Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1545 You Luo is both confident and inferior

According to the original setting, the Black Dragon = Zhilima is the BOSS in the later stages of the plot.

Then the final black dragon ≈ the great ambition thunder horse, which is basically equivalent to the final BOSS.

If a machine that can be used as the final BOSS appears in this place, its combat power will indeed surpass that of the Dragon Tiger King and SRX.

If we really want to compete with them, we must at least let the Dragon Tiger King and SRX evolve further and become the final machines.

But now, Lin Youde does not have the upgraded versions of Dragon Tiger King and SRX.

Not to mention the upgraded version, even the SRX is still in an incomplete state. We don’t know where the SRX’s super cannon is yet, and the advanced and upgraded version is even further away.

Therefore, Youluo's words are indeed not bragging or arrogant. Her body and combat power are indeed powerful.

But Lin Youde was not frightened.

Because Lin Youde knew the special nature of Tianzhi Thunder Horse.

The really powerful thing about this machine is its system core, the dimensional connection system.

Using this system, Shirema can draw energy from other dimensions to replenish himself. Even when it is destroyed, it can replace an intact Shirema from another dimension to continue fighting.

This ability is the most shameless thing about Zhilima.

On the contrary, attacks that use the dimensional connection system to cause space distortion seem a bit ordinary.

But it was precisely because of the particularity of this function that Lin Youde was able to understand that You Luo's Black Dragon of the End should be incomplete.

The dimensional connection system is a rather special system.

In just one year, Lin Youde did not believe that the Yusanjia in the capital could completely analyze it and then make a copy.

It's not that Lin Youde questioned the level of scientists in the capital.

In fact, there is still a big hole in the setting of Zhilima.

That is, the Thunder Horse of Heaven's Will cannot be activated in its normal state, that is, it is incomplete.

The core unit of Tenshi Raima's dimensional connection system was artificially created into an artificial life form, Himuro Miku.

God knows how much of a psychological impact Lin Youde received when he watched the heroine transform directly into a robot and cling to the central core of the dimensional connection system like an alien when he was making a follow-up episode of "Project Pluto". It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the shadow of childhood.

A few years ago, when he saw the T component for the first time, Lin Youde vaguely guessed that Miku Himuro, as the central core unit, should also be sealed elsewhere.

Considering that the second dimension connection system was activated when he first saw the T-part, Lin Youde guessed that the original heroine Himuro Miku was probably hiding somewhere.

Masaki Kihara, who is the male protagonist of the original work and also serves as the real villain BOSS, may have been resurrected using the dimensional connection system.

As long as either Himuro Miku or Kihara Masaki wakes up, they will not wholeheartedly help outsiders, study the dimensional connection system, or even create a replica.

Therefore, Lin Youde guessed that the black dragon currently in Youluo's hand would most likely not be comparable to the real Dazhi Thunder Horse.

It's just a machine that has all the characteristics of the Bagua and an incomplete dimensional connection system.

If this is the case, then its combat effectiveness is at most the same as that of the Zhilei Horse, and is far from the level of the Dazhilei Horse.

Thinking of this, Lin Youde felt a little more relaxed.

‘As long as it’s not the final BOSS machine like Dazhi Leima, a machine that is a copycat of Zhi Leima’s level, I can still handle it. ’

Thinking of this, Lin Youde felt certain and looked at the proud face of You Luo on the screen.

"However, since you are so confident in your body, why didn't you take action after you arrived, and instead just chatted with me here?"

"In your heart, you don't actually have that much confidence. Do you think you can suppress my troops with just one machine?"

Youluo also admitted this very simply.

"Yes, Dr. Lin Youde, you are right. I really don't have such confidence. I'm just here to hold you back."

This time it was Lin Youde's turn to be surprised: "Oh? How do you say this?"

While dealing with Youluo, Lin Youde used the new human's mental induction to give instructions to Nagisa Sakura, who was also able to use brain quantum waves in Feilong Kai.

(Notify Li Te and Nanye to prepare to attack with the Dragon Tiger King. Also call Mengmeng and Katarina.)

(Others are on standby in the hangar, don’t go out casually.)

Nagisa Sakura: (Okay, I’ll make arrangements right away. You De, what happened? Was it an enemy attack?)

(Although the alarm did not sound, my brain's quantum waves sensed that something seemed to have been transmitted just now. Is it an enemy?)

(Also, are you sure you don’t need to dispatch SRX?)

Lin Youde replied: (No, the enemies coming this time are not suitable for SRX to deal with.)

(There was no alarm before, so as not to irritate the other party. I deliberately asked Refina not to sound the alarm. You can make arrangements, and just follow my instructions for the rest.)

Nagisa Sakura: (Yeah.)

While chatting with Nagisa Sakura, Lin Youde looked attentively and listened to Youluo's story.

"Although I am confident in the Black Dragon of the End, I think it will not lose to any super robot."

"But my confidence in it is nothing to mention in front of you."

"Your strength, let alone me, is probably unknown to everyone in the entire integration."

"Who dares to say that I can have an absolute chance of winning in front of you?"

"When you just debuted, you used the real-type ancient iron to defeat the super-type Duan Kongga Nova."

"And we've come up with so many weird things."

"Even though my body has absolute suppressive power, I still feel unsure when facing you."

"I really don't know how many things you still have at the bottom of the box that you haven't taken out."

"On this point, not only me, I believe everyone in the unity has the same idea."

"Therefore, although I have been ordered from above to repel you here, I think that I can defeat you if we really start fighting. It may be possible to defeat "Londe Bell", but I don't think I can do it to defeat you. "

"So, I'll just hold you here. As long as I use the absolute suppression of the Black Dragon of the End to trap you here, and don't confront Dr. Lin Youde head-on, then I won't lose!"

You Luo's words immediately left Lin Youde speechless.

She obviously ran here with absolute confidence, but now she said that she was not confident that she could win against him, Lin Youde.

Lin Youde didn't know whether the other party was looking up to him, or whether he simply had a contradictory personality of being both confident and inferior.

In desperation, Lin Youde rubbed his eyebrows: "This is really difficult for me..."

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