
Looking at the huge explosion dust erupting in the sky, the Tiger Dragon King looked up to the sky and roared, and there was indescribable pleasure in the tiger's roar.

As for Ribayashi Yutoku of the new Strike Freedom Gundam, he narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the explosion in the sky, and did not feel the joy of congratulating the Tiger Dragon King for his victory.

At the same time, Kukulu's voice sounded again in the public channel.

"Spiritual command? As expected of Dr. Lin Youde, he has given us another difficult problem after the BGM field."

"The Tiger Dragon King, who was originally unable to compete with the Chaos Qiongqi King, can actually rely on mental commands to fight against the Chaos Qiongqi King to this extent."

"I can't even imagine what it would be like if King Chaos Qiongqi didn't have the BGM field."

"Whether it's the BGM field or mental instructions, they are all very difficult things."

"Sure enough, it was the right choice not to attack you directly, Dr. Lin Youde."

Hearing Kukulu's words, Lin Youde touched his chin and joked.

"So, you initially ordered King Chaos Qiongqi to attack King Longhu, not me."

"It's not because you want to take away the Dragon and Tiger King, but because you don't dare to attack me?"

"Hey, hey, Miss Kukulu, do you think too highly of me? Am I so dangerous?"

"In your eyes, my threat is actually higher than that of the Dragon and Tiger King? Do you think too highly of me?"

Faced with Lin Youde's repeated teasing, Kukulu seemed very serious.

"No, this is just out of respect for you, Dr. Lin Youde."

"Although I was liberated from the seal and reappeared in this world for only a few years, I have seen all the changes you have brought to this planet, Dr. Lin Youde, in the past few years. "

"Although others seem to no longer take your threat seriously after acquiring the BGM field."

"But I agree with that adult. You must have a backup plan."

"In addition to the things you have announced so far, you must have something even more terrifying that you are hiding and not exposing."

Lin Youde was a little surprised: "Seal? Reappear in the world? Miss Kukulu, there is something in your words."

Lin Youde evaded the important and asked questions one after another, which made Kukulu chuckle and said: "Hahaha, is that so? I just expressed some boring emotions. There is absolutely no other meaning. It's just that Dr. Lin Youde, you are overthinking."

"I still have great respect for the man who freed me from the seal."

"Although it is not a witch like Ilui, she is still a servant serving another god."

"Although the surprise and shock that Lord brought me is far less than that of Dr. Lin Youde, it is enough for me to work for him in order to repay my kindness."

"Ah, I've said a bit too much. Someone seems a little dissatisfied. Then I won't say anything."

In Lin Youde's contemplation and surprise, the dust in the sky gradually dispersed, and the figure of King Chaos Qiongqi appeared again.

But this time, King Chaos Qiongqi no longer had the strong sense of oppression he had before.

The blue wings on his back were in tatters, and the red skin and black lines all over his body were also in tatters.

One look at this situation and one would know that King Chaos Qiongqi was seriously injured.

Looking at such a chaotic Qiongqi King, the Tiger Dragon King looked up to the sky and roared again.


Facing the roar of the Tiger Dragon King, King Chaos Qiongqi stared at the Tiger Dragon King in the west, his eyes full of fierce killing intent.

Groups of black mist around his body began to leak out from the broken lines on his body.

Almost at the same time, all telepathic users present felt a strong chill.

In the SRX that got up again on the Steel, Ni Xingxing shuddered: "What is it? Does it feel cold?"

Gu Lincai frowned: "It's malice, strong malice, constantly emanating from that Chaos Qiongqi King."

Ericte Samaya in Wind Spirit Gundam tilted her head in confusion: "What's wrong, Lingling? Are you afraid of that big red cat? Brother Banagher, Lingling seems to be afraid."

Banagher's pupils in Unicorn Gundam also shook violently, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

But this fear quickly dissipated after hearing Ericte Samaya's words.

"Ellie, stay away from that Chaos Qiongqi King. That guy is releasing a very terrifying murderous intent. That guy is very dangerous."

The Wind Spirit Gundam began to move away from the Chaos Qiongqi King on the spot, and Ericte Samaya responded obediently: "Okay, Lingling, let's go."

In Tiger and Dragon King, Nan Ye was even more stimulated and sweated crazily on his forehead: "Li, Li Te..."

Li Te felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, his eyes fixed on King Chaos Qiongqi: "Don't worry, King Tiger Dragon and I will not lose."

While all the telepaths and new humans at the scene felt intense uneasiness, Lin Youde, as the strongest new human, sensed this from the very beginning.

It was precisely because he sensed this that Lin Youde did not show any happy expression before.

Just because he knew that King Chaos Qiongqi had not been defeated at all.

On the contrary, after being injured, it seemed to arouse the ferocity of this extremely evil murderer who came from two of the four evils, making it even more troublesome and dangerous.

Then, just when Li Te and the Tiger Dragon King were facing a formidable enemy, the Death Return driven by Kukulu waved at the Chaos Qiongqi King from afar.

"That's enough. The plan has failed. You have also seen the strength of the Tiger Dragon King. Are you still unwilling to listen to me? King Chaos Qiongqi!"

Kukulu's loud shout made the Chaos Qiongqi King look at Kukulu's death. The black energy that was constantly leaking out of his body began to be taken back. The murderous intention that made the telepaths and new humans feel strongly uneasy was also there. Dissipates quickly.

With a group of people looking puzzled, Death Return faced the New Strike Freedom Gundam again.

"That's it, Dr. Lin Youde. I came here just to follow orders and have no clear intention of fighting you to the death."

"After all, my ultimate goal is to repay my kindness, not to donate my hard-earned life again."

"Now that the plan that the master told me to carry out has failed, I have to go back to take orders."

As if realizing something, Lin Youde narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

"Then, let me ask the last question, Kukulu, are you a human or a ghost now?"

Kukulu chuckled softly: "Ah la la, Dr. Lin Youde is really sharp and saw through it at a glance. It's just that what he said was really ugly."

"Strictly speaking, of course I am still a human being, but unlike a living person, I am just a half-dead soul that cannot truly die."

"The way of ghosts and immortals is ultimately illusory, pathetic, lamentable, and deplorable..."

Sighing, Kukulu controlled Death and waved her hand, leading the Chaos Qiongqi King and the strange white creature that was chasing As Soleares in the distance, turning into three streams of light and fleeing away in an instant, disappearing. Above the sky...

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