Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1685: Leave no one behind, Shining Gundam, attack!

Hathaway, Carrod, Shakia and a group of people from the Earth Federation were all shocked by the sudden appearance of the Gundam.

Even the group of Shuras were confused by the sudden appearance of the Gundam.

But Lin Youde didn't care about that.

Lin Youde turned around and saw the brand new Shining Gundam emerging from the capsule, and thought to himself, as expected.

The ground shook when he accidentally mentioned the Gundam several times before.

Once was still a coincidence, twice was still an accident, but three times was more or less obvious.

In order to verify his guess, Lin Youde imitated the male protagonist Domon in "Mobile Suit Gundam G Fighting" and summoned with a snap of his fingers.

Unexpectedly, he actually summoned the Shining Gundam.

Even Lin Youde was somewhat surprised by this development.

But Lin Youde had seen all kinds of big scenes.

Why the Shining Gundam appeared here and could be summoned, everything was unclear for the time being.

But there was one thing that Lin Youde knew.

"The opportunity has finally come!"

Under Lin Youde's gaze, the cockpit of the Shining Gundam slowly opened.

Lin Youde jumped from the spot, jumped up directly, and entered the cockpit of the Shining Gundam in one step.

The cockpit of the Shining Gundam that had just been opened was immediately closed after Lin Youde entered.

As soon as Lin Youde entered the cockpit, he saw a black light curtain above his head covering him from top to bottom.

Lin Youde was a little confused about what was going on, but his intuition told him that there was no danger, so he did not resist.

Then, the black light curtain moved down from top to bottom on Lin Youde's body, and a layer of black rubber suit was covered on Lin Youde's body.

At the same time, all the screens in the cockpit of the Shining Gundam lit up.

Looking at the rubber suit on his body and the full-circle cockpit, Lin Youde subconsciously clenched his fist.

Soon, the Shining Gundam also made the same move, raised his right hand, and clenched his fist.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde immediately understood that the rubber suit on his body was the special driving suit for the fighter pilots in G Fighting Legend.

This set of driving suits, combined with a special operating system, can perfectly feedback the fighter's movements to the body, so as to fight.

And now, a real fighter has boarded the Shining Gundam. Needless to say, what will happen.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Shining Gundam took a fighting stance, and at the same time, Lin Youde's voice came from the external speaker.

"You bastards, are you ready? The hunt has begun!"

"Today, none of you can leave!"

"Shining Gundam, let's go!"

The Shining Gundam's eyes flashed, and with a loud bang of the ground breaking, the Shining Gundam rushed towards a Shura Cat with a strong wind.


The Shining Gundam rushed to the front of the Shura Cat and pressed a palm on its chest.

With a bang, the Shura Cat was knocked away on the spot. After knocking away several Shura Cats and Shura Mouse in succession and being knocked away for hundreds of meters, the Shura Cat finally couldn't bear the burden and fell apart on the spot, turning into a group of gorgeous fireworks.


Against the backdrop of red fireworks, the Shining Gundam standing on the ground, maintaining a palm-strike posture, made Shakia and the Earth Federation Army's scalps numb.

Shakia was shocked: "It's really the Shining Gundam? And this homeless man can actually activate the Shining Gundam?"

"What a joke!? Is this your trick, Hathaway!?"

Hathaway, whose eyes were also full of shock, heard Shakia's questioning, and before he could reply, he saw that the Shuras not only did not retreat, but rushed towards the Shining Gundam even more frantically.

A group of beams, bullets, and black ball bombs shot at the Shining Gundam, but the Shining Gundam did not dodge these attacks.

"Before, I didn't have a body, so I needed to dodge. Now that I have the Shining Gundam, do you think this kind of attack will work on me?"

Lin Youde shouted loudly, and the Shining Gundam's hands turned into swords and flew quickly.

"Sword cut!"

Everyone only felt that the Shining Gundam's hands turned into many afterimages waving in front of him, and beams and bullets hit it and were bounced off on the spot.

One beam after another was cut in two and flew away alone.

The physical bullets and black ball bombs were directly and accurately bounced back, hitting the Shura machines that rushed over, and blasted out craters.

Many Shura machines were severely damaged and exploded on the spot in this series of rebounds.

Almost in the blink of an eye, only 5 or 6 of the more than 20 Shura machines were still standing.

Such a scene made Hasawi's eyes like copper bells, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Even Shakia, who was originally planning to wait for Hasawi's answer, was stunned.

"What a joke!? You bounced the beams and bullets back with your hands? What kind of trick is this?"

Compared with Shakia's confusion, Carlod, who was a complete novice, was much more excited.

"Amazing! Uncle, it's really amazing. Is this the real peerless master that was circulated before!?"

In sharp contrast to the intact Gundams and the Earth Federation Army, there are only 5 or 6 left, but all of them are covered with dents in the armor.

At this moment, facing the Shining Gundam that showed amazing skills, the few remaining Shuras panicked.

"Yes, it's the Mecha Fist! Among the people on earth, there are also guys who know the Mecha Fist!"

"This is no longer something we can deal with. Quickly, inform the captain that there are Earthlings here who master the Mecha-Shen Fist."

"Quickly retreat!"

With chaotic shouts, the remaining Shura machines immediately turned around and tried to escape.

Facing these Shuras who wanted to escape, Lin Youde did not let them go.

"Come when you want, leave when you want. What do you think this place is? Is it your home?"

"Since you're here, please leave them all for me."

Flash Gundam once again made preparations to attack, but had no intention of moving its feet. Instead, it put its right fist into its waist and made a movement to charge up power.

Then, in front of everyone's gaze, as soon as several Shura machines took off, the Shining Gundam's right fist swung forward, creating fist shadows all over the sky.

"Flash Hundred Fissure Fist!"

Fist shadows filled the sky tumbling in front of the Flash Gundam, and fists that looked like real fists were shot out.

The dense fist wind rushed forward, punching large holes in the remaining Shura machines on the spot, completely penetrating the machines, causing the machines to instantly shatter.

"Team, captain..."

Amid the horrified shouts of the Shura people, the last few Shura machines also exploded on the spot, turning into brilliant fireworks...

Looking at the Flash Gundam standing in front of the explosion flames, which finally stopped and slowly retracted its fist, Shakiya felt cold sweat dripping from her forehead.

"What kind of monster is this...?"

"Is that really something a Gundam can do?"

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