Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1537 Burning City

Akui nodded heavily and replied.

"Yes, in the final analysis, the one who can really deter the entire Aqualan Planet is the "Londe Bell" unit formed by Dr. Lin Youde, or Dr. Lin Youde himself. "

Lamia agreed on the side: "I can understand this. So far, since you Deda debuted, he has never been defeated. All battles have been won without any danger."

"And after Youde started working as a researcher and developed many mysterious functions of the black box, almost all battles were one-sided."

"In the machine battle, Youde Dada also proved that he is not only the strongest new human being, but also has super skills that surpass all pilots of his age."

"After experiencing the "True Super Robot Contest", someone on the Internet said that Youde is probably the well-deserved number one pilot in this era. "

"If there is anyone who can completely overwhelm others in terms of driving skills without any controversy, and can also drive a real-type machine to defeat a super-type machine, I am afraid it is De Dai."

"There was a vote on the Internet, and there was an internal vote on the whole network in the aircraft battle to choose the strongest pilot. Youde was elected with 80% of the votes ahead of the second place."

"Therefore, if the strongest combat force led by the strongest pilots and the strongest researchers really wants to exert its strength, even the self-reliant Free Federation of Aquablue Star needs to consider whether it really wants to go to war."

"Based on this understanding, those ambitious people in the integration, without complete assurance, probably don't want to stand out and be liquidated after Youde Da Da comes back."

Akui responded: "Yes, the military people have also discussed that Dr. Lin Youde's accumulated power is too strong, and his reputation is second to none in the entire Aqua Blue Star."

"Anyone who is really hostile to Dr. Lin Youde will be criticized and his reputation will be ruined."

"So no matter whether it's in terms of reputation or absolute strength, no one wants to be the enemy of Dr. Lin Youde, who is considered almost invincible in everyone's eyes."

"As the saying goes, don't be afraid of the enemy being strong, but be afraid of the enemy being unknown."

"No one knows how many unknown cards Dr. Lin Youde still has in his hand."

"First the BGM field, then spiritual instructions and evolution."

"Dr. Lin Youde renovates new technologies that can affect an era in one year."

"No one will doubt that once Dr. Lin Youde comes back from Mars and learns about the unification, he will be furious and come up with something more powerful to wipe out all the chaos."

"Almost everyone in the bureau has no doubt whether Dr. Lin Youde can do this."

"There are also people from various forces within the military. Such a unified voice represents a statement from all forces in a sense."

"No one is willing to stand out and challenge Dr. Lin Youde's authority."

"Everyone seems to be waiting to see how Dr. Lin Youde will deal with the three imperial families in Beijing after he returns."

"After all, someone has jumped out now. It's not too late to wait and see what happens to the three imperial families in Beijing before making a final conclusion."

The discussion between Akui, Ye Ling, and Lamia made Lin Youde's expression very subtle.

‘That said, why do I feel like I am not on a machine combat set, but on a fantasy set. ’

‘These guys don’t think of me as the super boss in fantasy novels who dominates everything and is arbitrary for eternity, right? Am I that bluffing? ’

Xiaoxiao complained in his mind, and Lin Youde noticed Akui looking at him and waved his hand.

"I'm not as mysterious as you say."

"But I generally understand the current situation."

"Due to the accident of the head of state, the three imperial families in the capital temporarily took over his duties, becoming a target for all ambitious people."

"Now everyone is waiting for me to come back and see how I will deal with it. It is good to decide the course of action after that."

"In this case, I must suppress the three imperial families in the capital with absolute force."

Lin Youde expressed his attitude, and Akui also felt relieved.

‘Great, now that Dr. Lin Youde is back, we finally don’t need to act as jacks to hard-top the bridge. ’

In Akui's relaxed mood, Lin Youde asked again.

"Okay, let's talk about the current specific combat capabilities of the Yusan family and the four major families."

"The combat power I left behind in the research institute is not weak. You have been fighting for nearly a year without winning. I guess your opponent's strength is not weak, right?"

Akui nodded: "Yes..."

Just when Akui was telling Lin Youde the situation, there was someone on the other side.

In a small county outside the capital.

At this moment, the prosperous small county town has been turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Raging fire and thick smoke enveloped the entire small county, and various alarms and explosions continued to sound throughout the small county.

Over this small county town, a group of Hurricane Leons floated in the sky. In the cockpit of one of the Hurricane Leones, a black-haired man looked at the small county town that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, his eyes full of unbearable whispers. road.

"Anyway, this is too much..."

As the man muttered to himself, directly opposite his formation, a solitary red and blue giant robot about 40 meters tall stood alone in the burning county below.

At the same time, the public channel rang with the roars of a young man and woman.

Male voice: "Why do you do such a thing? Aren't you from the Yusan Family in Beijing? Why do you want to attack the people of our country? Those are just unarmed people, are you still human?"

Female voice: "You have the guts to come after us? How can you be a hero by attacking defenseless people?"

As soon as the voices of the man and woman fell, an extremely arrogant female voice also sounded on the public channel.

"Hahahaha, are you angry now? Why did you go so early?"

"If you had just surrendered obediently, maybe those innocent people would have survived."

"If you want to blame, blame you for not surrendering and killing them. Red Moon Qiushui, Red Moon Pearl."

Male voice Chiyue Qiushui: "You guy..."

Female voice: Chiyue Guangzhu: "Qiu Shui, don't listen to this damn bitch. I've heard before that the Yusan family hired a team that went around killing people and setting fires to deal with those cities that denounced them."

"Now it seems that these guys should be lackeys hired by the Yusan family in Beijing."

The arrogant female voice from before: "Oh!? It seems that you are not hopelessly stupid, Chiyue Guangzhu, you are much smarter than your idiot brother."

"How about you, how about you give up Nalaoshizi's crusade and join us, the arsonists?"

"We Arsonists are a well-known mercenary team, and our income is very high~!"

Red Moon Light Bead: "Bah! You bastard, you are the notorious leader of the arsonists, Marilyn Kate, right?"

"Don't compare our regular soldiers of the Human Revolutionary Union with you scum."

"We are different from you!"

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