Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1570 I have never seen such a shameless person

Lin Youde's words opened the ejection bay door of Feilong Kai, and Gurungast Zero flew out with the Zero ship-cutting knife, standing in the sky.

Kukulu looked at the Grungast Zero driven by Zenga and smiled.

"If so, then it's settled."

"Brother Zeng Jia, you have been looking for a concubine several times before, right?"

"How about we end the previous festivals here?"

Grungast Zero held the sword with one hand, and the Zero ship-cutting sword was pointed at death.

Zeng Jia: "Witch, I will kill you here today!"

Kukulu: "Hehehe, I am really honored to see that Brother Zengjia is still as enthusiastic as ever."

Zenga stared at Kukulu, his eyes full of murderous intent and fighting spirit, without saying a word.

Lin Youde saw Zengjia flying out in Grungast Zero and waved his hand while leaving Kukulu behind.

"Okay, let's not talk about you witch for now. Let me come and talk to the person who is responsible for today."

"You guys on the opposite side, didn't you like to cause trouble for me in the past?"

"Now that I, Lin Youde, am here, why don't you dare to come out and face me?"

"You old fools, come out and see me!"

Because of this long paragraph, after Lin Youde's instruction, the five Londe Bell battleships fully opened the additional temporary audio speakers installed throughout the battleships to maximize external expansion.

Not to mention the two opposing armies, even the dignitaries and people in the capital who were preparing to take refuge and escape heard these words clearly.

The huge sound wave deafened the people in the capital. The houses closest to the edge of the capital were shaken violently, and the glass shattered. The people closest to the battlefield in the capital covered their ears in pain to avoid themselves. His eardrums were shattered by the huge sound.

The heads of the four major families who were provoked also had blue veins popping up on their foreheads after being scolded. They opened the public channel one after another and connected the communication to Feilong Kai's bridge.

Liu Chongmei: "You arrogant child, how dare you challenge us here. The heavenly soldiers of the Free Federation and the Immortals are here today, so don't be so arrogant!"

Ma Fu reported: "Lin Youde, don't think that because you have some luck and are favored by the undead in "Machine War", you can do whatever you want. I will let you understand today that your support is just rootless duckweed. In the face of the strength of the immortal, you can't do anything at all. Not worth mentioning."

Li Jiacheng: "That's right, young man, I advise you not to be too young. The water in this world is very deep, and you can't grasp it at all. Go back obediently, and I can let you go."

Zhou Bapei: "Otherwise, when the heavenly soldiers of "that Lord" arrive, you mortals will be brutally suppressed and will never be able to stand up again! "

Looking at the four old faces in the Feilong Kai bridge, Lin Youde snorted coldly.

"Are you finally willing to come out? Why, don't you want to keep running? Are you ready to die?"

"Come on, tell me what last words you old bastards have."

"Today, one of you, one by one, has no chance of leaving this capital alive."

Lin Youde's words once again angered Liu Chongmei and the others. After the four people realized that there was no way out, they started a scolding war with anger, trying to regain the ground with words.

Liu Chongmei: "Lin Youde, don't think that things are still the same as before. Now that Zhao Zheng is gone to help you, do you really think we are afraid of you?"

Ma Fu reported: "Our four major families have protected and united the people for decades, and we have worked hard without any credit. You actually incited Zhao Zheng to confiscate our homes and exterminate our clans? Lin Youde, don't bully people too much. Killing them all and doing things to an end, you There will be retribution!”

Li Jiacheng: "Lin Youde, as I just said, you are still young and have no idea how deep the water in this world is. You have no idea how terrifying existence and power are hidden in this world. You have indeed gained a lot of power now. It’s a small power, but if you think that you can do whatever you want with such power, you are really wrong!”

Zhou Bapei: "Lin Youde, you have no idea how powerful "that lord" is. If you take refuge in "that lord" now, you may be able to save the lives of your whole family. otherwise……"

Before Zhou Bapi finished speaking, Lin Youde interrupted him.

"Shut up! Shameless old thief!"

"Originally, I only gave you the opportunity to leave your last words because your ancestors had sacrificed their lives and blood to unify and establish the country."

"I didn't expect that you would be so stubborn and even confuse right and wrong in public, calling a deer a horse."

"Do you really think that the people in the world will believe your lies?"

"No, let me tell you, the eyes of the people in the world are sharp. What you have done has already made the people want to crush you to ashes. Having your homes confiscated and dismissed from your posts is already the greatest kindness to you."

"You are still stubborn and surrendering to treason. It is really a double crime."

"Forget it, now you are actually colluding with evil things like Yaojiren, calling monsters immortals, and want to use common people as sacrifices to evil spirits for your own benefit."

"Such things that are outraged by both humans and gods are truly intolerable!"

"You commit treason and are disloyal."

"You are unfilial to your ancestors who sacrificed their lives and blood for the country."

"It is unkind for you to bully others by taking advantage of your power and exploit the people's wealth and anointing."

"It is unjust for you to openly abandon your identity as a human being and take refuge in evil things."

“Such an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unjust person, who has never accomplished anything in his life, actually dares to flatter inhuman monsters, beg for mercy in front of a large public, choose to help the evil, and treat us patriots like us. , barking wildly in front of our army formation."

"You old men have lived seventy or eighty years in vain, yet you are so shameless and ignorant of loyalty that you betray your country in public."

"I, Lin Youde, have never seen such a shameless person!"

Lin Youde's words directly scolded Liu Chongmei, Ma Fubao, Li Jiacheng, and Zhou Bapei, their faces turned red, their energy and blood surged, and they almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Fortunately, these four people were all shameless people capable of treason, and they managed to endure Lin Youde's curses without fainting from anger.

However, although the four of them resisted and did not faint from anger, Lin Youde's curses really made the four of them uncomfortable.

However, just when the four of them were about to find an opportunity to scold them back, Lin Youde no longer gave them this opportunity.

"Today, I, Lin Youde, represent all the people of the reform and integration of mankind, and I will definitely kill those of you who have committed adultery here, and I will give an account to the people of the world!"

"'Londe Bell', the entire army obeyed the order and went out to attack. Together with me, we will kill these traitors who are unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unjust." "

"This battle is a just battle for the country and the people!"

"Our army will win this battle!"

Under Lin Youde's impassioned scolding and shouting, aircrafts flew out from all over the five battleships and began to assemble in front of the formation.

"Everyone! Follow me to kill the traitors in the country! Let mankind reform and unify a peaceful world!"

"Army attack!"


PS: I wrote it in a hurry. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me!

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