Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1510 Yin and Yang are reversed, the four images return to their positions, and rush into the

Yes, Ericte Samaya's decision to fly the Wind Spirit Gundam alone was made by Lin Youde himself.

It is precisely because this is Lin Youde's decision that Elnora is so helpless.

Now that their family was living under someone else's roof, there was no way they could disobey Lin Youde's wishes.

Lin Youde allowed the family to make their own decisions except for letting Eliquete pilot the Wind Spirit Gundam, which was very good to the family. Therefore, she could not refute Lin Youde's decision.

Moreover, Lin Youde did not make a decision casually, but after many tests and considerations.

According to Lin Youde, the Wind Spirit Gundam is a Gundam with an independent soul and consciousness.

The Wind Spirit Gundam's rejection of Elnora is not a simple mechanical conflict or malfunction, but is determined by the Wind Spirit Gundam's autonomous consciousness.

It was the Wind Spirit Gundam itself that chose not to let Elnora drive it, and instead chose Eliquet to be its pilot.

Even Lin Youde didn't know the reason behind it, but Lin Youde guessed that there should be some special cause and condition that none of them knew about.

In addition, when Ericte Samaya piloted the Wind Spirit Gundam for exercises and tests, the overall performance of the Wind Spirit Gundam was suddenly three levels higher than when Elnora Samaya piloted it.

Not to mention that when she was a guest at the DC Army's Pluto Island base, she and her daughter logged into the game together. Only her daughter got an exclusive BGM field, and she only got a very low-level mass-produced BGM field.

After many considerations, Lin Youde finally decided that Ericte Samaya should pilot the Wind Spirit Gundam.

Although Ericte Samaya is young, unlike Elnora Samaya when she pilots the Wind Spirit Gundam, she is basically the one controlling and fighting.

When Ericte Samaya piloted the Wind Spirit Gundam, it was more the Wind Spirit Gundam itself that was operating and reacting to fight.

Ericte Samaya is more of a mascot character chatting with the Wind Spirit Gundam.

So even though Ericte Samaya is only 3 years old, she is the youngest pilot in the entire Londebel, even the entire Aqua Blue Star, and even the entire solar system.

But it will not prevent the Wind Spirit Gundam's combat ability from being affected.

Because the one actually fighting was the Wind Spirit Gundam, not Ericte Samaya.

However, in order to take care of Elnora Samaya's emotions, Lin Youde also promised not to let Wind Spirit Gundam and Ericte Samaya participate in combat activities related to humans.

Only when faced with AI robots or monsters that don't look like humans at all like Yaojiren will the Wind Spirit Gundam be sent out.

And after adding the action plan of having the Wind Spirit Gundam proactively move back to cover the mothership's defense, Elnora Samaya finally compromised.

This, her husband also agreed with.

There is no way, Lin Youde has done this, if they refuse again, they will be too ignorant of current affairs.

Now it is a matter of great importance to the rise and fall of the unified country, and they do not have many reasons to refuse.

As a result, Ericte Samaya became the youngest pilot in the entire Rondebell unit.

After Banagher found out about this, the little guy who originally didn't want to participate in the battle was extremely stimulated.

Especially when I was on Pluto Island, I learned that not long after they went to Mars, they wanted to avoid the turmoil caused by the DC army's rebellion. Audrey was sent to the Union for refuge by Nanai's family, but she was suddenly locked up inside the Union and could not get out.

Banagher, who originally only planned to study with Lin Youde and whose fighting spirit was not very high, but only planned to be a good student, suddenly had his fighting spirit maxed out.

These things are all the details that happened after "Londe Bell" landed on Aquamarine, so I won't go into details here.

In the different moods of everyone, the four battleships of "Londe Bell", led by Lin Youde, did not go to clear out the demon robots outside the barrier, but went straight to the edge of the barrier that unified the mainland.

After arriving at the designated location, all aircraft were dispatched and stationed on various decks of the four battleships.

On the bridge of Feilong Kai, in the cockpit of the new Strike Freedom Gundam, Lin Youde turned back to look in the direction of AS Soreales and asked.

"Next, it's up to you, the miko lady of the God of Steel."

In the cockpit of As Soreales, Ilui's eyes turned green again, and her body emitted bursts of green light.

Serena, who was in the same cockpit, was shocked and frantically took pictures with her mobile phone.

Then, under everyone's gaze, a green light suddenly appeared from As Soreales' body, split into two, and rushed towards the Dragon King Machine and Tiger King Machine that had not yet merged.

After two rays of light shone on the bodies of Dragon King Ji and Tiger King Ji, green-eyed Ilui shouted softly.

"The yin and yang are reversed, and the four elephants return to their original positions!"

"Reversal of the Four Symbols Formation·Open!"


"hold head high!"

Accompanied by two dragon roars and tiger roars, a stream of cyan and white light erupted from the Dragon King Machine and the Tiger King Machine, rushing towards the barrier that blocked the land of human innovation and unification.

After an obvious violent vibration, a huge hole with a diameter of about 3,000 meters appeared on the huge barrier.

Green-Eyed Ilui: "Quick! I can feel the power of those evil spirits trying to close this door."

"We can't waste the power of the dragon and tiger too much, go in immediately!"

Green Eyes Yiluyi's words were spread in his own channel without reservation, and Lin Youde immediately gave the order.

"The whole fleet of "Londe Bell" is moving forward at full speed and rushing into the barrier. It's time to go home. The whole fleet is moving forward! "

Minase Otetsu: "Steel, move forward at full speed!"

Rafina: "Feilong Kai, move forward at full speed!"

Yutong Yurika: "Nadeshiko, move forward at full speed, follow Feilong Kai."

Bracefield: "Wahlstock, full speed ahead, behind the Steel."

With the propellers of the four battleships erupting at full force, the four battleships, carrying all the robots of "Londe Bell", rushed into the huge barrier that enveloped the mainland of the Human Revolutionary Union.

Not long after the two ships Nadeshiko and Valstock, which were almost at the rear, rushed into the barrier, the hole that had been shrinking but was still about 2000 meters away was completely healed.

Lin Youde from the new Strike Freedom Gundam looked back at the healed barrier and asked Nan Ye and Li Te from the merged Dragon Tiger King in the private channel.

"How is it? How is the consumption of the Dragon and Tiger King?"

Nan Ye: "It's not good. The Dragon Tiger King's energy has been consumed by about 30%."

Li Te: "Damn it, it turned out to be a trick. Even though it had withdrawn its power in the shortest possible time, the Dragon and Tiger King was still affected. I'm afraid it won't be able to reach full operation in a short period of time."

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