Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1686 Reinforcements? Red Asura God Ida Porth

Chapter 1686 Reinforcements? Red Shura God Idabosi

Compared to Shakiya's cold sweat, the situation on Carod and Hathaway's side was obviously much better.

Carlo Rod is not afraid of those who don't know, and he shouted excitedly.

"Awesome! So handsome! Uncle, are you the legendary master?"

"I was able to dismantle the Gundam with my bare hands without opening the Gundam. I opened the body and even waved my hand to destroy those interdimensional invaders."

"Uncle, who are you? Why have I never heard of a peerless master like you before?"

Unlike Karod's yelling, Hathaway has obviously seen a lot of big scenes and his expression is much calmer.

Although his eyes were still full of shock, Hathaway's eyes showed more helplessness and powerlessness.

"Is this... the real fighting method of Flash Gundam? Mom..."

The Flash Gundam slowly turned around and looked at the several Gundams and Earth Federation Forces that had been watching the show.

Lin Youde didn't have any favorable impressions of these guys who had been watching theater before.

After all, Xia Kiya himself had just admitted that he wanted to capture Lin Youde and go back to study.

Therefore, Lin Youde didn't want to pay attention to these guys at all. The reason for not taking action directly was due to rational restraint as he was not familiar with the current situation and did not want to easily offend the local forces.

But it was Carrod who asked the question before.

Lin Youde still had some fond feelings for this kind-hearted child who would subconsciously protect himself even when he was being hunted and could not protect himself.

Therefore, Lin Youde answered Carrod's words.

"What a good boy, you really have a good eye."

"If you weren't not suitable for martial arts training, I would have accepted you as my disciple. You have such a sweet mouth."

Lin Youde's words made Carlod both excited and disappointed.

"Eh? Why? I'm still young and can practice martial arts!"

"Uncle, can you teach me a lesson? I also want to be as good as you."

Before Lin Youde had time to answer, he suddenly turned his head in sync with the Flash Gundam and looked in the direction of the previous Shura explosion.

There, the flames of the explosion suddenly became distorted.

In the flames, a strange device that looked like a disk at the top and a blade at the bottom appeared out of thin air.

As soon as this strange device about 20 meters in size appeared, there were three of them.

Moreover, the pink light on the three topmost disks is still flashing rapidly, as if there is some kind of resonance.

Seeing this scene, a certain section of Lin Youde's memory was touched, causing Lin Youde to whisper involuntarily.

"Is it coming?"

Carlo Rod didn't know why: "Is it coming? What is coming?"

Hathaway knew better, his eyelids twitched, and he quickly reminded him.

"Be careful! That's the Shuras' teleportation device, the Divine Sword."

"Not only do these gadgets possess certain combat capabilities, but once three of them appear at the same time, they can perform space teleportation."

When Carlo Rod heard this, he immediately realized: "So that's it, that means there are reinforcements coming from the Shura people, right?"

The shocked look on Shakiya's face gradually faded, and she looked at the three divine swords with some curiosity and added.

"It's more than that, little one. You know less, so you don't know."

"This kind of divine sword transmission device is not something ordinary Shuras can afford."

Carloder perked up and came to his senses: "That is to say..."

Shakiya sneered and said: "Yes, once three divine swords appear at the same time, it means that the senior generals of the Shuras are about to appear."

"Look, the real ruthless character of Shura is coming."

As Carlod watched, the flashing light of the three divine swords became brighter and brighter, and the space between them was completely distorted.

Soon, a large group of machines slowly appeared in the twisted space.

Among them, the most conspicuous one is undoubtedly the one standing at the front. The strange machine is about 25 meters tall, has two huge white ponytails on the back of its head, and is wearing red armor. Standing in the twisted space, it looks particularly strange. conspicuous.

Looking at this machine, Lin Youde's eyelids twitched.


Carlod was confused: "Idaboth? What is that?"

Hathaway did not answer, but looked at the Flash Gundam in confusion.

Shakiya's face darkened: "It's actually Red Shura?"

Carlod asked again in confusion: "Red Shura?"

However, before Karod could get a reply, the spatial distortion completely disappeared. Red Shura Idabosi led nearly thirty various Shura soldiers out of the teleportation area and came to the Flash Gundam.

"Is that you? The mysterious person on Earth who has mastered the Mecha-Shen Fist."

Listening to the sound from Idabosi's external speaker, Lin Youde was a little confused.

‘What’s going on with these people? Why do everyone like to talk on the loudspeaker? Do you have any special hobbies? ’

Since he didn't know how to switch channels internally in the Flash Gundam, Lin Youde could only make do with the external speakers that had been turned on and replied.

"The Mecha Fist? Ha, I don't know how to do that kind of thing."

"And instead of asking someone else, shouldn't you introduce yourself?"

"Or are you, asuras, just barbarians who don't understand etiquette?"

The red-haired young man in Red Shura Idabosi was confused for a moment.

"Etiquette? Barbarian?"

"Forget it, since you defeated my subordinates alone, it proves that you are a strong man."

"As a strong man, you have the right to know my name."

"My name is Fulka Albak, a senior warrior of the Shura clan. This machine is used to bombard the Shura God. It is called Idabos. Earthling, tell me your name."

Fulka's answer surprised Hathaway, Carlod, Shakia and others.

Carod: "Oh my god, it's really called this name? Is the uncle a prophet?"

Shakia's face was gloomy: "I think he knew it in advance? Who are you, a homeless man?"

Hathaway didn't say anything, but just stared at the Shining Gundam.

And under the gaze of everyone, Lin Youde didn't have any psychological burden and replied very frankly.

"I'm just a wanderer that can be found everywhere."

"But since you asked sincerely, I will be merciful and tell you."

"To prevent the world from being destroyed and to maintain world peace."

"In order to implement true justice, the handsome and cool wanderer, Shining Gundam pilot Lin Youde, makes his grand debut~!"

When Lin Youde said this, Furka was confused, as if he didn't understand what Lin Youde meant.

But the other three people reacted greatly.

Carlod opened his mouth wide: "Huh!? Uncle, you are going too far? You actually use the name of a great hero as your own name? This is too shameless."

Shakia looked at Cosi Gundam with a strange look: "Hathavi, he said his name is Lin Youde."

Hathavi: "..."

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