Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1684 Come out, Gundam!

Carod looked at Lin Youde and was amazed: "Oh my god, homeless uncle, you are too strong, aren't you?"

Hasavi's eyes flickered: "Is this... martial arts!?"

Shakia looked surprised: "This skill... is it a martial artist?"

"Although I have heard of powerful martial artists who can fight some backward old-fashioned land-based MS with their physical bodies."

"But this is the first time I have seen a martial artist who can defeat Shura Cat with his physical body alone."

Compared to the calm reactions of Hasavi and Shakia, the Shuras were much more confused.

"A high-risk individual was found!"

"It's a martial artist among the earthlings!"

"Report to the military advisor and the general immediately!"

"Stupid, you are reporting to the captain now, do you want to make the captain angry?"

"This... Then I will report to the captain, don't let this guy run away."

"Go ahead, let's catch him and get credit from the captain!"


In an instant, all the Shuras changed their targets and rushed towards Lin Youde.

Lin Youde, who was suddenly surrounded, twitched his cheek.

"My god... I just blew up one of your machines, is that necessary?"

"From what you said, it's not like I haven't seen martial artists before, do you really want to compete with me like this?"

Although he was complaining, Lin Youde didn't stop his movements.

His legs were running on the ground, dodging the various beams of the Shuras, and when some Shuras rushed up to try to make progress, he punched and kicked Shuras one by one.

In less than half a minute, Lin Youde solved 3 Shuras and one Shuras.

As for the Shuras flying in the sky and the Shuras that looked very tough, Lin Youde didn't go to fight them.

There was no way, because he didn't have much energy in his body, so he couldn't waste it casually.

In fact, just to support his body to run fast and break the machines of these Shuras, Lin Youde's energy was rapidly consumed.

Originally, only one-third of his internal strength was left, and now only one-quarter is left.

After a while, it will probably be used up, and this is the case when Lin Youde is saving and not using any tricks.

However, Shuras, Hathaway and others don't know Lin Youde's situation.

The people of the Earth Federation watched Lin Youde perform bare-handed disassembly, and their entire worldview was shocked.

However, as the person involved, Lin Youde couldn't say anything.

Feeling the energy constantly consumed in his body, and the Gundams and Earth Federation troops who were watching the show and had no intention of helping, Lin Youde was very angry.

"Hey, can you guys over there stop watching the show? Come and help."

"We are all Earthlings, can't we help a hand?"

In response, several people reacted differently.

Carlod looked at the Cosi Gundam above his head: "Uncle, I am also being rescued here, and I really can't help you."

Hathaway was silent and didn't speak.

Xia Qiya raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and chuckled: "We are earthlings, but whether you are or not is not certain."

"After all, among us earthlings, there is no fighter as fierce as you."

"And I think you are doing it with ease, aren't you?"

"In my opinion, you can handle it without our help."

"In that case, why should we do anything?"

Hearing this, Lin Youde became even more angry.

Originally, because Bai He was worried to death and didn't turn off the retreat furnace, he was blown to such an unknown place and couldn't find his wife and children. Lin Youde, who was full of anger, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Damn it, you are watching the show, right? Suspect me, right?"

"Do you really think I don't know what you are up to?"

"Aren't you just planning to catch me when I run out of energy? Do you really think I don't know?"

Faced with Lin Youde's questioning, Xia Qiya replied with a smile.

"Oh my, I guessed it."

"Yes, that's what I thought."

"Hobo, you should be a fighter who has been practicing hard in the mountains and forests, right?"

"The world outside has changed now, and it is no longer the world you knew before."

"How about joining our Earth Federation? If you are willing, I can help you deal with these Shuras."

Lin Youde sneered at Shakia's recruitment.

"Who cares? They are just some garbage. Although it takes time, it is not difficult to deal with them."

"If I had a Gundam, these guys would simply..."


The slight ground vibration appeared again.

The repeated abnormal vibrations made Lin Youde, who was confused, suddenly have a wonderful idea in his mind.

Shakia did not notice these, but his face changed: "Gundam? Can you drive a Gundam?"

Hathaway also controlled the Cosi Gundam and took the Gundam X to move slightly to the side while watching Lin Youde.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Youde grabbed the tongue of a Shura lizard that was spitting out its tongue, pulled it hard and swung it in the air, knocking away another Shura cat that was about to launch a sneak attack, and then jumped to an open space a hundred meters away.

"Life or death, let's take a gamble!"

Looking at the Gundam and the Earth Federation Army watching the show in the sky, and the Shuras who gathered and rushed over again, Lin Youde frowned, pointed his finger at the Shuras in front of him, and said.

"You forced me to do this!"

As he spoke, Lin Youde began to retract his index finger and raised his middle finger and thumb.

"Come out, Gunda~~~m (Gundam)!!!!"


With Lin Youde's loud shout and a loud snap of his fingers, the entire earth began to shake.


The violent ground shaking puzzled Shakia and the Earth Federation Army, who were confused.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, head, the ground began to shake for no reason."

Hasavi's pupils shook violently, and his eyes stared at Lin Youde.

And Carlod had a lot of question marks on his forehead and a confused expression on his face.

Then, under everyone's puzzled gaze, the ruined garden behind Lin Youde exploded.

Sand and rocks flew all over the sky, and kept scattering towards the open space outside the garden...

But no one is paying attention to these now.

Everyone's eyes are focused on a huge oval capsule behind Lin Youde.

As everyone watched, the huge oval capsule cracked in the middle with a click, and then pulled apart to reveal a Gundam with a yellow V-shaped antenna head and white, red and blue colors.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the Gundam.

Carlod's eyes widened, and he lay on the screen with shock on his face: "What the hell? There is a Gundam here?"

Shakia's pupils shrank, and his eyes were full of shock: "This machine, could it be..."

Hathaway whispered with shock and confusion in his eyes: "Flash... Gundam..."

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