Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1546 But, I refuse!

Youluo also smiled happily after listening to Lin Youde's words.

"It is really a little girl's honor to be able to embarrass Dr. Lin Youde."

"The little girl has no intention of fighting with Dr. Lin Youde here. If Dr. Lin Youde can cooperate with the little girl, I will naturally be grateful."

You Luo smiled happily, and Lin Youde also pinched his eyebrows and then put down his hand.

"Although what you say is very sincere, I refuse!"

In You Luo's frozen smiling expression, Lin Youde crossed his arms and continued calmly.

"You want me to cooperate? Then I won't cooperate."

"I, Lin Youde, like to say no to self-righteous people."

"Don't think that everything will go according to your wishes."

"The moment you took refuge in the three imperial families in the capital, became their lackey, and became an enemy of the people of the entire human revolution and integration, you became my enemy."

"I will not cooperate with the enemy."

"There is a saying from our ancestors, "When the enemy tries every possible means to prevent you from doing something, it proves that you are doing the right thing." "

"You don't want to start a war with me, so I will start a war with you."

"You said your black dragon is stronger than that Thunder Horse of Heaven's Will?"

"Then let me test your quality."

"Let me see how powerful your so-called most powerful gossip robot is."

In You Luo's stunned expression, Lin Youde waved his hand and ordered: "Alufemi, cut her!"

Alufemi's somewhat excited voice suddenly sounded in the public channel.


As soon as he finished speaking, Soul Seat pulled out his sword, and with a half-moon slash, he was cut out and flew towards the Black Dragon of the End.

A transparent protective shield unfolded directly in front of the Black Dragon of the End, and with a clang, it blocked the thunderous strike.

You Luo was startled, and her face gradually darkened.

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it."

"I will do my best to stop you here."

The final black dragon raised its arms, and Youluo shouted softly.

"BGM field, start!"

[BGM: Yura Emperor——Kawamura Eji]

As soon as the gloomy BGM played, Alfemi frowned, showing displeasure.

"What a terrible BGM, look at me!"

[BGM: 揺れる心の錌金法师-Okada Yuki]

Alufemi complained, and the BGM of the Seat of Souls also sounded.

After the BGM fields of both machines sounded, it was Soul Seat that took the lead in attacking.

"If the level just now is not enough, then what about this!"

The two Prajna ghost faces on the shoulders of the Soul Seat flew around the Soul Seat, came to the left and right sides of the Soul Seat, facing the Black Dragon of the End, and burst out a large number of golden beams.

Youluo was not afraid at all when facing this golden beam of light that filled the sky, and shouted softly.

"The most powerful gossip robot is not just a small talker. You can't even hope to hit it with this kind of attack."

There was no movement from the Black Dragon of the End. The moment the golden attack from the Seat of Souls hit, the Black Dragon of the End instantly turned into three blurry afterimages, allowing all attacks to penetrate the afterimages and hit the ground below. Big craters were blown up and dust filled the sky.

When all the attacks had penetrated, the Black Dragon of the End returned to one level again, and the thrusters behind it exploded, causing the body to rise again. A red word "wind" suddenly appeared in front of it.

At the same time, the golden sphere on the chest of the Black Dragon of the End flashed with light, and his arms suddenly closed in front of his chest. Six huge green tornadoes suddenly erupted from the Black Dragon of the End and blasted towards the Seat of Souls.

Seeing this, Alfemi pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Don't be too proud, my Soul Seat won't be bad either."

"You took a hard hit from me before, and now I'll give it back to you."

The two Prajna Ghost Faces quickly returned to the Seat of Souls for protection, but were hit by six tornadoes.

In an instant, the six tornadoes merged together and turned into a huge black tornado, stirring the clouds in the sky and instantly dyeing them black.

At the moment when the black tornado took shape, the black tornado set off a violent hurricane.

The wind and waves were so strong that the Hiryu Kai and Nadeshiko, which were parked aside and had deployed their protective shields, began to be blown away and kept flying sideways. Its power was evident.

In the bridge of Feilong Kai, Refina and Sanye were shocked by the terrifying attack power of the Black Dragon of the End, but they also reacted quickly and took command.

Lefina: "Fully deploy the hypergravity barrier, use the left rudder, increase the engine output to 60%, and aim the ship's bow at the center of the storm to use propulsion to fight the hurricane."

Mitsuba: "Notify Nadeshiko to start retreating to the rear, and the ship will deploy a supergravity barrier to cover it."

With the two captains taking command, Hiryu Kai began to adjust the angle against the hurricane, while the Nadeshiko took advantage of Hiryu Kai's cover and began to take the opportunity to evacuate the battlefield.

When the two battleships responded, there was also a constant roar in the black tornado.

The violent wind and waves were like a constantly churning sharp blade, cutting into the surface of the Soul Seat, leaving horrific scars one after another.

But fortunately, the Soul Seat has a very strong repair ability, and those horrific wounds will be repaired as before not long after they appear.

But the repair speed of the Soul Seat could not keep up with the destruction speed of the Wind Blade. It only took half a minute for the two Prajna Ghost Faces of the Soul Seat to be shattered on the spot by the black tornado and turned into a pile of fragments. Everywhere.

If this continues, sooner or later the Soul Seat will be completely torn apart by this black tornado.

Faced with this dilemma, Alufemi saw that the situation was wrong and did not sit still and wait for death.

Under Alufemi's control, the Soul Seat turned into a blue will-o'-the-wisp in the black tornado and disappeared on the spot.

The black tornado that lost its target suddenly disappeared after raging for a few seconds, leaving only dark clouds in the sky and various debris falling from the sky.

When the black tornado completely disappeared, a blue will-o'-the-wisp reappeared in the sky a few hundred meters away.

The scarred Soul Seat also emerged from the blue will-o'-the-wisp.

Alufemi sat in the Seat of Souls, sweating on her forehead.

"It turns out that the most powerful super robot really doesn't brag about it casually, right? This machine is a bit tricky."

The Black Dragon of the End suddenly raised its head and looked at the scarred Soul Seat high in the sky.

You Luo said sternly: "I have said that ordinary robots will not be the opponent of this Black Dragon of the End."

"What I'm afraid of is Dr. Lin Youde, not you rotten fish and shrimps."

"It's just a monster transformed from a native species. Just disappear for me."

After saying that, a huge red word "mountain" flashed out of thin air again in front of the Black Dragon of the End.

The light in the golden sphere on the chest flashed again, the Black Dragon of the End opened its leg armor, and more than a dozen missiles flew out...

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