Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1538 Soul Sword VS Arsonist

Chiyue Guangzhu's words made Marilyn Kate laugh wildly.

"It's different? Hahahaha, you soldiers are still as humorous as ever."

"We are all executioners who kill without blinking an eye. Who is nobler than the other?"

"The only difference is that you have a formal establishment and can kill people legitimately, while we mercenaries can only kill people for money."

"Everyone is obviously killing people. Why can you be respected by others and we should be despised by others?"

"Red Moon Pearl, stop deceiving yourself. You, like me, are just tools to kill people."

Hearing these words, Chiyue Guangzhu felt insulted and yelled angrily.

"I said, don't compare our soldiers of the Human Revolutionary Union with you dirty mercenaries."

"We are people who are willing to shed our lives and blood in order to defend the motherland. We are different from lunatics like you who just get money and kill people for fun!"

Marilyn Kate's voice grew scornful.

"Hmph, after all, aren't you using this set of words to deceive yourself?"

"You said that the soldiers of your human innovation and integration are different? But the people we are employing now are the dignitaries of your human innovation and integration."

"That is to say, we arsonists now have a regular organization, and we can also be regarded as soldiers of your human revolution and integration."

"We all have the same organization and identity, but you still think you are different from us?"

Marilyn Kate's sophistry made Chi Yueguang grit her teeth angrily: "You're such a loser..."

Chiyue Guangzhu wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Chiyue Qiushui: "That's enough, sister. Stop talking nonsense with these guys."

"Kill these guys directly and avenge the dead compatriots of the motherland."

"This is what we, as integrated military personnel, should do."

After hearing this, Chiyue Guangzhu looked stunned and replied with firm eyes.

"Understood, BGM field activated, Soul Sword GG, battle mode!"


The exciting BGM sounded in the burning city, and the Soul Sword GG entered combat mode. The two triple turrets on its shoulders were raised on the spot, aiming at the Hurricane Leon group in the sky.

"Triple Cannon, launch!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The six-round cannon ejected from the chamber and flew straight into the sky at a very high speed towards the hurricane Leon group.

It seems that they did not expect that even though we were outnumbered, Chiyue Guangzhu actually dared to take the lead in attacking. Several pilots in the Arsonist unit who did not react were shot down on the spot.

boom! boom! boom!

With three huge explosions, three Hurricane Leons were destroyed on the spot.

Such a scene made Marilyn Kate furious on the spot.

"You stinky girl, if you don't eat the toast, you'll be fined."

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude. My loyal dogs, go ahead and tear this Soul Sword to pieces."

"It's just a prototype of a mass-produced super series. Don't be too arrogant."

Arsonist: "Yes! Princess!" *N

A group of mass-produced BGM fields unfolded, and the Hurricane Leon belonging to the arsonist launched attacks on Soul Sword GG.

"Sister, you focus on attacking and maneuvering to dodge, and leave it to me."

After Chiyue Qiushui said something, the Soul Sword GG maintained its shooting posture and began to fly upside down, performing various dodges in the burning city, dodging all the attacks of the Hurricane Leon group to which the arsonist belonged.

"Understood, let me shoot down that stinky Marilyn Kate first!"

As Chiyue Guangzhu replied, he controlled the triple cannons on the shoulders of Soul Sword GG to fire continuously, and at the same time pulled out a large sniper cannon from behind.

"Stinky Sanba, come down from the sky!"


There was a huge roar, and a huge shell came out of the muzzle of the sniper cannon, hitting the cockpit of the left one of the only two Hurricane Leons in the sky.

The other Hurricane Leon, which had been unresponsive before, suddenly accelerated, knocked away the Hurricane Leon next to it, picked up its shield and held it in front of its chest.

"Careful, Mary... Wow~!"

The huge shell penetrated the shield of Hurricane Leon, and also chipped off the head monitor of the Hurricane Leon that was providing rescue.

However, due to the pilot's agile operation, the cockpit and torso were not affected, and his life was narrowly saved.

In the cockpit of the Hurricane Leon that had just been knocked open, Marilyn Kate, who had emerald green hair and wore a gothic lolita costume, was smiling like a flower.

"Haha, I knew you would protect me, Crow. You are indeed a loyal dog that I have trained, and you are truly loyal."

Inside Hurricane Leone, which had lost its shield and head monitor, the man named Crow had a sullen face, and his expression was so tangled that he didn't know what he was thinking.

Facing Crow's silence, Marilyn Kate didn't care. She seemed to have gotten used to it. She looked leisurely at the Soul Sword GG fighting in the city below with a huge disparity in numbers, and sneered.

"Good marksmanship, very accurate, but unfortunately the speed is a bit off, so he didn't kill me."

Hearing this, Chiyue Guangzhu bared his teeth in anger.

"Damn it, don't be complacent. You can hide from the first grade of junior high school, but you can also hide from the fifteenth grade? If you hit me again, I will definitely let you..."

Before Chi Yue Guangzhu finished speaking, Marilyn Kate smiled ferociously.

"Do you think I will give you a chance to attack me again? You are so naive, Red Moon Pearl!"

A large beam gun popped up on the spot behind Marilyn Kate's Hurricane Leon, and she held it in her hand instantly. At the same time, a beam of light flew out.

I saw a beam of light falling from the sky and piercing the barrel of the large sniper cannon in the hand of Soul Sword GG.

Chiyue Guangzhu's eyes widened, and his face was full of shock: "What! What kind of accuracy is this? How is it possible..."

Before she could finish her words, Marilyn Kate laughed triumphantly: "Hahahaha, what's wrong? What's so strange about this? We arsonists are famous mercenaries in the mercenary world. We can do this to this extent. Isn't it easy?"

"Don't look down on people, little village girl."

"Little dogs, I have changed my mind. I will not demolish this small county for the time being. I will send all the missiles scheduled for demolition and demolish this Soul Sword for me first!"

Arsonists: "Yes, princess!"

For a time, many Hurricane Leon launched various missiles and rockets towards Soul Sword GG.

Veins popped up on Chi Yue Guangzhu's forehead: "You're dead, don't be complacent."

Throwing away the large sniper cannon with its barrel completely melted in half and no longer usable, Soul Sword GG raised his hands and pointed at the sky.

"Look at me...triple cannon + triple machine gun interception with full force!"

"It's just a rain of missiles, let me intercept them all!!!"


PS: Some readers reminded that Chiyue Guangzhu and Chiyue Qiushui are siblings, not brother and sister. This has been corrected.

Also, I couldn’t find Marilyn’s picture. Can anyone help me post it?

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