Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1530 The native species arbitrator is back!

Faced with Alufemi's complaints, Lin Youde spread his hands helplessly.

"There's nothing I can do about it. How do I know that its spirit is so fragile? It's so frightened that it dies once."

"Obviously, the former original species, the Inspector, was so resistant to being fucked. He was killed by us so many times, and he was able to continue to regenerate and resurrect."

"The difference between the two is so big, you can't blame me."

Alfemi sighed helplessly: "The original species, the Inspector, has existed for countless years. Of course, the mental power and willpower cannot be compared to this newly born living species."

"But that's right. It's my responsibility for not warning you in advance."

Lin Youde scratched his head and asked: "What should we do? It won't be able to reproduce for a while now, and it can't communicate. We can't just leave it here like this, right?"

"Alufemi, is there any way you can contact the native species in the Quiet Land and ask them to come over and take this guy back?"

Faced with Lin Youde's proposal, Alufemi responded after being silent for a while.

"Okay, I can sense the existence and location of the Quiet Place. I'll try to contact you. Please wait a moment."

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the Soul Seat stayed motionless for a short time. The Soul Seat suddenly raised its hand and summoned a blue will-o'-the-wisp right in front of it.

The will-o'-the-wisp twisted out of thin air and suddenly exploded, turning into the shadow of the native species Arbitrator.

The more than 200-meter-long native Arbitrator looked down at the Soul Seat and asked.

"What's the matter? But the key is already willing to belong to us?"

The Seat of Souls raised its head, and Alufemi replied: "No, it's just that we found a compatriot who has lost his memory in this world."

"It's now completely in disarray and unable to communicate."

"Youde hopes to send it back to the land of silence. If you stay here, it will only be used by people in this world."

Upon hearing this, the native species arbitrator lowered his head and glanced at the living species inspector in the pit, his pupils glowing red.

"Despicable living people who dare to disturb the sleep of our dead and desecrate the bodies of our heroes shall be guilty of..."

The native Arbitrator looked up and saw Mazinger Z and Getalosaurus standing beside the new Strike Freedom Gundam.

In an instant, two very blurry shadows, one large and one small, appeared behind Getaron and Demon Z, making the native Arbitrator dumbfounded on the spot.


Under Alufemi's doubtful inquiry, the red light in the native species Arbitrator's eyes quickly faded, and he lowered his head to look at Alufemi in the Seat of Souls.

"I already know the ins and outs of everything. Messenger, what you say is very good."

Then, the native species Arbitrator looked at the new Strike Freedom Gundam, Mazinger Z, and Getalosaurus behind the Soul Seat again, and said.

"I have received the key, your wish."

"My compatriots, I will take them back, don't worry."

"I am very pleased with your kindness. I will wait for the appointed day to come before returning."

After saying that, the shadow of the native Arbitrator turned back into a blue will-o'-the-wisp and fell from the sky. After wrapping up the Human Inspector in the pit, he disappeared on the spot with a bang and a puff of smoke. Without a trace.

Seeing such a scene, Alufemi, Du Jianlong, Liu Longma and others were stunned.

"Eh?" Alufimi's eyes widened and her mouth couldn't close for a long time. She seemed to be stunned by the native Arbitrator's neat departure.

Liu Longma even complained: "What, the leader of this native species seems to be easy to talk to."

Du Jianlong tilted his head and thought: "I always feel that something is not right. Is it my misunderstanding?"

Lin Youde smiled and added in his heart: 'No, of course this is not an illusion. The situation where the native species Arbitrator was about to get angry just now was not an illusion, but actually caused real anger. ’

'I estimate that it must have used the ability of a superior to forcibly read the memory of the living inspector, and understood all its experiences, so it was very angry and wanted to take action. ’

'It's just that it must have seen something just now, so it immediately extinguished its anger and left as if running away, right? ’

As for the native species, what did the arbitrator see? Lin Youde estimated that it was probably the Demon God ZERO and Emperor Geta.

Demonic power and the Geta Line have begun to awaken around Du Jianlong and Liu Longma. A high-level BOSS like the native Arbitrator who can understand the law of cause and effect should be able to see Demon Z and Geta Dragon hiding behind them. Demon God ZERO and Emperor Geta are waiting on the other side of the Law of Cause and Effect.

Only these two great gods could make the angry native Arbitrator calm down on the spot and evacuate directly without any delay.

Currently, only Lin Youde knows about these things.

In fact, this was Lin Youde's intention.

From the beginning, Lin Youde planned to ask the original species to send a powerful being to take a look at the current Demon God Z and Geta Dragon, and rely on their reactions to judge the current awakening progress of the Demon God's power and Geta Dragon.

The results are now visible. Quite bad.

Even a BOSS of the level of the native species Arbitrator ran away on the spot when he saw Demon Z and Geta Dragon. This shows that the level of awakening of Demon Power and Geta Dragon is already quite high.

The higher the awakening level of the Demon Power and Geta Line, the closer the time for the arrival of Demon God ZERO and Geta Emperor comes.

This was not good news for Lin Youde, who had previously regarded these two as imaginary enemies.

At present, Aquamarine has not completed the integration. Once these two gods come, it will definitely cause riots.

Although these two great gods can rely on Du Jianlong and Liu Longma to resolve the issue, the resolution process will certainly not be smooth sailing.

Looking at the number of appearances and plots of Demon God Zero in "Super Robot Wars", we can know that Demon God Zero cannot directly surrender to Du Jianlong, and it will definitely trigger a war.

On the other hand, Emperor Geta is quite rational and easy to talk to. As long as Liu Longma is still alive, there will generally be no big problems.

But Lin Youde is worried that the arrival of these two great gods will trigger the arrival of other difficult bosses.

Multiple bosses coming together are not something that the current "Londe Bell" can handle.

This is what Lin Youde is really worried about.

‘Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time. ’

Lin Youde, who had been thinking a lot in his mind, finally sighed and suppressed these thoughts temporarily.

"Don't think so much. Since the living species has been taken back by the native species Arbitrator, it should not cause any more disturbances."

"Now let's return to the ship and see how Hugo, who was rescued earlier, is doing."

"This place is not far from the capital. We should be able to get some information from Aoi."

"I am quite concerned about the situation in the capital..."

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