Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1576 Should good people be held at gunpoint?

At Raymond's order, Catalina drove the fully armed Siren to attack the power grabber on the spot.

On the ground, Grandit, who was standing motionless below, also launched an attack on the spot.

Three against one, the power grabbers did not back down.

In a rage, Wendrew flew into a rage on the spot.

"You want to kill me? You just aren't qualified!"

The power grabber pulled out his big sword, slashed Grandit away with one strike, and used his clone ability to dodge the beam attack of the fully-armed siren before heading straight towards the fully-armed savior.

"Lemeng, I will kill you first today and let you understand the fate of a betrayer!"

"Oh, just you, I'm afraid it's not enough~! Mental command: Must dodge!"

The special effects of the must-dodge mental command erupted on the fully-armed savior. The fully-armed savior moved sideways in an incredible sequence, miraculously dodging the power-stealing sword's flurry, and was stunned not to be hit at all.


In Wendrew's shocked expression, Raymond flipped his hair from his face, raised his eyebrows and teased.

"No, it's been more than a year. Wen Drew, you haven't learned how to use mental commands yet? You won't be able to learn it for so long, right? No way~ No way!?"

The fully armed savior opened fire on the spot with all his floating cannons and two beam rifles in his hands. After exploding a lot of smoke on the power grabber, he quickly left.

The smoke of the explosion was swept away by the power grabber with a sword, and Windru became furious.

"Lei, Meng!!!"

"Here, sister, I'm right here. If you have the ability, come and chop me down."

After replying lightly, Raymond quickly switched the communication channel and said to Katarina and Ziyun Tongye.

"I'm here to divert this guy's attention. You two will look for an opportunity to destroy the power grabber's propeller, reduce his speed, and then look for an opportunity to kill him."

"The power grabber has metal cells that can repair itself. It is difficult to defeat it in one go. Let's weaken its speed first!"

Catalina: "Understood. Tongye, I don't know why the teacher arranged for you to follow me, but since the teacher arranged it like this, you should study hard."

Ziyun Tongye: "Yes! I won't hold you back, Miss Catalina!"

Catalina: "Very good, let's go!"

Here, a three-on-one battle begins. On the battlefield not far away on the other side, the NT-D system has been activated, but instead of red light erupting from its body, the Unicorn Gundam is covered in green light. At this moment, in the sky , was entangled by several frost giants.

In the cockpit of the Unicorn Gundam, Banagher asked dissatisfiedly.

"Who are you? Why are you pestering me?"

In the cockpit of the Frost Giant, several children who were very similar to the metal children who were shot down before responded in a variety of ways.

"Why? Do you even need to ask? Of course it's because you're driving a Gundam!"

"Those who drive Gundam are our enemies!"

"Your brain quantum waves can also sense our existence, right? Don't think that the new humans are anything special. We metal children are higher-level existences that enhance children, and we are not much worse than you new humans!"

"New humanity! Gundam! Let me fall!"

Banagher was forced to dodge left and right under the numerous beam attacks from the floating cannon-like Magatama of the four Frost Giants, and was in a state of embarrassment.

But faced with this dilemma, Banagher did not back down, but gritted his teeth and refuted firmly with eyes.

"What the hell kind of logic is this?"

"Why do I have to be hostile to you when I pilot a Gundam?"

"Why should I, as a new human being, be targeted by you enhanced children and metal children?"

"Unicorn Gundam and I didn't do anything to feel sorry for you, right? Did we ever hurt you?"

Metal Child: "No, but that doesn't stop us from shooting you down! Your existence is too annoying, New Human!"

A Frost Giant charged at high speed and tried to thrust its beam sword into the cockpit of the Unicorn Gundam. However, it was kicked away by the Unicorn Gundam and then spun rapidly in the air, dodging all attacks.

Banagher's anger was building up: "Since neither Gundam nor I have done anything sorry to you or hurt you, why do you still target us like this?"

"The ones who keep hurting you and taking advantage of you are the ones who turned you into what you are now. Aren't they the researchers? Aren't those your real enemies?"

"You don't go after the troubles that turned you into the researchers you are now. Instead, you point your guns at me and Gundam. What's the point?"

Metal Child: "Hey, because we know that you have never sorry for us or hurt us. You are a good person, so we want to kill you even more!"

Banagher looked shocked: "What do you mean? Just because I am a good person, I should be pointed at a gun by you?"

Metal Child: "Hahahaha, yes! Because you are a good person, because you are easy to bully!"

Another metal child: "Yes, our lifeline is in the hands of those hateful adults. We can't resist them."

Another metal child: "But you are different. You are not our opponent, and you will not hurt us. We can bully you as much as we want."

The last metal child: "Dad said that Gundam and New Humanity are both enemies. As long as we kill you and Gundam, Dad will definitely reward us, and the subsequent experiments will not be so painful. So, New Humanity, Gundam, please go to hell!!!"

Such a twisted statement completely ignited Banagher's anger.

"You, you are simply unreasonable!"

"Why should good people be held at gunpoint?"

"I definitely don't agree with this kind of thing! Unicorn!!!"

Unicorn Gundam's eyes flashed, and the four shields behind it emitted green light and detached from the brackets behind them, flew into the air, and began to aim the beam Gatling gun under the shield at the four Frost Giants. Fire.

Pink beam bullets were continuously shot out, flying towards the four Frost Giants...

The Unicorn Gundam itself also has a beam spear in its left hand and a beam magnum in its right hand, attacking four Frost Giants.

The 1 vs. 4 battle starts in the sky of the battlefield.

Standing on the bridge of the battleship, the heads of the three families in the capital did not look too good-looking.

Gao Qiu: "We can barely hold on, but the opponent has not yet invested in SRX and Dragon Tiger King, and the Pure White Knight and Soul Seat that have been following Lin Youde have not moved either."

He Shen: "Once these super-type machines are put into the battlefield, I'm afraid the battle situation will immediately change. Old Dong, do you have any backup plans?"

Dong Wei: "Of course there is. I leave this to you. It's almost time for me to take action myself."

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