickly recognized by everyone. After all, this statement was the most reasonable.

But Lin Youde vaguely remembered that the manufacturing method of the Star Gate seemed to be beyond the control of the Baruma Empire and Zuolian.

These two forces seem to only know how to use it. Star gates are essentially created by other dead cosmic civilizations.

However, Lin Youde did not say anything about this kind of thing for the time being, because it was not necessary.

"Stay here for a while and send someone up to analyze it to see if we can grasp the operating principle of this star gate. This kind of alien portal cannot be turned a blind eye like this."

"But we also have other things to do, and we can't stay here for too long."

"Do a little tentative research. If you don't gain anything, just ignore it for the time being and continue to Pluto."

Everyone had no objections to Lin Youde's arrangement.

Nearly a week later, Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, Raymond, Robert, Elnora Samaya and other researchers all went to the Star Gate to conduct research.

But the result was already predicted.

Just a week of research and no obvious results.

The star gate was closed and all systems were blocked. Lin Youde and the others were unable to crack it. Even if you want to destroy it, you can't.

After all, this thing in the "Super Robot Wars OG" series can only be destroyed by the throne machine "Grantite Dragon God Type".

Ordinary attacks can't hurt this guy at all.

So Lin Youde and others finally did some research, collected some data that was not known to be useful, and left in a hurry.

There is nothing that can be done about this. The star gate is placed between Jupiter and Saturn. Feilong Kai has limited supplies, and Lin Youde is in a hurry. There's no way you're going to waste your time on this thing. So Lin Youde and others had no choice but to leave.

The rest of the journey was quite peaceful.

After passing through the Star Gate, Feilong Kai no longer encountered any interstellar pirates or scrap recyclers.

It's as if the universe behind the Star Gate is a true no-man's land, without any trace of human beings.

Lin Youde and others watched for a while while passing by Saturn and Neptune, took photos, and then continued their journey.

Half a year after setting off from Jupiter, Feilong Kai finally arrived in the waters of Pluto.

Then, everyone was stunned.

Because... there are seemingly countless battleships and aircraft wreckage around Pluto.

It's hard to imagine what a brutal battle this place went through.

Of course, this is not the most shocking thing.

What really shocked everyone, including Lin Youde, was the seemingly endless steel barrier outside Pluto.

A huge steel barrier completely isolates the universe outside Pluto from the solar system inside Pluto.

An endless huge steel wall lies across the universe beyond Pluto, and also lies in front of everyone in Feilong Kaishang...

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