Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1512 War begins

Yes, although Lin Youde's memory of "Super Robot Wars OG" is almost completely blurred.

Sometimes, Lin Youde even doubts whether he has passed "Second Super Robot Wars OG". Did he watch the plot through the cloud video, or did he play the plot himself?

And because "Second Super Robot Wars Alpha" was not Chineseized at the time, it was the only one in the Alpha trilogy that Lin Youde had not played. Instead, it was right next to the first one and had not yet been completed in the sequel to the second plot.

This resulted in Lin Youde not being very impressed with this miko character who was similar to Yi Luyi, and basically could not remember the relevant plot.

But because when he played the game "Second Super Robot Wars OG: People of the Moon" in his previous life, Lin Youde remembered that Kukulu had appeared driving Death Return, and it seemed that he had some scenes with Zeng Jia.

This led to Lin Youde still having some impressions of Kukulu, um, in a positive sense.

Therefore, Lin Youde was still somewhat impressed by the fact that Kukulu was a female villain who could clear her name and had some relationship with Zeng Jia.

As a player of the "Machine War" series, Lin Youde usually follows the strategy to turn her into a unit of his own for this kind of enemy BOSS that can be fought for.

Now it may be said that Lin Youde wants to unite more people, or it may be said that Lin Youde is a pure mecha player with a collecting habit.

In short, after Lin Youde saw Kukulu appear on the stage, he had no idea of ​​​​killing her directly. Instead, I have the idea of ​​​​fighting for it.

Don't get me wrong, Lin Youde is not greedy for the body of this witch lady. Lin Youde simply wanted to see how Dr. Sophia, who was in charge of the cradle of the earth, would react if Kukulu and Zeng Jia got together.

Zeng Jia is the kind of man who is as hard as iron.

What kind of scene would it be like if such a tough guy character was trapped in a Shura field?

This is what Lin Youde is most interested in.

Lin Youde has seen a lot of Shura fields in the second dimension, but he has never seen a tough guy like Zeng Jia trapped in a Shura field.

But it was impossible for Lin Youde to tell others these things. He still cares about his personal image in the minds of his partners.

"Oh haha, I see, he is indeed the rumored lustful Dr. Lin Youde."

"This is the first time we've met, have you already fallen in love with me? This is really flattering to me."

As soon as Kukulu said these words, Lin Youde could feel the murderous aura rising in the rear team without using the new human's mental telepathy.

Moreover, in Lin Youde's eyes, Kukulu was Zengjia's harem, and he was a decent man who knew that his brothers' wives should not be bullied.

He, Lin Youde, just wanted to see Zeng Jia's Shura Field, not his own.

Therefore, Lin Youde denied it immediately: "No, no, no, I think Ms. Kukulu, you seem to have misunderstood something."

"My personal interest in you is far less than my interest in your strange body."

"The reason why I'm polite to you is that we, the United People, have a tradition of not hitting those with smiling faces."

"Although Miss Kukulu is from the Yaoji Renfang, she was so kind as soon as we met. Naturally, it's not easy for me to beat her to death as soon as I get here."

"We unified people are civilized people, not barbarians like the Free Federation."

"If there is a conflict, we will try our best to use civilized means to resolve it. Only when civilized means cannot resolve it, we will use force to resolve it."

"This is the magnanimity a country of etiquette should have, isn't it?"

After these words were spoken, Lin Youde could clearly feel the murderous aura behind him begin to fade away quickly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see, that's it. I'm narcissistic. Please don't take offense to Dr. Lin Youde."

Lin Youde controlled the new Strike Freedom Gundam and waved: "It doesn't matter, this is just a misunderstanding."

"Furthermore, I am very concerned about what Miss Kukulu called "the lecherous Lin Youde" before. "

"May I ask Miss Kukulu, where does this so-called "lecherous Lin Youde" impression come from. "

"I, Lin Youde, have lived an upright life, so how can I say that I am as lustful as my fate? Please let Miss Kukulu know the details so that I can be innocent."

Kukulu chuckled for a while and replied.

"Hehehe, Dr. Lin Youde is really interesting."

"If it were another place, I wouldn't mind drinking and talking with Dr. Lin Youde."

"It's a pity that this place is not suitable."

Lin Youde's eyes gradually became serious: "It seems that Miss Kukulu is not going to have a good conversation and answer my questions."

Death Hui spread his hands, and Kukulu said helplessly: "Please forgive Dr. Lin Youde. Although I have no intention of being an enemy of you, I cannot disobey the order of "that lord". "

"So, please ask Dr. Lin Youde to retreat with his people. I really don't want to get into any more fights."

Lin Youde controlled the new Strike Freedom Gundam, picked up the beam rifle, and fired a blank shot in the direction of Death Return, then his tone gradually became serious.

"If that's the case, there's no need to talk about it."

"Unification is our motherland. How could we abandon our motherland?"

"Since you don't want to have a good talk, then we can only use the crude method of beating you first to make you calm down, and then we can talk slowly."

The new Strike Freedom Gundam's free left and right sides were aimed at the team of demon robots directly in front.

"Attack the whole army! Except for the dead ones, all the remaining demon robots will be annihilated. No one will be left alive. Only one survivor is enough!"

"Understood (received) (yes) (understood)!"*N

In an instant, all of Londe Bell's mobile units began to rush forward, and a large group of robots began to push forward in the direction of City A.

Seeing this, Kukulu also sighed: "There is no other way. It seems that we can only fight hard."

"Zhou Shuang, please come up with the demon robots."

The only demon machine in the crowd, Zhuren, spun in the air, waved his hand, and a male voice sounded on the public channel.

"Understood, Lord Kukulu, just let me repel these guys."

"Yaoji people, attack with the entire army and kill all these guys!"

The army of demon robots began to push forward in the direction of "Londe Bell" in a mighty manner.

In an instant, countless red bullets and colorful beams of light began to explode in the air.

Beams and bullets began to fly all over the sky, and explosions began to explode outside City A one after another.

The citizens around City A, who were originally unaware of it, finally noticed the fighting outside the city and turned their attention to it.

In the sky, Lin Youde's new Strike Freedom Gundam did not move. Instead, after putting away the beam rifle, he folded his hands, spread his wings, and floated in the air...

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