Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1531 The fate of Hugo and Aoi in the other world

After Lin Youde gave the order, nothing happened after the attack. Instead, the members of the "Londe Bell" unit, who were almost taken away by the aftermath of the commander's shot, returned helplessly with resentment.

Four warships began to land at a low altitude near the crater near the research institute, and began to dispatch ground troops for a general cleanup.

This time, all the remains of the native species and the living species must be destroyed to prevent monsters like the living species from being created again.

Although this worldly species is in the hands of Lin Youde and the new Strike Freedom Gundam, it seems completely vulnerable.

But no one will underestimate the indomitable vitality of this living species, the Inspector, after resisting the previous "Rainbow Spiral Explosion Cannon".

If the current Inspector is not strong enough, he may die from that "Rainbow Spiral Explosion Cannon".

In the final analysis, it is not that the human inspector is weak, but that Lin Youde is too strong.

Whether people outside the "Londe Bell" team or people within the team thought that Lin Youde had no more work, he could always come up with something new and surprise everyone.

But this time, the shock wave caused by Lin Youde's "Rainbow Spiral Explosion Cannon" was almost killed, which was enough to give everyone a huge shock.

It is unknown how many people will be woken up by nightmares when they sleep at night.

Under the resentful eyes of a group of people in Gnaku, Lin Youde took Alufemi away calmly and then all the way to the door of the medical room.

"How's Hugo's situation? Is there any hope of saving him?"

As soon as Lin Youde came over, he saw Akui, who was wearing a sexy swimsuit and driving clothes, sitting at the door of the medical room, praying with her hands clasped together.

Lei Mengmeng stood at the door, accompanying her.

So Lin You pulled Lei Mengmeng over and asked in a low voice.

Lei Mengmeng also replied in a rather low voice: "We don't know the situation yet, but Lei Meng has already gone in to help."

"Although the repair chamber provided by the machine war can treat many injuries and even regenerate lost parts of the body. However, before use, necrotic body tissue needs to be removed, and then the body must be placed in the repair chamber for body regeneration and repair."

"Half of Hugo's body was burnt, and there were many parts that needed to be removed. Raymond was afraid that the little girls inside would be frightened and something would go wrong during the operation, so he went in and performed the surgery himself."

"We won't know the specific situation until Raymond comes out."

"But I think it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Although half of Hugo's body was burned, he also blocked the possibility of massive bleeding and avoided the risk of death from excessive blood loss."

"Next, you only need to remove the necrotic body tissue, and then use the repair chamber to regenerate the body tissue. The problem should not be big."

"As long as it can be put into the repair chamber, for a situation like his where only half of the body is missing but important organs such as the brain and heart are still intact, relying on the repair chamber for regeneration, the chances of recovery are very high."

"On your side, how's it going?"

"I thought I heard the voice of that native species before. Does that guy have no memory? How did you deal with it?"

After Lin Youde relayed the matter of dealing with the living species and inspector to Lei Mengmeng, the door to the medical room opened, and Lei Meng walked out first.

"How's it going, Ms. Raymond, Hugo, is Hugo okay?"

Raymond took off his mask, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Don't worry, his life is not in danger. All the necrotic body parts have been removed and placed in the repair warehouse for regeneration and repair of body tissues."

"I believe it won't be long before you see Warrant Officer Hugo in perfect condition."

"Furthermore, our Londe Bell's special transformation technology is also quite perfect. Even if there are parts of his body that cannot be repaired perfectly, I can replace them with artificial organs to ensure that all of his functions will not be affected. Well, it will not affect the continuation of the family line." influenced."

Lemen's naughty words with a wink made Akui let out a long breath, and at the same time explained quickly with a pretty face flushed.

"No, Hugo and I don't have that kind of relationship yet...we..."

Before Akui finished speaking, Lemon put her hand on Akui's shoulder and reminded her earnestly.

"I can see that you don't actually hate Warrant Officer Hugo, and you even have a certain fondness for him, right?"

"Correspondingly, Warrant Officer Hugo is probably the same."

"According to what you said, although you haven't reached the stage of being lovers yet, as someone who has been through this, I want to remind you."

"You two are both warriors now. You may die on the battlefield at any time just like today."

"And Warrant Officer Hugo is also a true man who is willing to sacrifice himself for you."

"This can be seen from the damaged parts of the Cerberus. He should be operating with the idea of ​​sacrificing himself to save you."

"Such a man is actually rare in today's world. Cherish him carefully and think carefully about what you need."

"You are lucky to have met us this time, and Hugo is also familiar with Youde. Thanks to his friendship with Youde, he was able to survive and use the repair warehouse to regenerate his body."

"If he hadn't met us, then even if Warrant Officer Hugo survived this time, half of his body would probably have to be replaced with a prosthetic limb, completely losing the ability to continue the family lineage."

"When something like that really happens, even if you are willing, I'm afraid Warrant Officer Hugo won't make up his mind to get together with you for the rest of your life."

In Aoi's stunned expression, Raymond patted her shoulder heavily.

"Think about it carefully. Is it more important for a girl to be reserved? Or is it more important for a person to silently regret after losing everything?"

"This world is cruel and won't give you many opportunities."

"What more people have is endless regret and torture, nothing more..."

After Akui held her coat collar and pursed her lips in silence for a while, Akui asked in a low voice.

"Lei, Miss Raymond. I heard that you are from a parallel world?"

Raymond, who was about to walk towards Lin Youde, paused when he heard this.

"Huh? Well, yes, that's the case. What's wrong?"

Akui grabbed her collar, mustered up her courage, and asked, "Then...can I ask, how are Hugo and I doing in your world?"

"You and Warrant Officer Hugo?" Raymond was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and asked Lamia who came out.

"Lamia, do you remember what happened to Warrant Officer Hugo and Miss Akui in our world?"

Lamia was stunned for a moment and nodded slightly: "Yes, I have an impression. Because Warrant Officer Hugo's Wolf Howl Unit participated in the mission of conquering "native species" in our world, so I saw their relevant reports. Pass. "

"In the fifth mission to encircle and suppress the "native species", the Wolf Howl troops were completely wiped out, all members died in battle, and sacrificed their lives for the country. "

"As for Miss Akui, I remember...she seemed to have died directly in the original species' attack on the capital..."

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