Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1555 (2nd update) Li Linshun? Little plum?

Lin Youde thought of ten thousand reasons why Gong Shayajia and Yan Chun would participate in the battle.

After all, having sensed the furious emotions of Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang before, Lin Youde vaguely guessed that something had happened to these two people.

Yusaya Ka and Enjun are not the heroines in those third-rate robot animations, they are useless vases.

These two are also regulars in the "Super Robot Wars" series, often driving their robots to participate in various battles.

Although the combat effectiveness is not first-rate, it is not comparable to those nameless soldiers and elite captain aircraft.

So when he heard Akui say that Lux was currently uniting the local resistance forces to fight against the three families, Lin Youde was already prepared for the two of them to pilot the machine to participate in the battle.

This kind of thing has happened countless times in the original series. In the "Super Robot Wars" series, these two people participated in the rescue of Kabuto and Kentetsu many times.

But even if Lin Youde wanted to break his head, he never thought that these two people actually became battlefield idols and participated in the battle just to make money because the research institute had no money.

The contrast of this huge change in painting style really gave Lin Youde a hard blow on the head. As a result, Lin Youde's brain felt buzzing and he couldn't react for a long time.

Lux seemed to notice Lin Youde's shock, covering her mouth and laughing softly.

"You didn't expect it, did you? To be honest, I didn't expect them at first. They actually participated in the battle just to make money."

"Originally, I thought they were participating in the battle for a more noble purpose, but I didn't expect it to be so realistic."

"But don't tell Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang this reason. They said they don't want the men in the family to worry about financial problems. Those are not things Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang can handle."

"These two brothers have no talent for making money at all. Fighting and research are what they should do most."

Lin Youde's expression was a little subtle: "Why do I feel like I was hurt by splashing? Are you sure they are not acting strangely?"

Lux shrugged: "I don't know about that."

"That's what happened. From the moment they joined the battle, they were prepared and aware accordingly."

"But this time they encountered a lot of danger, and we have to help them get justice no matter what."

In this regard, Lin Youde did not hesitate.

"Don't worry, the three imperial families in Beijing have crossed the red line."

"Blatantly using nuclear bombs on domestic territory, or using them repeatedly. This kind of bottomless behavior, I had no intention of letting them go from the beginning."

"After all, it doesn't matter if you use a nuclear bomb to blow me up. After all, your husband and I are so strong that I have to be targeted with a nuclear bomb. That is also an honor and a skill."

"But they should never, never use nuclear bombs against relatives and friends other than me."

"Such behavior gives me reason to believe that they have gone completely crazy. After all, there are only zero and countless times to press the button on the nuclear bomb."

"Since they have no bottom line, don't blame me for driving them all away."

Seeing the fierce light flashing in Lin Youde's eyes, Lux was not afraid, but nuzzled into Lin Youde's arms with a sweet look on her face.

"Well, I support you. It would be better to get rid of such scum as soon as possible. It will benefit the country and the people."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Well, once we get this done, we'll set off immediately to clean up these bastards."

"By the way, who are the people on the other side dealing with the four treasonous families?"

"Also, are the four major treasonous families very powerful? Can't even compete with your current fighting strength?"

Lux straightened her face and explained.

"The four treasonous families are actually not very strong. They all use standard aircraft produced by the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance."

"What is really difficult to deal with is the forces of the Free Federation behind the four major families."

Lin Youde twitched his eyebrows: "Is the Free Federation involved in this matter?"

Lux nodded and continued: "Well, the only places on Aquamarine where they can hide are the Free Federation and Britannia."

"The Silla Alliance will definitely not go because of the civil strife in the DC army. The Islands United Alliance has good relations with us and will not accept them openly. So after they fled the country before, they went to the Free Federation to take refuge."

"And this time, after they returned again, they received the support of a certain force within the Free Federation."

"With the support of this force, the remnants of the four major families, leading the Shadow Mirror Force and personnel related to the enhanced children, began to launch a revenge attack on the integration."

"In order to fight against them, the military mobilized a lot of force and transferred it to major research institutes, and then integrated it through us to fight against them."

"The current main force to deal with the remnants of the four major families is the combat force formed by La Kelam, who was used in our previous research institute and has now been temporarily eliminated."

"The person who holds the position of captain of the ship La Kelam is Li Linshun, a senior from the same school as Lefina and Sanye. It is said that during his schooling, he was as outstanding as Lefina and ranked first in all subjects in the school. score."

"As for the combat troops, they are the Brave Reitin piloted by Hikaru, the Infinite Justice Gundam piloted by Aslan, the New Destiny Gundam piloted by Shin Asuka, Virgo Glory piloted by Setsuko Obara, and Luna Maria. The Impulse Gundam piloted by Hawke, the Revenant R piloted by Gilliam, the real King Kaiya piloted by Amamigo, the genius boy from GGG Research Institute, and the Tianshu piloted by Wall Annick from Kunlun Institute. Type 1, a total of 8 special operations troops.”

"Except for Tian Haihu and Li Linshun, whom you haven't met yet, everyone else here is considered an old acquaintance."

Lin Youde nodded slightly, and after casually responding, he felt a little happy.

‘Li Linshun? Is he the guy with the platinum account in "Super Robot Wars OG"? ’

‘If it’s really him, then I have to train him well. Xiao Lizi is not a bad person, he is a rare Chinese born and raised in the world of machine warfare. ’

"It's a pity that the Japanese were the fault of the screenwriter. They were hacked and miserably." But fortunately, he still performed heroically in the end. He drove the Platinum and exploded the old silver coin of Uzes, which was considered a clean slate. ’ (Note 1)

‘This man is not bad in nature, he just took the wrong path. Or did the screenwriter deliberately let him go down the wrong path, it was really the head that made the decision. ’

‘Now that he has been reincarnated into this era and has become a Chinese again, we can no longer let him go astray. ’

‘Turn him over and leave him to Da Tie, Sean, and Bracefield, and let the three old guys train him properly. ’

‘If it doesn’t work, I will personally find a way to correct him. We must not allow such a good young man to continue on the wrong path and waste his talents in vain. ’


PS: Did the author remember correctly? Xiao Lizi died in the battle with Youzes, right?

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