Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1527 If you are virtuous, save me, save me!

"Is that... a native species? And... a hellhound!?"

In the bridge of Feilong Kai, Lei Mengmeng looked at the gray native species everywhere in the distant research institute, and couldn't help but feel her scalp numb.

But soon, her eyes with excellent eyes were attracted by a machine below that was emitting thick smoke.

Through several coatings on the machine body, Lei Mengmeng identified that this machine body was the black box body Cerberus sent out by Lin Youde before.

With a look from Lefina, Sanye understood and said, "Ruri-chan, zoom in on the detailed image of the machine below."

Lin Liuli: "The image has been collected and enlarged."

Then, the current situation of Cerberus was seen by everyone in the Feilong Kai bridge.

Refina, Yi Xiaozhen, Sanye and other women covered their mouths and exclaimed: "It's so miserable..."

Lin Youde's eyelids jumped wildly when he saw it: "It was actually beaten to such an extent... It seems that there is something about the machine that was evacuated before."

After complaining, Lin Youde immediately ordered.

"The Hiryukai has begun to land, and the Steel, Nadeshiko, and Valstock continue to maintain alert posture."

"Mengmeng, go down and pick up Hugo and the others, and ask Nanye and the medical team to prepare the repair warehouse immediately. With Hugo's injury, without the repair warehouse, I'm afraid he will be ruined for the rest of his life."

"Lemon, you should go and take a look and see if there is anything you can do to help. Hugo has a good relationship with us, and we can't let him lie in bed for half his life."

"After Hugo is arranged, you can ask Hugo's partner Akui to find out what happened."

"All other mobile units are dispatched, approaching those strange native species in a vigilant posture."

"Alufemi, come with me to see what's going on with those native species."

After Lin Youde gave the order, everyone got busy.

Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng also rushed out and began to make preparations to recover the Cerberus and treat Hugo.

When Lin Youde flew out of the Flying Dragon Kai in the new Strike Freedom Gundam and Alfemi's Soul Seat, Lei Mengmeng had already successfully returned in the White Knight and brought the broken Cerberus.

The matter of treating Hugo and asking Akui for information was left to Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng. Lin Youde and Alufemi quickly approached the living species and stopped at the edge of the research institute.

Lin Youde looked at the appearance and color of the living species and secretly cursed.

‘As expected, it is an artificial native species and a living species. ’

‘It’s absolutely amazing. Is this the inertia of the world of machine warfare? ’

‘How come there are always those reckless people who like to create their own big daddy? ’

‘Don’t let me know who created this living species, otherwise I will definitely kill him. This will save him from causing trouble for me in the future and avoid future troubles. ’

After Lin Youde muttered in his heart, he looked at the Soul Seat and asked Alufemi, "Alufemi, is there any way to communicate with the other party?"

Alufemi nodded slightly: "It should be okay."

With that said, Alufemi looked at the living species inspector, and asked the living species in a voice that only Lin Youde and Feilong Gaili Lei Mengmeng could hear.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The living inspector tilted his head: "Who are you? Who am I? Why am I here? I don't know either? I don't know who I am, I don't know where I'm going, let alone what I want Do something."

"I feel like you are very similar to me. Are you my compatriot? Can you tell me what I should do?"

Listening to the words of the living inspector, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng were startled.

‘You can actually communicate? Also, why can I hear it? ’

Alufemi ignored Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng's surprise and replied with sympathy.

"I am Alufemi, a human being and a native species."

"You should be my companion. You have no memory. How about I send you back to the Quiet Place?"

The living species, the Inspector, wavered his tentacles twice before suddenly speaking.

"Companions? Humans? Native species?"


"Human beings... are very annoying existences. They are existences that should not continue to exist and should be eliminated."

"Humans are very annoying and enemies."

"Are you human? Then you are also an enemy."

"The enemy should be eliminated."

With that said, many living species, limbs, and living species, bones, under the command of this living species, the Inspector, began to attack the New Strike Freedom Gundam and the Soul Seat.

However, in the face of the long-range attacks coming at them, Lin Youde and Alfemi did not directly fight back. Instead, they used light wave defense shields and ghost faces to block.

"No, we are not enemies, we are companions. Please speak calmly."

Alufemi was still persuading her, not wanting to fight with her former compatriots.

Lin Youde sensed Alufemi's intentions and emotions, so he did not fight back, nor did he order the large Londe Bell force in the rear to attack.

But it's a pity that the current inspector doesn't seem to appreciate it.

"Deception, the enemy. Humanity, is the enemy. Are you human? That is also the enemy."

"Humanity is an existence that must be eliminated. Humanity... is an existence that cannot be allowed. Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!"

The hostility of the human inspector continued to increase, his negative tone gradually became firmer, and he even began to unleash murderous intent on Lin Youde and Alfemi.

Faced with the human inspector, Alfemi still wanted to save her.

"No, you are wrong. I am a human and a native species. We are compatriots and we shouldn't fight!"

Living Species Inspector: "Native species? Humans? I don't understand, but humans are the enemy, understand. Humans, annihilate, annihilate humans, annihilate humans, annihilate humans."

The living species Inspector kept answering Alfemi's words, and at the same time, his left hand full of bone claws was aimed at the Seat of Souls.

"Enemy, annihilate, enemy, annihilate, enemy, annihilate!"

A huge 50-meter-thick pink light cannon shot out from the hand of the living inspector and headed straight for the Seat of Souls.

Lin Youde saw this and said in a deep voice: "Alufemi!"

Alufemi gritted her teeth, controlled the Soul Seat, took out her sword, and cut through the 50-meter thick pink light cannon with just one blow.

But even so, Soul Seat did not fight back further, but looked at the new Strike Freedom Gundam.

Alufemi asked for help: "Youde, is there any way to save it? It seems to have no memory and doesn't know anything. It's just inexplicably hostile to humans."

In response, Lin Youde looked at the living species Inspector and said solemnly: "Its hostility is probably caused by some kind of experiment after it was created by humans, right?"

"This situation is very common in robot animations and is a classic scene where experimental subjects go berserk."

"In the past, we might have had no choice but to endure the pain and eliminate it."

"But now, maybe we can use another approach."

Alufemi was surprised and confused: "What can I do?"

Lin Youde said in a deep voice: "Let it calm down physically first."

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