Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1571 War begins!

Lin Youde gave an order, and all the machines of Londe Belfon began to attack with the mixed army of the four major families + the three imperial families + the mercenaries + the demon robots led by Dong Pi.

The fierce long-range attacks came and caused a lot of damage in an instant.

Unlike the mixed garrison in Beijing, where most of the machines are mass-produced, Londe Bell also has mass-produced machines, but the number is not large. The vast majority are black box bodies.

Moreover, this battle is a decisive battle. None of the personnel of Lundebelfont have any secrets, and the BGM field is being launched without any money.

Under the influence of the BGM field, the performance gap between aircraft that originally had some gaps in quality has been further widened.

Even in the mixed garrison in Beijing, there are many people who own the BGM field, but unless it is the exclusive BGM field or the black box BGM field. In the ordinary BGM field, faced with the attack from Londe Bellfond, it could not offset much of the attack.

On the contrary, because the BGM field level was too low, the attacks launched by the mixed garrison in the capital did not have much effect.

The most eye-catching ones are undoubtedly the three Demon Gods, a Geta Dragon and our King Kaiya who rush to the front of the team.

Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Mazinger Z SAGA, Gaitaron, and Shinga King Kaiya were like no one in a deserted place. They withstood the attack of the capital garrison and rushed in. They were completely unstoppable.

Within a few seconds, the mixed garrison in the capital suffered a large number of casualties.

Although there were help from the demon robots and the mixed garrison was large in number, the morale of the mixed garrison in the capital began to decline obviously when they saw that their own troops turned into exploding fireworks and Lundebel suffered no obvious losses.

Gao Qiu, who had never found a chance to speak before, was even more furious.

"Why is the gap so big?"

"Why is Rondebel so strong?"

"This is unscientific!"

Although He Shen was also shocked, he was still able to maintain some sense and looked at Dong Pi.

"Old Dong, Londe Bell's combat effectiveness far exceeds previous estimates."

"Lin Youde hasn't even taken action personally yet, our regular troops here can hardly handle it."

"As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, you must think of a solution quickly, otherwise, you will really be defeated by the opponent."

In response, Dong Pi snorted coldly.

"You don't need to talk about this kind of thing, I can see it."

"What a bunch of trash. Apart from their large numbers, they collapse at the first touch and can't even stop them."

"Come here, send the order. The regular mobile troops should move to the two wings. Let the shadow mirror send out all the metal children and ideal people. The arsonists and the Central Planning Army will also follow. In addition, let the remaining Bagua robots attack and block the opposite ones. momentum."

At Dong Wei's order, the mixed garrison in the capital began to withdraw to both sides, engaging in battle with the Londe Bell side's real forces fighting on the flanks.

The frontal battlefield was handed over to the real elite troops.

The regular troops dispersed, leaving Du Jianlong, Liu Longma and others at the front confused.

But soon, a green tornado suddenly struck from a distance, hitting Mazinger Z, the Great Demonic God, Mazinger Z SAGA, Gaitalong, and Shingai King Kaiya accurately.

This tornado knocked everyone's bodies away on the spot.

At the same time, a BGM also sounded.

[BGM: Yura Emperor-Kawamura Eji]

As this BGM played, the Black Dragon of the End appeared in front of everyone again.

“This is an important place in the capital, so don’t be arrogant!”

As soon as You Luo finished speaking, the six green tornadoes that were shot out before were shattered.

At the same time, the public channel was filled with passionate male voices.

"Demon power!"*2

"Photon Getta Power!"

"The Tower Line is liberated!"


With these six male voices shouting, the six green tornadoes shot out by the Black Dragon of the End were shattered on the spot, allowing Demon Z, the Great Demon, Demon Z SAGA, Geta Dragon, and the True King Kaiya to appear on the front again. battlefield.

Youluo's pupils shrank, her eyes full of solemnity.

"As expected of a super robot that made great achievements in the "True Super Robot Competition", it was hit by the power of the wind and was not seriously damaged? This defensive power is really amazing. "

In Demon God Z, Du Jianlong stared at the Black Dragon of the End: "Is this the Black Dragon of the End that stopped Youde and the others before?"

In the cockpit of Demon God Z SAGA, Kabutoshiro was very enthusiastic: "Yes, big brother, this is the Black Dragon of the End. It is said to be the strongest gossip robot, but it will not be our opponent. My Demon God Z SAGA compares The Black Dragon of the End is stronger, and Demon God Z SAGA was created just to deal with this guy."

After Kabutoshiro finished speaking, the golden light in Demon God Z SAGA's pupils shone fiercely, as if he was about to release golden photon power rays, which was very dazzling.

But the Great Demon God waved his hand and stopped the Demon God Z SAGA. Kang Dingbang reminded: "Don't be careless, Shirou. I can feel the evil spirit on the opponent's body. The opponent can single-handedly block Youde and them, and his strength is definitely not simple."

In the cockpit of the aircraft behind the real Wang Kaiya, primary school student Tian Haihu reminded.

"Shirou, don't be careless in battle. Brother Kai said that Shirou, you and I are obviously incompetent in combat. We need to be careful. Demon God Z. SAGA will definitely not lose to the Black Dragon of the End, but our combat experience is completely incomparable to the other party. Once we are careless, , it’s easy to suffer a loss.”

In the cockpit of the real Wang Kaiya, Wang Kai, who had merged with Galeon, followed and replied.

"But there is no need to be afraid. Now that we are all here, we have become stronger than before. As long as we fight seriously, we will never lose."

"The gap between technology and aircraft performance needs to be filled with courage, that's enough!"

Kabutoshirou was full of fighting spirit: "Okay! Brothers, Mamoru, let us experience the power of the strongest Bagua robot!"

Everyone: "Let's go!"*N


"Demon Flame!"

"Demon Explosive Flame!"

"Photon force covers the tower line!"

"Gate Tower Line·MAX!"

"G's photon ray!"

All of a sudden, various long-range attacks swarmed in.

Youluo felt a lot of pressure, but she didn't flinch.

"Come and fight, let you see how powerful the real gossip robot is."

"Power of Heaven, open!"

The red word "天" flashed in front of the black dragon at the end, and the red word "天" also appeared in the center of the golden orb on its chest.

Then, the Black Dragon of the End aimed its fists at the orb on its chest and hit it hard. A huge force formed a huge ball with the Black Dragon of the End as the center, blocking the attacks of Du Jianlong and others.


Amid the shocked expressions of Du Jianlong and others, Youluo's face tightened.

"The Black Dragon of the End is the most powerful Bagua robot. It cannot be compared to those scraps of metal like you. Please step aside!"

The Black Dragon of the End waved its arms, and the transparent sphere that originally blocked various long-range attacks exploded violently.

That huge impact directly knocked away Demon Z, the Great Demon, Geta Dragon, Demon Z SAGA, and Shinga King Kaiya...


PS: Sorry, I was so busy today that I forgot to publish it on time, so it hung in the background, keeping everyone waiting for a long time.

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