Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1568 Finally arriving in the capital

Chidori looked at Zhao Zheng doubtfully.

"What's the meaning?"

Zhao Zheng sighed: "Literally, Miss Chidori Kaname. Have you ever thought about why these children are called metal children?"

Chidori Kaname was about to reply: "Literally? Doesn't that mean...wait a minute, could it be that..."

In the face of Chidori Kaname's frightened expression, Zhao Zheng sighed, nodded, and replied.

"Yes, the combination of metal cells and the human body. This taboo experiment was finally done by those barbarians who had lost their morals."

"In his later years, Taizu probably foresaw that if the research on enhanced humans was allowed to go unchecked, such crazy things would appear sooner or later, so he probably ordered a ban on all research on enhanced humans."

Zhao Zheng's sigh made Chidori feel a chill in his hands and feet.

"The fusion of metal and human body? This kind of thing... this kind of thing..."

Chidori Kaname murmured with fear on his face, as if he wanted to refute something, but suddenly his pupils shrank and he lowered his head. He couldn't say a word, he just kept trembling.

Zhao Zheng didn't pay too much attention to Chidori Kaname. Although Zhao Zheng knew that Chidori Kaname was a whisperer, there were so many whisperers in the world, so he didn't pay too much attention to this little girl.

On the contrary, it was the situation outside that made him a little worried.

Uno, the third youngest among the Metal Children, piloted the Frost Giant and started a battle with Serena's As Soleares. He did not gain any upper hand, and even showed signs of being suppressed.

Serena's superb fighting skills and Assoares' unique ninja-like fighting style defeated Uno and the Frost Giant in succession.

Several of the green magatama were also broken.

It can be said that if you just look here, the situation is very good.

But the problem is, the opponent doesn't only have one Frost Giant driven by Uno.

Not to mention there were three metal children, just the other enemy troops around him made Zhao Zheng understand that the situation was not optimistic.

Fortunately, this situation was quickly alleviated.

"Anti-matter cannon!!!"

A strong male voice roared in the public channel, and a translucent energy cannon shot towards the sky from the direction of the devil in the capital.

All objects touched by the translucent energy cannon exploded one after another, causing a set of completely blank passages to appear in the air from the corners of the capital to the suburbs outside the capital.

Then, a huge sword suddenly appeared after the energy cannon disappeared, flying towards a frost giant that was about to rush towards the MA form Valhawk and the crossbow standing on Valhawk.


The big sword penetrated through and turned into a silver robot holding a big sword with a click in mid-air.

The moment the robot's transformation was completed, the Frost Giant, which had been penetrated and whose chest and lower body was completely broken, also exploded on the spot.


In the exclamation of Ansas, the boss of the metal children, Gundams of different styles rushed over from the direction of the translucent energy cannon and launched an attack on the security forces of the capital.

Seeing the style of those Gundams, Kazuma was pleasantly surprised in the cockpit of Valhawk, who was about to fight back.

"We're finally here, everyone from Tekkadan, as well as Fan and D-BOY."

"They're not the only ones here."

After a middle-aged man's steady voice sounded on the public channel, two beams of light struck from outside the city, catching the capital's defenders off guard.

Amid the confused expressions of the metal children and the capital's defenders, in the distance, an awl-shaped battleship, Valstock, was rushing towards them from somewhere outside the city.

"Attack! Attack!"

The capital defenders immediately launched various anti-aircraft fires and began to attack Walstock.

But as soon as these attacks were fired, they were all blocked by a robot very similar to M9 with a strange barrier.

Seeing the machine that blocked all attacks, Sosuke Sagara's eyes lit up in the crossbow.

"Raider? Are you pitiful?"

"Exactly, Sosuke Sagara, immediately cover the transport plane arriving at the battleship Valstock behind me. This aircraft will provide support for you."

Listening to the cold female voice on the communicator, Sosuke Sagara responded.

"Understood, carry out the escort mission immediately. Kazuma!"

Kazuma: "Okay, let's go!"

Walhawk took the lead in opening the way, carrying the crossbow and the small transport plane behind him, and rushed towards Walstock.

The boss of the metal children, Ansas, who was still arrogant before, ignored the departure of Kazuma and others, and just stared at Thursday Divine Judge, who had transformed into a robot form.

"You guy, I'm going to kill you."

Thursday·The Chief turned around on the ground and looked calmly at the frost giant in the sky.

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability, kid."

"No, he doesn't have this chance!"

As soon as Fan finished speaking, another man, or boy's voice sounded on the public channel.



Before he could finish his words, he saw a ray of silver light rushing behind the Frost Giant, holding a spear, knocking the Frost Giant down from the sky and nailing it to the ground.

The entire chest cockpit was completely penetrated, and the boss of the Metal Children was already dead.

Fan Ding took a quick look and found that it was a Gundam: "Gundam Barbatos... Mikari Moon? Really..."

San Riyue interrupted expressionlessly: "A quick victory, the goal has been achieved, there is no need for us to tangle too much with the enemy here."

Fan smacked his lips: "Okay, I don't really want to kill the flying target anyway. Leave the guys on the ground to me, and you Tekkadan in the sky will take care of it."

Mikazuki: "Okay."

With the help of Tekkadan, Kazuma and others were fighting and retreating, and were quickly approaching Walstock, which was parked not far away and was under full fire.

Seeing this scene, the captain of the pursuit force in Beijing was extremely anxious.

"Damn Metal Children, they are really a bunch of braggarts. Two of them were killed so quickly. If this continues, those guys will run away."

"Come here, send a message to the headquarters and ask for more reinforcements. We must be here..."

Boom! ! !

In the sky, a purple energy cannon streaked across the sky, and with a series of explosions, a huge red battleship slowly sailed from the other direction of the capital.

This sudden shot interrupted the captain of the pursuit force, and also made Dong Pi, who was standing in the capital headquarters, slightly raise the corners of his mouth.

"It's finally here, Feilong Kai, "Londe Bell" led by Lin Youde. "

"Today is the moment of decisive battle. All troops are informed to suspend all previous missions."

"Now, our army has only one goal, to defeat the "Londe Bell" flagship, Feilong Kai! "


PS: I have been in a very bad state recently. I have to be busy with various things and go to various parties. My sleep is not stable because of all kinds of firecrackers. My neighbor also opens a family KTV mode from time to time. All kinds of noise pollution give me a headache.

I stayed up for a long time today and only managed to type out one chapter. I originally wanted to take a leave of absence, but it didn’t seem very good to take a leave just after the Chinese New Year, so I posted this chapter.

Today's single update is considered a half-day leave. There is also a family dinner tomorrow, so I don't know if I will have time to type.

I really can't, so I have to ask for leave tomorrow. I'm really busy during the Chinese New Year, so please forgive me.

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