Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1554 (1st update) For the sake of the institute that is about to close down, the beautiful g

PS: Thank you to the book friend "≮Semitic·Disease≯" for becoming the first silver leader of this book. Here are ten updates. I wish you all a happy Spring Festival!

—Text below—

Lin Youde still trusts Laiting.

This is not only because Brave Laitin is a decent protagonist robot, but also because Tieria once told Lin Youde that Brave Laitin died of exhaustion with Xiang Guang in the last era.

This kind of righteous robot fought until the last moment to save the world. Lin Youde did not doubt that it would deceive everyone on the important matter of whether Setsuko Obara still possessed the Virgo Jewel.

Therefore, Setsuko Obara currently does not hold Virgo beads, which Lin Youde can believe.

However, Lin Youde's willingness to believe does not mean that Asakim is willing to believe it.

Since the other party is eyeing Setsuko Obara, he will definitely attack again in the future. Lin Youde feels that it is necessary to shoot down this guy whom the post bar brother calls Masaki Kuro.

Anyway, he now has a good relationship with the real Masaki Ando. It would be a good choice to knock down this black Masaki and ask him about his relationship with Masaki Ando.

Well, the premise is that he can knock down the hunting wolf fang now.

"Then what else happened after that?"

"How are the Kiliams doing?"

"I heard that before the Four Elephant Formation was reversed and the unified mainland was completely blocked, he sent a message asking the troops outside to notify me."

Lacus nodded slightly and explained to Lin Youde.

"Killiam seems to have understood some of the secrets behind the demon machine, but he said that he can only trust you. Even I don't want to tell you too much. What I say is for my own good."

"He is currently on another battlefield, working with Aslan, Shin Asuka, and Setsuko Obara to contain the troops of the four major families."

"For the specific situation, you can ask him personally after we meet up."

Lin Youde touched his chin: "That's it, that's fine. He followed the other me from the parallel world. It's not that he can't understand if he has concerns."

"I'll ask him about it later. I don't know the true intentions of the Yaoji people at all. I only know that they seem to be entrenched near Mount Tai."

Lux nodded slightly: "Well, after the demon machine people reversed the Four Elephant Formation, they have been entrenched near Mount Tai."

"We once went to investigate, but were repelled by the demon robots and the Chaos Qiongqi King."

"That Chaos Qiongqi King seems to be more powerful than the Dragon and Tiger King. You have to be careful, Youde. I always feel that these so-called Four Evils are very hostile to the Four Holy Beasts."

Lin Youde couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

In Lux's confused expression, Lin Youde told her about the previous battle between the Tiger Dragon King and the Chaos Qiongqi King.

Lux was shocked: "Is there such a thing?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, according to Yilui, the strength of the Four Evils is far higher than that of the Four Gods. But when the Tiger Dragon King and Li Te broke out, their combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of the Chaos Qiongqi King."

"There will definitely be another battle between the Tiger Dragon King and the Chaos Qiongqi King."

"And more than this, I'm more curious about whether you have found any traces of King Que, King Wu, and Yinglong."

Lux shook her head: "No, after King Que, King Wu, and Yinglong disappeared, we found no trace of them."

"I once asked Gilliam, and he said that their disappearance is probably related to the demon machine people."

"It's a pity that most of his memories about the last era have been lost. He just felt that this matter has something to do with the Yaoji people."

"And let us prepare ourselves to be enemies with King Que, King Wu, and King Yinglong."

"But because of Emperor Yinglong's special status in the union, I didn't dare to tell everyone about it."

"If everyone knows that the long-standing protector of the alliance, Emperor Yinglong, has now become everyone's enemy, then it is estimated that many people will feel uncomfortable and their morale will be severely damaged. This is extremely detrimental to the current situation."

Lin Youde nodded slightly, without commenting, but rolled his eyes and asked curiously.

"By the way, why did Sayaka and Jun also participate in the battle?"

"Is the fighting power of those Venuses really okay?"

Lux's expression froze and she muttered in a low voice: "Of course I know that the teams composed of Venus A and Venus B are not very good at fighting, but after Sayaka and the others saw how popular Lin Mingmei and the others were, they couldn't stand the excitement and decided to Go into battle and become a battlefield icon.”

Lin Youde's eyes bulged: "What? Lin Mingmei's excitement? Battlefield idol? What's going on?"

Lux explained: "Have you forgotten? The singer plan you proposed before has been implemented."

"It's just that Lin Mingmei and the others didn't have much influence in the past, and they were only popular in a small area in the animation circle."

"But after our research institute was attacked by Asakim, we smeared the incident on the three imperial families in Beijing, which caused everyone to hate Wujiwu and love Wujiwu at the same time."

"Taking advantage of this wave of public opinion, Lin Mingmei, the top singer in our institute's singer project, took advantage of the trend and officially became a first-class idol singer among the mainstream groups."

"Coupled with Lin Mingmei's own hard work, she has a very sweet appearance and a good singing voice. With the strong support of the Wang Group, Lin Mingmei's popularity is getting higher and higher, and she is vaguely considered the number one idol singer among young people. posture."

"Sayaka and Jun are already familiar with us and often come to the institute. After going back and forth, they became a little envious after seeing Lin Mingmei's popularity."

"It just so happened that something happened in the capital, and the sponsor behind the Photon Force Research Institute seemed to have some problems, causing their research funds to start to run short."

"In order to prevent the institute's funding chain from being completely cut off, and also to give myself a break, let everyone understand that there are other people in the Photon Force Institute besides Jianlong and Dingbang."

"So after discussion, the two of them gathered a group of little sisters and established Team Venus to promote it."

"The Saotome Research Institute's Geta Q was created for similar reasons."

"It's just that the Saotome Research Institute is full of older generation researchers, not many young staff. In the end, only Miss Michiru was found, so there is only one Getter robot like Getter Q."

"But because of this incident, we unified and gained two types of Getter robots and Demon robots that are not available in the Free Federation."

"In a sense, this is also beneficial to us and the Free Federation in fighting for the legitimacy of the Demon Robot and the Getter Robot, so I agreed."

Listening to Lux's story, Lin Youde felt dizzy.

‘How can it still be like this? In order to save the research institute that was about to collapse due to the breakage of its capital chain, Sayaka Yumi, Enjun, and Michiru actually became idols? Is this really the set of Super Robot Wars? Is there something wrong? ’

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