Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1511 Kukulu

Lin Youde was not surprised by Nan Ye and Li Te's answers.

Just as everyone said in the previous discussion, Iluyi can occasionally use the power of the Dragon King Machine and the Tiger King Machine to break the barrier. This is the mastermind behind the reversal of the Four Elephants Formation. It is impossible not to know.

With Ilui wandering outside, the opponent may have already prepared a head-on attack when one breaks through the barrier and rushes in, and weakens the power of the dragon and tiger to the greatest extent.

Therefore, even though this side had anticipated and made preparations, and immediately withdrew the power of the dragon and tiger, allowing the barrier to be repaired on its own, they still suffered heavy losses.

This is a conspiracy that both parties know about, and there is no way to avoid it, so they can only go ahead with it.

After a few words of comfort to Nan Ye and Li Te, Lin Youde looked straight ahead after rushing into the barrier.

Directly in front of "Londe Bell" is a very prosperous city, City A.

This is a coastal city responsible for the transshipment of various goods. It is considered a fairly developed city with many high-rise buildings.

At this moment, the city did not turn into ruins as expected. Instead, it was still very prosperous with tall buildings and busy traffic.

If it weren't for the fact that right above City A, there was a group of demon robots that everyone had seen before, Di Jiang, He Luoyu, and Princess Kuxin. The direction of City A towards "Londe Bell" is also full of Meng Huai and Owls holding demons.

If these monsters weren't everywhere, this city would really be the same as it was before the barrier was deployed.

Looking at this large group of demon robots, and a strange 50-meter-sized robot holding a broadsword and looking like a general singing on the stage, Lin Youde calmly opened the public channel and shouted.

"No, we finally came back from outer space. Are these the only people who welcome us?"

"Apart from Di Jiang, He Luoyu, Bao Owl, and Princess Kuxin, there is only one mass-produced super-robot machine - Zhuren!?"

"What have I done to deserve you disrespecting me so much?"

"Yaoji people, you look down on people too much, don't you!?"

Lin Youde's words seemed to be a bit beyond the opponent's expectations, causing the pilot of the opposite machine to have his brain shut down on the spot, and he didn't reply for a long time.

After a while, a huge yellow leaf suddenly floated down from the sky.

In the surprised expressions of everyone, this piece of yellow leaf, about 40 meters in size, twisted out of thin air and turned into a female robot with a slightly yellow body, a nose, eyes, and a green crystal on the forehead.

At the same time, a charming female voice also sounded on the public channel.

"Ah, this is rude on my part, Dr. Lin Youde."

The yellow robot pulled up the two yellow skirts on its sides, stood in mid-air and bent down to salute.

"I am a shrine maiden who serves "that lord", and so is Kukulu. This machine is my vehicle, the super robot Death Return. "

"I never thought that Dr. Lin Youde would come back today. I am really disappointed."

"It's a pity that 'that lord' has important matters to attend to and cannot come in person. I hope Dr. Lin Youde will take care of me." "

Before Lin Youde could reply, Grungast Zero, who was standing at the bow of the Steel, suddenly swung his broadsword and pointed his finger towards death.

Zeng Jia’s voice was like thunder: “It’s you, you witch!”

Death Turned to look at Gruungast Zero at the bow of the Steel, and Kukulu smiled.

"Ah la la, who do I think this is? Isn't this Mr. Zenga?"

"It's been a long time since we saw each other. The last time we said goodbye was two years ago, right?"

"We haven't seen you for two years, but Mr. Zeng Jia is so excited. Is it because he misses me?"

Facing Kukulu's teasing, Zeng Jia's eyes flashed fiercely.

"Witch! Last time you led people to rescue the traitors from the four major families, I thought you were just a lackey of the Free Federation."

"Never thought that your allegiance is not to the Free Federation, but to existences like Yaojiren that are not even human beings?"

"I really think highly of you, you really have no limits."

When Zenga said this, Kukulu's voice became a little unhappy.

"Mr. Zeng Jia, I can recite my concubine even if you don't know it. You are not guilty. I don't care about your nonsense."

"But please respect me a little. No matter what, I am still a human being."

"When we rescued Zhou Bapei and the others, we had other plans, so please don't blame us."

"Look at the residents of the city below."

Death Return pointed to City A below, and Kukulu spoke eloquently.

"Look at the residents of this city, have they ever been attacked and decayed?"

"Although we are each our own masters, we have never done anything wrong to the people of this earth and abide by our duties."

"On the contrary, you and other people on this earth are quite cruel and unscrupulous towards our compatriots."

"Under our protection, the people of the earth can still maintain the peace of the past."

"Mr. Zeng Jia's accusation is really unreasonable, and it makes me very sad. Uh-huh-huh..."

Faced with Kukulu's sophistry, Zeng Jia, who was not very eloquent, glanced at City A, which did not look like it was being attacked by war. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer, so he could only reply.

"It's all nonsense."

"Hey, this is so sad for me. Mr. Zeng Jia, I have nothing to do with the people of this land. This matter is truly a lesson to the world."

Kukulu's words made Zeng Jia unable to answer and could only look in the direction of Lin Youde.

Lin Youde blinked and controlled the new Strike Freedom Gundam to take off.

"Okay, Kukuru, right?"

"Whether what you said is true or false, we will verify it later."

"If what you said is true, I will ask Zeng Jia to apologize to you later."

"But we can put these things aside for now."

"Answer me, the Four Elephants Formation was reversed. Was it you who did it?"

"Also, you guys should have expected us to come, so you waited here specially, right?"

"So, what is your purpose? Can you tell me?"

Seeing that Lin Youde did not start fighting directly, but instead started chatting with herself, Kukulu was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask.

"Dr. Lin Youde, you seem to be different from what is described in the information. You are not an impatient person?"

Lin Youde chuckled and said, "Whether you are impatient or not depends on who you are facing."

As he spoke, Lin Youde complained in his heart: 'When facing a villain who cannot be cleansed, of course he will be killed directly. ’

‘But you, Kukulu, are a villain who can clear his name, and you are also Zeng Jia’s mistress. ’

‘If I don’t look at the monk’s face and the Buddha’s face, I can’t just hack you to death as one of my future wives, right? ’

‘Men are not such unkind people. ’

‘You can fight for it, but I will still fight for it. ’

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