Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1513 The Four Evils Appear! Chaos Qiongqi!

Lin Youde did not take action. Instead, he piloted the new Strike Freedom Gundam and floated in the air. He was not pretending to be cool. But there is really no need to take action.

Although the number of demon machine people's army seems large, preliminary estimates include several thousand.

If nothing else, this quantity alone is enough for the regular troops to drink a pot.

In a game, it would be a scenario where you have to retreat and cannot fight.

But reality is not a game. Lin Youde's "Londe Bell" will not be forced out by dozens of mass-produced machines.

Although there are many thousands of demon robots, they are all miscellaneous soldiers and are no match for everyone in "Londe Bell".

This is not bragging, this is fact.

Even without opening up the BGM field, Getalong's double axes towards Geta turned into a red light amidst Liu Longma's bold laughter, and directly cut through a huge hole.

Not to mention the veteran super-type robots such as Mazinger Z, Big Mazinger, and our King Zhanya that followed closely behind.

Just 4 machines broke up a battle formation composed of at least hundreds of demon robots.

And behind them, followed a large group of scavenger bosses who could harvest at will.

The pure white knight placed countless afterimages of arrayed light cannons in the air. The firepower of one machine was enough to suppress hundreds of demon robots.

The joint last-hitting team composed of the fully-armed Kraken, the fully-armed Savior, the Bow Angel, Van Gray, the air combat type Exalance, the three Sky Knight Gundams and the Wind Spirit Gundam and the four-gun Gundam team stopped in mid-air. No need to move, just pulling the trigger is enough.

In the aerial field of the frontal battlefield, the Yaoji people had no formation at all when they were attacked by the attacking machines such as Geta Dragon, Demon God Z, Big Demon God, My King Zhanya, and Soul Seat. The firepower hitting these machines didn't hurt at all.

On the contrary, the demon robots were rushed by these machines, and then were hit by the troops behind them. They exploded one after another and were shot down.

And this is just the frontal battlefield.

For example, on the side battlefield, in front of the left wing formation, there was also a Soul Seat who picked up his sword and charged in from the left wing direction. With one strike, one demon machine man rushed into the ground formation, as if there was no one in the land, and there was no way to stop him.

Behind the left wing, a large group of Summer Flowers + Rebrias + two Selius + Unicorn Gundams were covering, providing shooting support, and harvesting heads.

The battlefield on the right is similar.

In front of the right wing formation, the largest Grunghast Zero rushed out at the front with a ship-cutting knife. It had an aura of killing gods when a god blocks it, and killing a Buddha when a Buddha blocks it. He charged directly and killed the demon. The robot troops dispersed.

Behind him, the smallest Tejaman Blade was riding on the modified Blue Planet. Relying on the Blue Planet's shield, he fought with Tejaman Blade's close-quarters charge and fought for Gurungas. Special Zero compensates for the weakness of the airframe being too large and understeer. .

Behind the right wing, the entire Valhawk + Tekka Group were shooting.

Compared to the heat in the sky, the ground is much deserted.

After the EVA team, which was temporarily unable to fly, deployed its AT stance on the ground, under the command of Zhou Benkai, who drove the undead and rushed directly into the ground formation without the need for a shield, he began to use the most powerful AT stance to knock away all frontal enemies.

But even so, the scene is quite shocking.

Death Return also did not take any action. He stopped in mid-air and watched as his army of monster robots was scattered and defeated by the mobile troops of "Londe Bell".

Kukulu turned to look at the new Strike Freedom Gundam that had not taken action from beginning to end, as well as the four completely silent battleships floating at the rear of the army, and the Dragon Tiger King and the Dragon Tiger King who were standing on the deck of the Steel and were not directly involved in the battle. The completed SRX.

Kukulu squinted her eyes and said, "It seems that I can't suppress you simply by relying on numbers."

Lin Youde narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced vaguely at the screen in front of him, and said, "Oh? What, are you planning to send real elites to fight us?"

Kukulu clapped her hands: "There is nothing we can do. If we let you continue fighting like this, this place will be lost."

"Come on, let Dr. Lin Youde see our true power. The Four Evils Appear and Chaos Qiongqi!"

Almost as soon as Kukulu finished speaking, a fierce roar that echoed through the sky and a very oppressive BGM enveloped the entire battlefield.

[BGM: The Brutal Super Robot - Yumura Yu]

I saw Valstockri on the right side of the Steel, and the second sister, Akane, exclaimed.

"No, there is a high-energy reaction on the right side of this ship. At this speed, it is too late..."

Whoosh~! A black light rushed past the flank of Valstock and flew directly from the front of Valstock's bridge to the Dragon Tiger King and SRX on the deck of the Steel.

Ni Xingxing: "I've been waiting for you for a long time. BGM field, open! Come back to me! Telekinesis·Supreme Fist!"

[BGM: Soul of Steel - Shuaki Watanabe]

Expanding the BGM field, SRX clenched his fist and emitted a dazzling green light. Colorful telekinetic light balls flew out from the fist and flew straight towards the rushing black light.

However, when these thought-powered light balls hit the black shadow, there was no ripple at all, and they disappeared one after another.

And with the speed of Ni Xingxing before she could react, she rushed in front of SRX in just one breath.

Ladis: "No, it's too fast, Cai!"

Gu Lincai: "Expand the telekinetic force field!"

A green telekinetic barrier appeared in front of SRX.

Almost as soon as the telekinetic barrier was unfolded, the black shadow had arrived.

Ni Xingxing: "Give it to me... wow!!!"

Before SRX could swing its fist, the black shadow hit SRX's telekinesis barrier, sending SRX flying into the air and heading straight towards the Dragon Tiger King.

In the Dragon and Tiger King, Nan Ye and Li Te both felt a strong killing intent at this moment. In an instant, they felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and their whole bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.

Nanye: "This, this is..."

It seemed that Nan Ye was struck by this terrifying murderous intention and was unable to react. Lin Youde had long reminded him that Li Te, who was fishing here, also bit the tip of his tongue, stimulated himself with pain, and forcibly broke away from the terrifying impact of murderous intent.

"Oh oh oh!!! The five elements wheel is reversed, tiger and dragon merge, tiger and dragon king!"

Li Te roared angrily and forcibly changed the main pilot. The Dragon and Tiger King split into two, allowing the black shadow to pass through the middle and reunite in the air, becoming the Tiger and Dragon King.

"Suffer death, you evil beast, the BGM field is opened, and the tiger king cuts against the scales!!!"

[BGM: My nemesis Nasu - Hanaoka Takuya]

Picking up the Yanyue Sword, the Tiger Dragon King split Huashan Mountain with one move, slashing towards the black shadow from top to bottom.

Unexpectedly, after the black shadow's attack missed, the black shadow at the end suddenly flicked its tail and hit the Tiger Dragon King in the abdomen. It was knocked away on the spot and fell to the deck of the Steel. It spun around several times before it could stop. Down.

Only then did everyone see clearly the true face of the black shadow.

It was a strange cat-shaped creature with blue wings, a red body, and black lines on its body...

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