Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1575 Raymond and Windrew

On the battlefield that Alufemi pointed to, the fully armed savior and the fully armed siren were currently staying in mid-air, confronting the power grabbers.

Neither side launched an attack, just as Alfemi said, they had been there for a long time.

Raymond asked Windrew on the regional channel.

"Wendrew, why are you here?"

Wendrew: "Haha, I asked knowingly. Of course I have my own reasons for being here."

"It's you, Raymond, why are you here? Could it be that you have really been completely betrayed?"

"I expected Catalina's betrayal. After all, she is Lin Youde's student. Old relationships are hard to break. It is expected that she will follow Lin Youde again."

"But you don't have any friendship with Lin Youde, right? Why did you betray our motherland and throw yourself into the embrace of human innovation and unity?"

Raymond smiled coldly: "Wendru, you seem to have misunderstood something. My motherland is not the Free Federation. I just temporarily live in the Free Federation in the other world for some reasons."

"My nationality, from beginning to end, has been on the side of human innovation and integration. There is no way to talk about betrayal."

"Besides, if you really want to betray us, you betrayed us first, right?"

"Don't think I don't know about the dirty deals between the free federal government and the powerful."

"The purpose of the Shadow Mirror is to fight against native species and protect humankind as a whole."

"Even if you come to this world, you should fight for all mankind instead of becoming a lackey of the Free Federation."

Wendrew's eyebrows twitched: "Oh~! Is this why you left us?"

"I can't tell, Raymond, you are still an idealist."

"However, ideals are ideals, and ideals must bow to reality after all."

"Lemon, I am very grateful for your contribution to the Shadow Mirror Force, but you have no idea what I have been exposed to."

"You have no idea that I have been fighting for humanity from beginning to end. It's just that I chose to let the Free Federation unify Aquablue Planet."

Raymond shook his head in disappointment: "You still can't see the general trend clearly, Wen Drew."

"In that world, you can't defeat Youde, and in this world, you still can't defeat him."

"Unable to defeat Youde, your ideals and ambitions are destined to not be realized!"

Wen Drew crossed his arms: "I admit that Lin Youde is very strong. He surprises me more than in the other world."

"But he is different from the other side. He is still a human being after all."

"And unlike when I was in that world, I have the power to truly defeat him."

"This time, I will win!"

Raymond frowned: "Defeat the power of virtue? Just with you now?"

Windrew looked like he had a winning chance: "I know you don't believe it. In fact, if I hadn't personally come into contact with "that Lord", I wouldn't believe that there is still a force on this planet that can defeat Lin Youde. "

"But in fact, it exists, and it's here on this earth."

"The idiots of the Human Revolution and Unification simply don't understand what a brilliant and glorious treasure is hidden in this land."

"As long as you master that, Lin Youde now has nothing to fear~!"

"What's more, "that adult" also helped me find a way to truly complete the XN system. "

Raymond raised her eyebrows: "How to master the XN system?"

Windrew smiled and said: "Yes, Raymond, although you have repaired the XN system that allows us to teleport to this world. But even you can't really control its power, right?"

"'That Lord' saw through the essence of the XN system with just one glance, and informed me that this system currently lacks a real core. "

"As long as I master the true core, I can easily control the XN system and travel back and forth between parallel worlds and other dimensions."

"That is the power that can truly change the world. The power of the XN system is far beyond its current use of just teleporting troops over short distances. Traveling between many parallel worlds and many vast dimensions is its real use~! "

"And this, Raymond, you don't know, do you?"

In Wen Drew's arrogant smile, Raymond did not show the shock he expected, but showed a look of contempt.

"If that's all you want to say? Then I can tell you frankly. I already know these things."

"Youde has never even been exposed to the XN system. He just listened to my general introduction and already mastered the true purpose of the XN system."

"As for what you call the real core of the XN system, it is already in the hands of Youde."

"So, I have no idea what you are so proud of. Youde has known about this level of things for a long time."

This time it was Wendrew's turn to look a little frozen.

"This, this is impossible! Lin Youde has never even seen the XN system, how could he know the true purpose of this system."

"Lemon, you are bluffing!"

Raymond sneered and said nothing.

On the contrary, Catalina sighed and said, "Mr. Windrew, Sister Raymond is not bluffing. What she said is true."

"The so-called XN system, the real Chinese translation, is actually the Holy Spirit system. It is a dimensional travel system that can fully operate only with a certain person as the core. Am I right?"

Wen Drew was completely stunned: "You..."

Raymond squinted at Wen Drew: "Old Wen, you think too highly of yourself, and you think too little of Wen De."

“Whether it’s the entirety of the Holy Spirit system or the true identity of “that great man” you’re talking about, You De is clear about it. "

"The reason I didn't deal with you before was just because it wasn't your turn yet, so I let you live a little longer."

"Since you are so eager to jump out and seek death, as former colleagues, we will at least give you a ride personally."

Raymond's contemptuous attitude and Catalina's helpless eyes deeply hurt Wendrew and completely angered Wendrew.

"This is impossible, you are lying to me!"

"It is impossible for Lin Youde to know this, and there is no reason to know this. How could he be as omniscient as "that lord"? He is just a mere mortal, how could he know so much? "

"I don't believe it, you are bluffing!"

The fully armed savior launched all its buoyant cannons, aiming at the power grabber: "Whether this is a bluff, you will know soon."

"But before that, you will die here. After that, we will deal with "that adult" in your mouth. Unfortunately, you may not be able to see this day." "

"Katerina, Ziyun Tongyejun, take action!"

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