Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1687 Shining Gundam VS Ida Porth

The words of Carlod and others surprised Lin Youde.

‘What’s going on? There is also someone called Lin Youde in this world? Or a great hero? Could it be that this world is…’

Before Lin Youde could finish his thoughts, Fulka in Idaboshi replied.

“Flashing Gundam? Lin Youde?”

“I see, strong man, show your dominance to the fullest.”

“Otherwise, you will not be able to leave here today!”

Idaboshi waved his hand, and all the Shuras scattered around, forming a huge circle to prevent others from escaping.

And Idaboshi also began to walk leisurely towards the Flashing Gundam.

Seeing someone pretending to be cool in front of him, Lin Youde couldn’t stand it.

“That’s a good word, I will return it in full.”

“Fulka, you’d better use all your strength, otherwise, you won’t be able to go back to see the Shura King today.”

Fulka’s pupils shrank, and Idaboshi’s footsteps paused.

"You know the king?"

Hasavi, Carlod, Shakia and others who dared not act rashly were also shocked.

But before the three of them could react, Lin Youde snorted coldly: "Humph, he is just a stray dog ​​who can only destroy but not develop. As a result, he destroyed his original world and had to wander around. What do you not know?"

Lin Youde's words shocked everyone. Because what Lin Youde said was obviously unknown to them.

But before Hasavi and others could react, Furka got angry first.

"Dare to insult our king? Strong man, you have successfully angered me."

The Shining Gundam waved at Idabos.

"Are you angry? Then come on?"

"Let me learn how powerful the so-called Mecha Fist is."

Faced with Lin Youde's repeated provocations, Furka's Qi-cultivation skills were not up to par after all, and he couldn't hold back.


With a low shout, the ground under Idapos's feet shattered on the spot. Idapos turned into a red light and rushed behind the Shining Gundam. With his back to the Shining Gundam, he punched it.

However, this seemingly domineering fighting style did not work at all.

At the moment when Idapos swung his fist, the Shining Gundam also punched back without looking back and hit Idapos's fist.


A fierce hurricane broke out from both fists.

Lin Youde: "Is it only this extent?"

Folka's pupils shrank, and a raging fighting spirit ignited in his eyes. Idapos's single leg instantly turned into countless afterimages and kicked at the Shining Gundam.

Unexpectedly, the Shining Gundam followed suit and turned slightly, and its single leg turned into countless afterimages, completely blocking it.

Amidst a series of crackling clashes, Shining Gundam suddenly pulled back its legs, and with a slight backward kick, it directly kicked Idaboth's legs, who suddenly pulled back one leg and stood in front of him in a defensive posture, and kicked him backwards for more than 20 meters before stopping.

The first clash between Shining Gundam and Idaboth ended with Shining Gundam's advantage, which everyone could see.

This result shocked Hasawi, Karod, and Shakia.

Especially Shakia, who recalled what he had said to Lin Youde before, and his clothes behind him were soaked with cold sweat.

Hathaway exclaimed: "Amazing! So the Shining Gundam can move so fast? It can actually block the Shura God by itself, which requires several super robots to block. Is this the real combat power of the Shining Gundam?"

Carrod's eyes were full of stars: "Amazing, so handsome, uncle is so awesome..."

Shakia was still stubborn: "Don't be silly, Hathaway. The strength of the Shura God is not that high. If the Shura God only has this level of combat power, the Earth Federation Army would not be defeated."

Hathaway glanced at Shakia and did not reply.

On the contrary, Lin Youde, the person at the scene, spoke up himself.

"Furka, is the warm-up over?"

"It's about time to get serious, right?"

Lin Youde's words made Hathaway and Carrod immediately understand that what Shakia said before was true.

The battle that dazzled them just now was not even a real battle, but just a warm-up.

In response, Idabos put down his raised leg, placed his hands in front of him, and made a strange fighting start.

Fulka: "Your Excellency, have you really never learned the Mecha-God Fist?"

Lin Youde replied disdainfully: "Mecha-God Fist? I don't bother to learn that kind of fierce fist that only knows how to destroy."

"My fighting technique is the standard Dongfang Bubai style. Don't compare my fighting technique with the Mecha-God Fist of your Shura clan."

"Otherwise, if the master knew, he would probably be pissed off by you."

Lin Youde's words full of disdain and contempt made Fulka, who had been learning the Mecha-God Fist since childhood, unbearable.

"Arrogant earthling, let me experience the high moves of your so-called Dongfang Bubai style fighting technique."

Idabos stepped on the ground with one leg, and the ground shattered on the spot. Idabos turned into a red gust of wind and rushed towards the Shining Gundam, swinging a heavy punch.

But the Shining Gundam dodged this heavy punch with a light side step. The next moment, Idabos stopped, turned around, and punched.

Furka: "Mechanical God Shura Fist!"

Idabos's hands flew, and fist shadows were thrown all over the sky.

And the Shining Gundam also stood in place, with his hands flying quickly.

Lin Youde: "Shining Hundred Fission Fist!"

Instantly, countless fist shadows appeared in front of the two machines, and the roar like thunder exploded wildly in everyone's ears.

Seeing that all his attacks were blocked, Furka's face turned fierce, and his hands began to speed up.

"Good skills, what if I speed up, oh la oh la oh la..."

Idabosi's hands speeded up again, making the countless fist shadows in front of him become like substance, making people mistakenly think that Idabosi had grown countless hands, which was very scary.

And Lin Youde's response was...

"Furka, are you Shura people a black-hearted nation? The speed is so slow, have you not eaten? Hurry up!"

Seeing that Lin Youde not only blocked his attack, but also dared to shout, Furka increased his speed to the fastest.


"Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da... At this level, is it worthy of being called a mechanical god fist? Don't laugh at me!"

The Shining Gundam not only accurately blocked all attacks, but its speed was getting faster and faster, which in turn suppressed Idabosi.

Seeing that he couldn't beat the opponent even at his fastest speed, Furka didn't fight hard, but took the initiative to retreat, drawing a circle with his hands in front of him, and the blue light on his palms shone.

"Don't be so arrogant, Earthling!"

"Let me show you the true power of the Mecha Fist, the Mecha Double Dragon Fist!"

Idaboth waved his hands, and two blue dragons flew out on the spot, flying towards the Shining Gundam...


PS: There will be more later.

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