Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1569 The two armies confront each other, and the demon robots come to the rescue

The order from the headquarters in the capital caused the pursuers who were originally chasing Zhao Zheng and others to retreat and rush towards the other direction of the capital.

Such behavior surprised Kazuma and others.

But when they returned to Walstok and knew that the shot just now was caused by the flying dragon, everyone felt that it seemed natural.

Although Zhao Zheng was important to the three imperial families in the capital, that was only a matter of later days.

At present, the threat of "Londe Bell" led by Lin Youde is obviously far greater than that of Zhao Zheng.

Zhao Zheng ran away and can be captured again later.

If Lin Youde hadn't been beaten, the members of the Yusan Family in Beijing would have no future.

Ever since, with Feilong Kai's one-shot demonstration, everyone inside and outside the capital understood that the real battle was about to begin.

Kazuma and others successfully met up and began to converge towards the location of "Londe Bell" at the other end of the capital.

At the other end of the capital, in front of the group army of the capital's garrison, a total of five warships, two large and three small, appeared high in the sky above a certain mountain outside the capital.

Hiryu Kai and Steel were flying the highest, while Nadeshiko, Diva, and Ra Kellam were floating below.

With five warships, Londebel stopped in front of the rolling mountains outside the capital, confronting the troops in the capital.

Clearly, over the capital, more than 30 aviation battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, large and small, have risen at this moment.

But facing Londe Bell's five battleships, they were completely overwhelmed in terms of momentum.

Although the number of Lund Bell's battleships is small, the Feilong Kai and the Steel are too big.

Just having two 2,000-meter class battleships parked there is shocking enough.

Opposite Londe Bell, looking at the scene of five warships approaching from a distance, the three Yu family and the four major families in the capital were shocked.

In the aviation battleships, the flagships of the four major families, the heads of the four major families are gathering on their respective bridges at this moment, using video calls to discuss each other.

Liu Chongmei's eyes were like bells: "How is it possible that there is another huge battleship that is comparable to Feilong Kai? How is this possible..."

Ma Fubao was also full of disbelief: "Is a 2,000-meter space battleship something that can be seen everywhere? Why can that Lin Youde get another one?"

Li Jiacheng's face was gloomy: "The 2000-meter-class space battleship is not scary, but I am afraid that it is the same as the Feilong Kai, which is also a black-box battleship. Once the two 2000-meter-class black box space battleships start the BGM field , without the help of other mobile units, it can push our conventional defenders without BGM field."

Zhou Bapei's forehead was sweating: "Elder Gao, Elder He, the "Londe Bell" commanded by Lin Youde is more terrifying than we expected. "

At the very rear of the capital's defenders were three 500-meter-class large battleships.

On the bridges of these three battleships stood the heads of the three imperial families in the capital.

Gaoqiu looked at "Londe Bell" outside the capital and was filled with fear.

"You actually have such fighting power? The miko "that lord" didn't tell us before. "

He Shen's hands and feet were also cold: "What, what should we do? Old Dong, do we really have a chance of winning?"

Having already arrived at the bridge of his aviation battleship from the headquarters in Beijing, Old God Dong Wei responded calmly.

"Whether you have a chance of winning or not, you won't know until you play."

"If you are timid before fighting, you will lose most of your morale."

"You losers, cheer me up, don't forget what you said before."

"As long as you delay, "that lord" will send people to support you, right? "

With that said, Dong Pi looked at Zhou Bapui, who nodded repeatedly.

"No, yes, the miko-sama has learned about the situation here and promised to support us in the future."

Almost as soon as Zhou Bapei finished speaking, the battleships CIC of the two armies said in unison.

"Gravity fluctuation reaction...the space in this area is distorted, and something is about to be transmitted." *N

Then, under the gaze of countless people, the space above the capital was distorted.

A yellow witch-type robot, Death Return, first appeared in everyone's sight.

Subsequently, a large number of demon robots, including Di Jiang, Meng Huai, He Luoyu, Bao Owl, and Princess Kuxin, appeared over the capital through space teleportation.

Seeing the appearance of Death Return, Zhou Bapei's face was full of joy: "Witch, Witch, you are finally here."

In the cockpit after returning from the dead, Kukulu waved her hands lazily: "I've kept you guys waiting for a long time. "That Lord" already knows what's going on here. "

"What "that lord" planned is about to be completed. All you need to do is hold "Londe Bell" and Lin Youde here for a moment, and "that lord" will be successful. "

"So, you know what to do, right?"

Gao Qiu was the first to express his loyalty: "Yes, Miko, we understand. I also ask Miko to help me say a few nice words in front of "that master". We will follow "that master" forever and ever! "

Not to be outdone, He Shen followed: "Yes, we will fight to the death in this battle to delay "that lord". I would also like to ask the witch to speak kindly to you. "

Then Liu Chongmei, Ma Fubao, Li Jiacheng, and Zhou Bapei from the four major families also threw out all kinds of rainbow shit for free.

Only Dong Pi stood on the bridge, watching all this with a cold eye, his eyes full of disdain and indifference.

After a few perfunctory responses with a smile on her face, Kukulu turned on the public channel and asked Death to slightly pull up his skirt in the air to salute, and then said it in public.

"We meet again, Dr. Lin Youde."

Lin Youde stood on the bridge of Feilong Kai, looking at the dead body at the highest point of the opposite camp, and asked with a sullen face.

"Kukulu, are you Yaoji, the remnants of the four major families, and the Yusan family in the capital and other rebellious gangs in the same group?"

Kukulu smiled slyly and responded cheerfully.

"That's right~! No matter it's the four major families or the third Yu family, it's all a dog raised by "that adult" in my family. "

As soon as Kukulu said this, Liu Chongmei, Ma Fubao, Li Jiacheng, and Zhou Bapei looked a little ugly, and a flash of anger flashed in the eyes of Gao Qiu and He Shen, but it was quickly covered up.

Only Dong Pi smiled sarcastically and continued to listen to the conversation between Kukulu and Lin Youde.

"What, Dr. Lin Youde, are you trying to cause trouble for them?"

"Oh, Dr. Lin Youde. As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner's face. If you do this, I will have to accept the order and come to help."

"Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way."

Lin Youde smiled coldly: "Excuse me? Okay, Zeng Jia, go and kill Kukulu."

"As long as you, Kukulu, can save your life from Zengjia's sword, I can forgive you for today's matter."

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