Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1688 (Updated) Domineering explosion! Mecha God smashes the mountain!

PS: Thanks to "Balumongke of the Heaven" for donating 10,000 starting coins a long time ago, and I'm adding another chapter.

—The following is the main text—

When Idabos's double dragon fist was thrown, Carlod's jaw dropped immediately.

"Are you kidding me? Using fists to attack energy? This is boxing?"

Shakia replied with his eyes fixed on her: "Yes, this is the horror of Shura God."

"Obviously, he doesn't have any external weapons, and can only fight with his body, but he can launch a terrifying external energy attack."

"Coupled with that extremely terrifying speed, combined with this strange trick of external energy, Shura God can be said to be one against a thousand when facing ordinary conventional robots, and he can't fight at all."

"This battle was destined to be lost by the homeless man pretending to be Lin Youde from the beginning. I'm going to withdraw here. There's no need to die for the mission. Hathaway, are you sure you don't want to leave?"

Hathaway ignored Shakia who was about to run away, and stared at the Shining Gundam.

Under Hathaway's gaze, Shining Gundam faced the two blue dragons flying over, and just waved his hands. Just when the energy blue dragons were about to hit him, he clasped his hands and grabbed the two energy blue dragons steadily in his palms.

Such a scene not only made Carlod stunned, but also made Shakia and Hathaway's pupils tremble.

Furka showed an unbelievable expression: "What!?"

Shining Gundam grabbed the two energy blue dragons, waved his hands, rubbed them together, and fused the two energy blue dragons together on the spot, turning them into a blue ball of light.

"Not bad, you can actually release energy and turn into a dragon. You have really practiced the Mecha Fist to a certain level."

"It's a pity that you want to use this childish trick to deal with me? That's far from enough."

Shining Gundam's hands burst into green light, and the blue energy ball in his hands gradually changed color from blue to gold.

"Folka, watch out, this is how you use the Dragon Fist!"

"Flashing Dragon Return Fist!"

The Flashing Gundam pushed forward with both hands, and a golden dragon surged out and flew towards Idapos.


Facing the golden dragon flying towards him, Folka's warrior instinct told him that he couldn't take this move head-on.

After all, he didn't have the ability of Lin Youde to catch the energy attack fired by others.

So Folka controlled Idapos to retreat quickly, his hands glowed blue again, and he fired another Mecha God Double Dragon Fist.

Two blue dragons flew out, one on the left and one on the right, wrapping around the golden dragon, trying to bite it off, but they couldn't do it at all, and were carried by the golden dragon to Idapos.

Idapos jumped into the air and fired four blue dragons at the golden dragon again, which completely detonated the golden dragon.


A huge explosion broke out on the grassland.

The fierce wind washed away the machines and worldviews of Hasavi, Carlodo, Shakia and others.

At this moment, looking at the battlefield with huge explosion smoke, the three of them were shocked by the battle beyond their cognition and were speechless.

Only Carlodo took a long time to utter a sentence.

"Is this what you said... Uncle will lose? A lackey of the Federation, how did you become a federal officer with such vision? You are not a relative, right?"

Facing Carlodo's ridicule, Shakia came back to his senses from the shock and his face flushed on the spot.

However, before Shakia could speak, the explosion smoke was dispersed by a gust of wind, and Shakia's eyes were attracted by the two machines emerging from the explosion smoke again.

After the explosion smoke was dispersed, Idabos and Shining Gundam appeared in everyone's eyes again.

Both machines were unscathed, but Idabos was closest to the explosion, and there was some dust on his body, which looked a little dusty.

Instead, Shining Gundam stood still, looking at Idabos from afar, and hooked his finger provocatively.

"What else can you do?"

Faced with Lin Youde's repeated provocations, Furka took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Earthling, I have to admit that you are very strong."

"If I don't go all out, I'm afraid I'm really not your opponent."

"For the glory of the Shura clan, I must defeat you here."

Furka shouted loudly as Lin Youde raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Let me show you my domineering power, drink it!!!"

Amid Furka's shouting, blue flames burst out from Idabos.

Idabos, wrapped in the blue flames, burst out with a suffocating sense of oppression.

Just watching from a distance, Carlod could feel the huge pressure, and his hands and feet became stiff.

Shakia's pupils shrank: "This is..."

Before he finished speaking, Furka shouted loudly.

"Go! Ha!"

Idaboth rushed towards the Shining Gundam with a blue aura at a much faster speed than before.

However, before Idaboth could reach the Shining Gundam, the blue aura that burst out from its body rushed towards the Shining Gundam first, knocking the Shining Gundam back on the spot.

After the Shining Gundam was knocked up, Idaboth rushed up, his fists were not fast, but they broke through the air with a huge sonic boom and hit the Shining Gundam.

Lin Youde frowned and controlled the Shining Gundam to defend.

Using the power of transformation, Shining Gundam reached out and grabbed Idabos's arm, gently pulled it to the side, and instantly a huge pit appeared on the grass beside him.

The next moment, Idabos swung another fist with great force, and Shining Gundam waved his hand again to remove it.

In the blink of an eye, Idabos threw dozens of punches, all of which were resolved by Shining Gundam. He seized the opportunity, raised his right leg, and kicked Shining Gundam's leg hard, kicking Shining Gundam into the sky on the spot.

Seeing Shining Gundam being kicked away, Carlo couldn't help but exclaimed.


As soon as Carlo finished speaking, Idabos soared into the sky with a huge ground explosion and flew towards Shining Gundam in the air.

"Mechanical God·Mountain Crusher!"

Idabos turned into a half light and passed through Shining Gundam.

The next moment, a huge explosion exploded from Shining Gundam, and a group of dazzling fireworks exploded in the sky on the spot.


Idaboth stood on the grass with the blue flame on his body, his back facing the explosion, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

"You have seen it, this is the essence of the Mecha Fist!"

As Furka spoke, a machine fell down in the smoke of the explosion.

Carrod and others looked closely and found that it was the Shining Gundam.

At this moment, the Shining Gundam was covered with smoke and looked a little embarrassed.

But Hathaway and Shakia were very surprised.

Hathaway: "What!?"

Shakia: "There is no obvious damage!?"

The words of the two made Idaboth turn around on the spot, and Furka also showed a surprised expression.

"How is it possible..."


The Shining Gundam fell to the ground, slowly stood up, and began to clap his hands.

Lin Youde: "Awesome, this blow really scared me. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I might have been defeated by you..."


PS: I will try to finish writing today.

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