Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1509 Ellie pilots the Wind Spirit Gundam?


Lin Youde's words made everyone look over.

Even Yiluyi, who had been silent before, was full of curiosity and asked timidly.

"Uncle, do you know Yaojiren?"

Lin Youde's cheeks trembled and he complained secretly.

‘No, why do these little lolita like to call me uncle so much? I'm only in my early 20s, so I should be called brother after all, right? ’

‘Although there are already a lot of people calling me daddy in the research institute, why does Yiluyi want to call me uncle? Was it the glass belt that was damaged? ’

‘Obviously when she calls Serena, it’s her sister. You know, Serena is older than me. ’

Lin Youde felt resentful about the sudden and unreasonable salary increase.

But fortunately, Lin Youde made a clear distinction between public affairs and private affairs. He did not mix personal feelings in such a public announcement and gave a clear response.

"Yes, I know about the Yaoji people."

"Although everyone has never seen the demon machine people in our world and Raymond's world. But in other parallel worlds, the activities of the demon machine people have been seen."

He briefly explained the reason why he learned about the demon machine man, and deliberately directed this matter to his other self who had disappeared.

Lin Youde didn't care whether everyone understood or not, he directly ordered Lamia.

"The guy who looks like an onion but has red wings and chicken feet is called Dijiang. He is an air and land dual-purpose demon robot who is good at melee combat."

"The guy who looks like a hedgehog and is red all over, with white appendages on the muscles of his limbs, is called Meng Huai. He is a melee-type monster robot who is good at ground and underground combat."

"The red fish that looks like a goldfish but has as many as ten tails is called a horo fish. It is an air- and water-type demon robot that is good at long-range shooting."

"That gray guy who looks like a dog and a hamster, with no eyes, is called an owl. He is a land warfare defense-specialized assault robot who is good at frontal assaults and defensive firepower."

"The one with a pitcher plant-like top and a snake-like chassis is called Princess Kuxin. It is a monster that combines offense and defense. It can also be used on land, water, and air. It can deploy a defensive shield, and it can also use energy attacks and physical attacks. Robot..." (Note 1)

As Lin Youde continued to report the names of the dishes, Lamia also quickly modified the information.

Others also kept these information in mind so that they would not be in a hurry when fighting the demon machine people in the future.

After Lamia finished recording, Lin Youde thought for a moment and added.

"In addition, although the Yaoji Man looks a bit like a living thing, it is different from the original species. It is not a pure living thing, but more like an organic combination of biology and machinery."

"So although they have a certain degree of autonomy, I suggest that it is more appropriate for you to understand them as mass-produced AI with certain intelligence."

"At the same time, the upper echelons of the Yaoji people should not regard these guys as anything valuable, but as consumables."

"So everyone had better be mentally prepared that once you are approached by these guys, these guys will play self-destruction with you."

Lin Youde's words made Serena exclaim: "Isn't that true? When I fought with these guys before, I never saw these guys playing self-destruction."

Lin Youde rolled his eyes at Serena angrily: "It didn't happen before, but it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future."

"I'm just saying to prepare you for this."

"Also, don't forget that there was Irui, the witch of the God of Steel, in your original machine."

"As long as the other side is not crazy, they will want to catch them alive instead of rushing to explode with you."

"In short, this is just my personal guess. It is better for everyone to be mentally prepared."

"After all, even I don't know the origin of the monster machine. But as a integrator, everyone should have heard stories or myths and legends related to monsters when they were children."

"The outlook on life and morality of monsters is completely different from that of us humans. It is not the collective consciousness of native species. It is the kind of indifference in which the top dominates everything and ignores everything at the bottom."

"So they may not be able to do things that native species can't do."

"Everyone should be mentally prepared and it's always good to be careful."

Lin Youde's words attracted everyone's approval, and they all nodded to express their understanding.

After all, there is a commander who cares about everyone's safety. Everyone is happy and at ease, so how can they blame and criticize.

After briefly popularizing some stereotypes and memories of playing games before time travel, Lin Youde gave instructions again in order to make up for the differences between games and reality.

"Plus, the same thing as these guys could blow themselves up."

"Whether these demon robots have other attack methods that we don't know about, it's best for everyone to keep an eye out."

"We are now at high altitude. With the protective force fields of Hiryu Kai and Steel, the Nadeshiko and Valstock are charged. For the time being, we can ignore the attacks of some sporadic demon robots on the ground and in the air."

"But then we rushed into the unified barrier and were restricted by the barrier. It was impossible for us to continue to maintain this safe height that conventional demon robots could not easily reach."

"So in the subsequent battles, try to have super-type machines and machines with strong protective shields in front. Real-type machines should focus on roaming and supporting shooting."

"With the generally strong defense of the super type, even if it encounters self-destruction and hidden surprise attacks, it can still resist. Once the real type encounters it, it will really be the end."

After giving some special instructions, focusing on Raul and Ericte Samaya, who were not yet veterans, Lin Youde began to discuss some plans that needed to be remembered in the face of emergencies within the conflict and integration barrier. plan.

As for Elnora Samaya, her eyes were filled with sadness as she looked at her daughter who was excited in her arms.

Since returning to Earth, she has been unable to activate the Wind Spirit Gundam.

It was as if the Wind Spirit Gundam was repelling her. Although the central control computer could be started, the body just couldn't be started. No matter how much fiddling or debugging was done, it was useless.

Only when her daughter Ericte Samaya comes up will everything work properly.

Due to the abnormality of the Wind Spirit Gundam, Raymond's attention was attracted.

After Raymond conveyed this matter to Lin Youde, Lin Youde decided that Ericte Samaya would pilot the Wind Spirit Gundam to participate in the battle...


Note 1·PS: I can’t quite remember the fighting methods of these miscellaneous soldiers of the Yaoji people. Let's show it this way for now. If it is not consistent with the original work, treat it as the author's magic modification.

The memory of the protagonist is also based on the settings after the magic reform and when the protagonist plays the game before rebirth. Thank you for your understanding.

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