Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1517 Is this blessing too small?

Looking at Kukulu fleeing away, Lin Youde did not stop her.

This is not just because Lin Youde never felt any obvious malice and hostility from Kukulu.

It was even more because of the information that Kukulu deliberately revealed when talking to him after she appeared.

Lin Youde didn't know what Kukulu was planning, but Lin Youde didn't mind that among the forces that were against him, there was an obvious young man like Kukulu.

In fact, Lin Youde also hopes that there will be more such young people. It would be best to be like the winery on the set of "Detective Conan", with young people everywhere.

However, this kind of thing is just a thought after all, and should not be taken too seriously. It is not good to have too high expectations.

In short, after combining various factors, Lin Youde did not prevent Kukulu from escaping in the end.

Just like Kukulu said, her purpose is not to fight her to the death, nor is her purpose to kill Kukulu.

There was no conflict in the purposes of the two parties, and the other party seemed to want to be a second-in-command, so Lin Youde decided to keep the other party for a while longer.

Besides, Lin Youde really didn't see how Kukulu did her escape just now.

The speed was so fast that even if Lin Youde wanted to stop it, at most he could only rely on his own ability to predict and stop one in advance, but not all of them.

The most important thing now is to end the battle as soon as possible, collect intelligence, and understand what happened on the mainland of human innovation and unification, instead of fighting against Kukulu.

Based on these, after Lin Youde finally let Kukulu leave, he glanced at the Tiger Dragon King who was paralyzed on the ground after the mental command and anger subsided, and Li Te, who was panting and looking exhausted on the communication screen, and gave instructions.

"The Tiger Dragon King transforms back into the Dragon Tiger King and returns to Feilong Kai. Nanye, go back and prepare a cup of nutrient solution for both Li Te and Tiger King."

After saying that, Lin Youde closed the communication while Li Te looked horrified and Nan Ye looked guilty.

"All the enemy's main bosses have left the scene, and now we are going all out to eliminate the demon robots. The demon robot with the big sword is not a regular demon robot, but a super robot, codenamed Zhuren. Who is going to deal with it?"

As soon as Lin Youde finished speaking, the public channel was filled with the excited shouts of the macho men.

Liu Ryoma: "What? There are also super robots? Leave it to me. I haven't fought against super robots yet. Hayato, Musashi, let's go!"

Hayato Kami and Tomoe Musashi: "Oh~!"*2

Du Jianlong: "Damn it, don't even think about walking alone, Longma! The super robot is mine... Hey, Dingbang, where are you?"

Wang Kai: "Jianlong, while you were cleaning up the demon robot, Dingbang drove the big demon and rushed towards the super robot."

Du Jianlong: "Nani!?"

Kang Dingbang: "I'm sorry, Stegosaurus, I will take the head of Super Robot Zhuren, the Great Demon~~~Thunderbolt!!!"

Liu Longma: "Damn it, Dingbang, you thick eyebrows and big eyes, you actually still do this kind of tricks, see the tricks, build the tower light!"

Du Jianlong: "Are you playing dirty tricks? Okay, you forced me to do this. Kai, throw my Demon Z out, quickly."

Wang Kai: "Is that a move? I understand, oh oh oh oh~~~GFG (My King Zhanya) Spin Throw!!!"

Du Jianlong: "Get out of the way. I am not responsible for the car crash. Demon~~~Big Thunderbolt·Fist of God!!!"

Liu Ryoma, Kami Hayato, Tomoe Musashi, and Kang Dingbang: "Jianlong, you brat, you don't have martial ethics!!!"

Amidst the shouts and shouts of the six macho men on the public channel, Super Robot and Cast Man were soon submerged in the sea of ​​various moves from the three giants of the super system.

In the back row of the cockpit of the new Strike Freedom Gundam, Irui, who had returned to normal, poked his head and asked curiously.

"Is it really okay for us to watch the show like this?"

Lin Youde turned around, touched Yiluyi's little head, and said with a smile.

"The three super-type combat powers of Demon God Z, Great Demon God, and Gaetalong serve him to create a super robot. Is this a small blessing?"

"Let people enjoy themselves. It's better if we don't get involved."

"And look, is it still necessary for us to take action now?"

Lin Youde controlled the new Strike Freedom Gundam to continuously rise into the air, allowing Yilui to see the overall view of the battlefield below.

When he saw that each of the "Londe Bell" troops seemed to be clearing row after row of super robots with unparalleled mowing speeds, he nodded his head and said no more.

On the other hand, Lin Youde asked curiously: "By the way, where is Miss Witch? I remember she was still talking just now, right? Why is she missing now?"

Yiluyi blushed, lowered her head shyly, and replied with a coy expression: "She, she said you are such a bad person. You know that the Dragon and Tiger King has other tricks, but you didn't even tell her, so that she would be here You're embarrassed in front of everyone. She doesn't want to talk to you anymore."

In Lin Youde's smiling expression, Yiluyi blushed and shrank back.

There is no way, even though Green-Eyed Irui is Irui's other personality, she has the memories of all the miko in the past. But in essence, it is still a part of Ilui.

So just after Green Eyes Ilui said that the Tiger Dragon King could not be the opponent of the Chaos Qiongqi King, the next second he was slapped in the face by reality. Yiluyi also felt a little embarrassed.

Lin Youde also found this scene of watching a little girl deflated very funny.

However, considering that Yiluyi was still young and relatively thin-skinned, he did not pursue the teasing. Instead, he took the initiative to change the topic and chatted with Yiluyi about other things.

It didn't take long for the battle to end.

After losing their main high-level combat power, ordinary demon robots had no room to fight back when faced with the "Londe Bell" troops who opened the BGM field, and were wiped out in three strokes.

And the only super robot that can be regarded as a high-level combat power, Cast Man, was also quickly defeated in the siege of Mazinger Z, the Great Demonic God, Geta Dragon, and our king Zhanya.

Lin Youde saw all this, and he looked like a super-machine man who made people feel unjust.

It was not the result of the Super Robot and the Cast Man's lack of strength or its own weakness that led to its defeat.

In fact, the combat power of Super Robot and Cast Man is a qualified low-level Zhenguo-level machine. After opening the BGM field, it has reached the point where it can compete with the high-level town and country level of the Demon God Caesar.

However, what he faced was Mazinger Z, the Great Mazinger, and Getalosaurus, whose BGM fields were fully opened and their machine performance had been strengthened several times.

From Lin Youde's point of view, these three machines have reached the level of the top pillar god even without opening the BGM field. After opening the BGM field, their combat effectiveness has directly soared to the middle and upper national level.

After that, the Demonic Power (Liberation of Photon Power) and the Liberation of the Tower Line were added, and the combat effectiveness soared directly to the top Zhenguo level, and even the level of Yinglong Emperor was not a problem.

Faced with such a siege from the top masters, let alone the super robots and casters. Even if Emperor Ying Long, who does not have BGM, comes, he will probably kneel down...

Therefore, it is really both unjust and unjust for it, the super robot and the caster, to lose.

The setting in Qidian that you cannot change the chapter name after it is released is too silly.

When it was just released, I forgot to name the chapter, so I was called out to do some work. When I came back, I found that the chapter had been released, but the chapter name was empty, and I was speechless...

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