Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1577 Hugo seeks battle, a machine he has never seen before

"Youde, we have gradually gained the advantage on the frontal battlefield."

"The mixed guard force in the capital has begun to retreat steadily under the advancement of our troops."

"The numerical advantage of the demon robots has begun to be eroded after the investment of our black box machines. Now the situation is about to reverse. After a while, when the demon robots are used up, we can defeat the mixed guard force in the capital head-on. .”

Lin Youde sat in the cockpit of the Hi-ν Gundam, his expression unchanged as he listened to Lei Mengmeng's words.

"Don't be careless. If the other party only has this level, then it is naturally for the best. But my intuition tells me that they should not end like this."

"Also, have you seen the Doomsday Cerberus that defeated Cerberus before?"

Lei Mengmeng shook his head: "I haven't seen any trace of the Doomsday Cerberus yet, and I haven't seen the white ape-like AI·1 that Akui mentioned yet."

As soon as Lei Mengmeng finished speaking, Alufemi pointed at the warship in the middle of the sky above the capital and shouted.

"You are virtuous, you are virtuous. It seems like something is coming out. Are those white guys the monkeys that Sister Akui mentioned?"

Lin Youde took a closer look and suddenly discovered that among the battleships in the sky above the capital, a total of 10 huge ape-shaped robots began to fly out of the middle battleship.

The posture and color scheme of these apes completely match the AI·1 in the Cerberus battle record.

After these apes AI·1 fell on the ground, the Doomsday Cerberus that Lin Youde had been waiting for finally appeared in Lin Youde's sight.

The Doomsday Cerberus landed in the middle of the 10 AI·1 units, looking up at Feilong Kai.

Lei Mengmeng geared up: "Have you finally come out? Now you can help Akui and Hugo get revenge."

As she spoke, Lei Mengmeng opened a communication button: "Aoi-chan, the Doomsday Cerberus is out, are you ready?"

Akui's voice sounded in the communicator: "Well, it's rare that you helped repair the Cerberus. Now even if I am alone, I will participate in this battle. I will definitely connect...Eh? Hugo? You Why did you get up from the hospital bed? Go back quickly...ah, what are you doing, go back quickly."

Hugo's weak voice sounded in the communicator: "No, no one knows the captain's strength better than me. If I just let you attack alone, you will be killed. I want to go with you."

Akui: "But... your current situation."

Hugo: "It's okay. I'm very clear about my physical condition. My body has been completely repaired in the repair warehouse. Now it's just because my body has just been repaired that I feel a little top-heavy. I will adapt to it after a while."

"Besides, this is a decisive battle with the captain and your teacher, right? At such a critical time, I can't lie in bed and watch you fight alone."

Listening to the conversation between Hugo and Akui in the communicator, Lei Mengmeng could imagine Hugo trying to board the plane to join the battle despite Akui's obstruction, without even looking at it.

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde, and Lin Youde said calmly without looking back.

"Since Hugo insists, let him go."

Lin Youde's words made Akui anxious: "But, doctor, Hugo is in this state and can't fight at all. If this goes by, I'm afraid he will..."

Before Akui finished speaking, Hugo interrupted forcefully: "Don't underestimate me, Akui. I'm a man after all, and I won't fall down so easily."

After saying that, a visual communication popped up in Lin Youde's cockpit. Lin Youde saw Hugo who was wearing uniform, his face was a little pale, but his eyes were quite firm.

"Doctor, please let me come up."

Akui, wearing a hot driving suit that looked like a swimsuit, kept shaking her head behind Hugo, her eyes filled with tears, and she looked pitiful.

Lin Youde saw all this, was silent for a moment, and replied.

"Hugo, I believe that through the previous battles, you should be able to understand that with the current you, Agui, and Cerberus, it is impossible to defeat the Doomsday Cerberus and Albero."

Hugo had a sullen face and nodded heavily: "Yes, I understand this very well. However, I must ask the captain for an explanation."

"Also, I have to settle the score with them about the fact that Akui and I were almost killed before."

"Forget it if it's just me. After all, I owed the captain countless lives before. If he wants my life, I don't care. But he wants to kill Aoi too, and I can't bear it."

"I want to defeat him personally. Even if we don't have enough strength now, we are not fighting alone now. Even if we rely on everyone's strength, I will settle the accounts with the captain!"

Looking at Akui's suddenly blushing face behind Hugo and Hugo's firm eyes, Lin Youde smiled.

"Now that you've mentioned this, I think your partner won't refuse you to go with us anymore."

"And the grudges between you and Albero, Aoi and that Eludi Minter should really be settled by yourselves. It would be better."

In Hugo's surprised expression, Lin Youde suddenly changed the subject: "But the current war situation is still quite anxious, and there is no way for us to provide you with any decent help for the time being."

"So, if you want to settle the score with Albero's Doomsday Cerberus, you need to work hard on your own. You must discover the true power of the Cerberus to have a chance of winning."

Hugo was stunned: "The true power of Cerberus?"

Akui reacted quickly, with a look of astonishment on her face: "Doctor, could it be said that hell dogs also..."

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, if what I expected is correct, Cerberus should also be a machine that can "evolve". "

"The current Cerberus cannot defeat the Doomsday Cerberus, but if you can inspire the evolved form of the Cerberus, then the battle situation will not be certain."

Hugo was in high spirits: "I understand, Akui and I will work hard. Thank you very much, Dr. Lin Youde!"

Lin Youde nodded with a smile: "Well, go ahead, I will ask SRX to help clean up those AI·1."

After Hugo and Akui thanked them again, they closed the communication. Under Lin Liuli's broadcast, the Cerberus attacked from Feilong Kai.

Looking at the Cerberus flying out and the SRX that followed Lin Youde's signal to help, Lin Youde didn't pay too much attention.

Because, most of Lin Youde's attention is now attracted by a machine that also flew out from the middle battleship over the capital.

Lin Youde looked at the sky above the capital. Standing in the sky, he saw the huge machine with phoenix wings and a purple gold crown, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, 40 meters tall, and painted in only three colors of red and black. His eyelids jumped wildly when he saw it.

‘Why does this look so much like Lu Bu? In the world of machine combat, is there such a Lu Bu-shaped machine body? Why don't I remember? ’


PS: All data and attributes of the original enemy campaign are set and written by the author himself. The setting and combat effectiveness will be in line with the world view and plot development.

As for why it has such a shape and body, the author can only say that he found it through a random search on Baidu and found it very handsome, so he used it.


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