Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1556 (3rd update) The fusion of photon power and tower line, the demon ZSAGA!

Chapter 1556 (3rd update) The fusion of photon power and tower line, Demon God Z SAGA!

Lin Youde had no doubts about whether he could handle Li Linshun, a little plum.

Although Li Linshun should theoretically be older than him, he is not too much older and can still be considered as someone of the same age.

With his current prestige and ability, he can be suppressed no matter what.

Of course, if he can't handle Xiao Lizi himself, then Lin Youde thinks that this guy is probably hopeless, so it would be better to leave him to Mr. Wu Mu and retrain him for a few years.

As the principal of his alma mater, Xiao Lizi can't continue to be arrogant without giving him face, right?

As a Chinese, we are very particular about respecting teachers. As long as Xiao Lizi is still Chinese, he should be able to do this.

After going through Xiao Lizi's matter in his mind, Lin Youde suddenly thought of something and looked at Lux in confusion.

"Tianhaihu? From the GGG Research Base? Zhanya, the real king? What's going on?"

Lux explained: "It's like this. Tian Haihu seems to be in a parallel world. As Wang Kai's death, he replaced Wang Kai. He piloted Wang Kai Ya and had good combat capabilities. Therefore, he was recommended to GGG by Kiriam. Research Base."

"So even though he is only 9 years old now, he has shown good driving ability, is very courageous, and can activate the power of G crystal."

"In addition, according to Gilliam, in the parallel world, he and the other you once saw Tianhaihu seem to exert some powers that were not ordinary people. But what they were, he did not tell me in detail. "

"As for my true self, Wang Kaiya, based on the data in Galeon's computer that was completely revived, I created a special machine that is fully adapted to Galeon and Wang Kai."

"It is said that this machine is the real me, Wang Kaiya. The one that Wang Kai drove before can only be regarded as a copycat machine, and its performance is not at the same level."

"It's just that Wang Kai was trapped outside due to the reversal of the barrier, so Galeon and Tianhaihu were temporarily piloted. Although the performance could not reach 100% of the theoretical value, it could only barely reach about 70%. But it is already the strongest machine currently besides the Demon God Z SAGA."

Lux's words finally made Lin Youde understand the whole story.

"I see. Since it was recommended by Gilliam, and there are children from other parallel worlds who have shown fighting potential, let's train them more."

"After all, our Fleet is now participating in the battle, so we cannot exclude the equally young Tenkaigo. Special times require special coping methods."

Lux agreed: "Yes, I thought so too, so I agreed to Tian Haihu to participate in the battle."

Lin Youde smiled and asked: "The Mazinger Z SAGA you are talking about is the one outside that was driven by Kabutoshirou, right? It has a green streamer on the armor, right?"

"I've noticed that machine before. It seems to be very special. So what's going on?"

In this regard, Lux explained: "That machine is currently the strongest combat unit on our side. It is a special machine designed to deal with the Black Dragon of the End."

"After we learned that the T parts of major bases were stolen by the Yusan family in Beijing using various methods, we kept a close eye on them."

"After inquiring from various sources, we learned that the Royal Sanjia in Beijing plans to use T parts and other related information of Bagua robots to build the most powerful super robot to control the situation."

"In order to deal with this kind of robot that is obviously a decisive weapon, we have also united the power of major research institutes and assembled many scientific researchers to create a super robot that can be called a decisive weapon."

"And you have ordered that many of the materials we have in our hands cannot be used."

"So we can only combine the Demon Robot and the Getter Robot, which are currently known to have the strongest output capabilities, and find a way to fuse the power of the two together to create a super robot that can surpass the Demon God Caesar in the Free Federation. Use To fight against the upcoming decisive battle weapon robot manufactured by the three families in the capital."

"Under this situation, Mazinger Z SAGA gathered the power of major research institutes, using Mazinger Z as the foundation, and initially integrated the photon power with the Geta Line, using the photon power as the core energy, and then mixed the Geta Line into it , to achieve a certain balance between the tower line and the photon force, thereby obtaining brand-new energy, which can be used to strengthen the overall output and defense capabilities of the body, thereby achieving a power that surpasses the demon god Caesar."

Hearing this, Lin Youde was shocked: "The fusion of photon power and Geta Line? Did Dr. Saotome really do it?"

When Lacus nodded, Lin Youde was full of admiration: "As expected of Dr. Saotome, who is known as the Getta Line Madman, he is truly incredible." ’

‘The fusion of photon force and Getta lines? It's a shame he can do it. ’

'I remember that the product of the combination of the two powers was the Demon Caesar in "The Fourth Super Robot Wars", which was known as the first Demon Caesar. It was a machine earlier than the comic version of Demon Caesar, and it was also the machine that destroyed GOD Demon, which was originally the orthodox successor to Demon God Z. ’

According to popular science that Lin Youde once read, the original author of "Mazinger Z", Go Nagai, originally planned to draw a GOD Demon, that is, the body of the God of Demons. After Mazinger Z is destroyed, it will destroy everything. The super demon robot.

However, because the "Super Robot Wars" series has a tradition of changing machines, after Getalong was replaced by the real Geta, its producer asked Nagai Go if he could also get a successor machine for Mazinger Z to match Gaita. Talon was replaced by True Geta's positioning.

After all, "Mazinger Z" was a more popular work than "Getter Robot" at the time.

There is no reason why Getter Robot should be treated like this, and Mazinger Z should not be treated like this.

So Nagai Go took the originally planned design of GOD and made slight modifications to create the extremely popular robot in "Mazinger Z", Mazinger Caesar.

In "The Fourth Super Robot Wars", the way the Demon God Caesar was born was that after the Demon God Z was irradiated with Geta Rays, he used the Geta Rays to independently evolve into a super powerful machine.

Other than that, there are basically no Mazinger Z and Mazinger Caesar who combine photon power with the Geta Line.

Because strange things like demon power and various expansions of photon power appeared later, there was no need to build a tower line, and this was done to avoid confusion between the two works.

And now, old man Saotome actually set up the Demon God Caesar that only existed in "The Fourth Super Robot Wars", successfully developed it independently, and created a machine that has both photon power and Geta Line, and it is not used at the same time, but After the fusion of the two, the new power of the Demon God Z SAGA was born.

This is very scary...

Even without the black box, Lin Youde couldn't imagine how powerful this Demon Z SAGA would be if it were driven by Du Jianlong.

It’s scary to think about it…

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