Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1528: One machine suppression, rainbow spiral blast cannon!

In Alufemi's stunned expression, Lin Youde ordered: "Londe Bell obeyed the order and began to attack the regenerated form of the original species, the living species."

"Except for the living species, the Inspector, all will be eliminated."

"The living species, the Inspector, has a very strong regeneration ability. Don't hold back. Give me a good beating first, and then let him listen to us."

"All hands, attack!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Youde took the lead in flying the new Strike Freedom Gundam to high altitude, and the mental induction frame inside the Super Dragoon began to emit green fluorescence.

These green fluorescent lights carried the Super Dragoon, which was originally unable to be used in the atmosphere, away from the wings of the New Strike Freedom Gundam and suspended around it.

Then, all the Super Dragoons + double shoulder cannons + double waist cannons + double beam rifles of the new Strike Freedom Gundam were all in place, and even the photon force ray cannon on the waist began to accumulate energy.

The next second, 8 super dragoons + double shoulder cannons + double waist cannons + double beam rifles + a high-power photon force ray cannon, a total of 15 beams of different colors fell from the sky, killing those living species that had not yet launched an attack. The limbs, legs, and human bones were penetrated one after another and smashed into a pile of fragments.

And after launching the attack, the New Strike Freedom Gundam did not end with a salvo of thousands of bullets, but fired continuously.

The attack, which was like a goddess scattering flowers, almost wiped out all living species, limbs, and bones in the entire institute in less than 10 seconds.

That scene was the first time I saw the new Strike Freedom Gundam's full firepower, rather than a combat style of deterrence attack.

That violent scene, which almost single-handedly suppressed the entire battlefield in just 10 seconds, made everyone from Nadeshiko, Steel, Valstock, and Tekkadan, who were not the original members of Feilong, The trio with Mist, Raul, and Elnora Samaya's family were stunned.

In other words, the members of the EVA team who fought with Lin Youde in the Second Dimensional Beast War, and Du Jianlong, Kang Dingbang, Liu Longma and others who had fought many times in reality with Lin Youde who piloted the Gundam, could take it lightly.

In addition, everyone who saw Lin Youde piloting a Gundam in full combat for the first time was shocked and shuddered.

At this moment, everyone who had newly joined "Londe Bell" understood why no one was worried about Lin Youde's safety when he went out alone in the new Strike Freedom Gundam.

At the same time, some questions about why Lin Youde can end the battle instantly and end the battle on the entire battlefield as long as he drives the new Strike Freedom Gundam out.

It turned out that the reason why Lin Youde was able to end the battle single-handedly did not rely on the deterrent power of the "Londe Bell" force. It's about his personal outstanding fighting ability.

As long as those who were intimidated by Lin Youde did not surrender, then Lin Youde really had the ability to end the entire battle by himself.

It is different from the violent and powerful way of driving the ancient iron and the ancient iron giant, charging single-handedly on the TV screen, withstanding the enemy's attack.

Lin Youde, who piloted the Gundam, demonstrated the precise operational capabilities of a super ace pilot, his ultra-high computing power, and his outstanding ability to dominate the entire battlefield.

If we say that Lin Youde, who drives the Ancient Iron and the Ancient Iron Titan, has the ability to face all enemy attacks, single-handedly behead the enemy commander in front of everyone, and then walk away, "entering thousands of troops to retrieve the enemy general's head is like trying to retrieve an object." of madness.

Lin Youde, who piloted the Gundam, had the terrifying and domineering power to fight an entire army by himself, and single-handedly kill other people's entire armies with one thousand of them, suppressing the battlefield with a single machine.

The more powerful the pilot, the more he can understand the horror of Lin Youde's ending of the battle within 10 seconds.

However, when these people who had just joined "Londe Bell" were surprised, they felt that they had understood Lin Youde's fighting style of driving the Gundam. The new Strike Freedom Gundam moves again.

Under everyone's gaze, a dazzling green light burst out from the red crystal on the forehead of the new Strike Freedom Gundam.

Under the green light, the interior of the new Strike Freedom Gundam's body is also emitting some less obvious blue light. At the same time, the green fluorescence that was dissipating from the wings began to emit from the gaps in the body.

Under the gathering of these green lights, the New Strike Freedom Gundam aimed all its guns at the living species, the Inspector, and fired again.

But unlike the previous brilliant volley of thousands of bullets, this time under the gathering of green light, all the beams of the new Strike Freedom Gundam converged together, constantly rotating, and instantly the state of volley of thousands of bullets emitted from the goddess , turned into an oversized spiral rainbow cannon.

Moreover, after the cannon beam was formed, it did not shoot out directly. Instead, it continued to rotate in front of the new Strike Freedom Gundam, receiving the beam shots from the new Strike Freedom Gundam behind it, and continued to rotate and expand.

Then, in the stunned expressions of all members of "Londe Bell", a rainbow spiral light ball with a height of more than 80 meters appeared in front of the new Strike Freedom Gundam, which was only 26 meters high.

"Take my move, the advanced and upgraded version of Rainbow Cannon's ultimate move, Rainbow Spiral Explosion Cannon!!!"

Lin Youde shouted loudly, and the beam of the new Assault Freedom Gundam's abdominal photon force ray cannon more than doubled in an instant. It hit the rainbow spiral light ball that was more than 80 meters away, knocking it away on the spot, taking with it a total of three The sonic boom circle fell from the sky and hit the human Arbitrator.

In an instant, a violent explosion sounded from the sky, and a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose in the research institute.

The huge explosion deafened everyone in "Londe Bell".

Just when the mushroom cloud exploded, the hurricane it set off was enough to almost knock the Nadeshiko and Valstock away on the spot. Thanks to the Feilong Kai and Steel on their sides, they deployed defensive shields in time to block most of them. They survived the impact of wind and waves.

It can be said that everyone in Londe Bell's unit does not know whether Lin Youde and the new Strike Freedom Gundam are shot, whether the living inspector is dead or not.

However, the crew members on the two battleships Nadeshiko and Valstock were frightened and screamed repeatedly, and everyone could still hear it quite clearly on the friendly channels.

In fact, some aircraft that did not have time to activate the BGM field were thrown far away on the spot and almost fell from the sky. This caused a bunch of unprepared pilots to scream strangely, and they were almost scared out of their wits.

In other words, if it weren't for the fact that everyone in the "Londe Bell" unit is the elite of the elite, the ace of aces, and responds very quickly.

I'm afraid that if Lin Youde and the new Strike Freedom Gundam fire the rainbow spiral explosion cannon, the first crasher of the Londe Bell Force will be born in the shock wave of this explosion...

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